If you are a former associate, please continue through the options below. If you are a current associate, please select the appropriate tab.
These matters are best addressed by speaking with your manager, next-level manager or People Lead, better allowing open communication about associates’ ideas, suggestions and concerns.
Step 1:Contact your immediate supervisor, up to and including your facility manager or People Lead.
Step 2:Contact the next level in leadership up to and including market, regional and divisional teams.
Step 3 (U.S. Only):Call the Open-Door Helpline at 1-800 361-0781.
*If you feel you have: 1) experienced discrimination or harassment due to age, disability, gender, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected class; or 2) been retaliated against for reporting a concern in good faith, continue to the “I have a concern related to the Code of Conduct question”.
At Walmart, we offer many benefits and resources to our associates that you rely on every day. We understand that throughout the year you may become eligible to enroll for the first time or have a life change requiring you to make changes to your benefits selection.
In-depth information about your benefits options can be found on one.walmart.com/benefits. For immediate general questions, you can contact Walmart People Services at 1-800-421-1362 Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. CT.
Former associates, who apply for employment and are eligible for rehire, must go through the same competitive selection process as all other external applicants. Please contact your store or facility for more information.
Questions and inquiries about your W-2, including concerns about having not received your W-2 or notifications of address changes, may be addressed by visiting mytaxform.com using Company Code 10108 or by contacting W-2 Express at 1-877-325-9239.
If you would like to report an ethics concern related to the Code of Conduct, please continue by clicking below.
If you become aware of an incident or threat of violent conduct, you should immediately report it to a salaried member of management.
If there is an immediate danger you should report the incident or threat to the police and notify your supervisor or another manager as soon as possible.
If there is not an immediate danger, you may report the incident or threat to any salaried member of management, or, to remain anonymous, contact the Global Ethics Office at 1-800-WMETHIC (1-800-963-8442).