Contact Lenses From Walmart Contacts (2024)

  • Where can I find shipping information?

    Our shipping page has all of the answers about rates, estimated delivery times and other shipping policies.

  • How can I upgrade to faster shipping?

    Contact us as soon as possible and we'll let you know if we're able to upgrade your shipping.

  • Do I need a prescription from my eye doctor to buy contacts from Walmart

    In a word, yes. We can contact your eye doctor to verify your prescription or you can email or fax a copy. Whatever's easier. But, keep in mind that a physical copy of the prescription speeds up processing.

  • Will you verify my prescription with my eye doctor?

    If you don't provide a physical copy of the prescription via email or fax, we will verify the prescription with your eye doctor.

  • My lens ripped/is defective. Can I return it?

    Of course! You can return a ripped or defective lens up to 30 days after the purchase date. However, lenses manufactured by Johnson & Johnson VisionCare, Inc., Alcon, and Bausch + Lomb have a separate defective lens return policy.

  • I don't like how my colored contacts look. Can I return them?

    Yes, as long as it is within 30 days. Contact our Customer Service team for more information.

  • How long do I have to return or exchange my lenses?

    You have 30 days from the delivery date to return or exchange your lenses. To learn more, go to our returns page.

  • I'm not sure which contact lenses I wear. Can you help me order?

    That's why we're here! Contact us and give us your eye doctor's contact information. We'll track down your prescription in no time.

  • I don't understand how to enter my prescription on the website. Is there another way?

    Our Customer Service Team is ready and waiting to help you through it.

  • Do I have to buy the brand of contact lenses the doctor prescribed to me?

    Yes, by law-and for your safety-you can only purchase the brand of lens your eye doctor prescribed using a valid prescription. Some lenses do have a generic alternative, however, and you can contact our Customer Service Team for more information.

  • My prescription expired, but my vision hasn't changed. Do I need a new prescription?

    While it might not seem like your vision has changed, it's important to check your prescription and evaluate the health of your eyes; the wrong contacts could cause damage without showing any visible symptoms.

  • My prescription recently expired. Can I still use it?

    Unfortunately, no. We only accept valid prescriptions.

  • Can I wear soft contact lenses if I have astigmatism?

    Yes, you can wear a special type of soft contact lens called a toric lens which will correct your astigmatism.

  • Can I wear soft contact lenses if I need bifocals?

    Yes, there are a number of contact lenses designed for people who need bifocal (multifocal) correction.

  • If my 2 week disposable lenses are still comfortable and in good condition beyond 2 weeks, can I continue to wear the same pair?

    In order to maintain optimal eye health and comfort, it is important to adhere to the wearing schedule prescribed by your doctor. The main advantage of wearing disposable lenses is that you are putting a fresh new pair of lenses in your eyes every 2 weeks. Also, the convenient cleaning regimen of a disposable lens is only adequate for a 2 week wearing schedule.

  • If I only wear my 2 week disposable contacts part time, do I still have to replace them every 2 weeks?

    No, the 2 weeks refers to the actual amount of wearing time so they can last longer than 2 weeks if you are not wearing them full time.

  • Your website lists my lens as 2 week disposable, but my doctor says I can wear them for 4 weeks. Which is correct?

    The lens wearing schedules on our website are provided by contact lens manufacturers. However, doctors may decide on a different wearing schedule (shorter or longer) for an individual patient based on wearing habits, lifestyle, cleaning methods etc. You should always follow the wearing schedule prescribed by your doctor.

  • Can I swim with my contact lenses?

    It is best if you don't because there are bacteria in the water that can adhere to your lenses and cause infections. If you do swim in your lenses, you should wear goggles over them and you should disinfect them immediately afterwards.

  • Why is it necessary for contact lens wearers to have regular eye exams even if their prescription hasn’t changed?

    Regular eye exams are important not only to check your prescription but also to evaluate the health of your eyes. This is especially important for contact lens wearers because the contacts could be causing damage to your eyes without necessarily causing any obvious symptoms.

  • Do colored contact lenses work on dark eyes?

    Yes, they are called opaque colored contacts. Year-long (daily wear and extended wear) options are available in many different colors and shades.

  • How does the Federal Law Fairness To Contact Lens Consumers Act affect me?

    On February 4th, 2004, a Federal Law called the Fairness To Contact Lens Consumers Act went into effect. This law made it much easier for you to enjoy the savings and convenience of ordering on-line from Walmart.

  • Where is your company headquartered?

    We are located in Columbus, Ohio. Our location is ideal for rapid distribution throughout the country.

  • How long does it take for my lenses to arrive?

    98% of all US orders arrive within the 7-10 day delivery time stated on our website. However, the vast majority of orders that are shipped from stock will arrive significantly sooner.

  • My prescription doesn't have an expiration date. Can I still use it?

    We can only fill orders for unexpired prescriptions. If your prescription does not have an expiration date, then the expiration date is either 1 or 2 years from your exam date, depending on your doctor's preference. We will verify your prescription with your doctor and notify you if the prescription is expired.

  • Walmart Return Policy

    Walmart has one of the most customer friendly return policies in the online optical industry. If for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your order Walmart offers free return shipping so you never have to worry about receiving the wrong size, color, product defects, or even if you're just unsatisfied with the product purchased.

  • What happened to 1-800 Contacts?

    Walmart and 1-800 Contacts mutually decided to end our business relationship effective January 1, 2013. Our customers trust us to provide a broad assortment of products at everyday low prices, and we approach every business decision through this lens.

  • Is a contact lens prescription different than a glasses prescription?

    Yes. When you order contact lenses, you must have a current contact lens prescription which specifies the power of the lenses, the size of the lens, the type and brand of lens. See also How to Read a Contact Lens Prescription.

  • Can I get my associate discount online when I buy contact lenses?

    Yes, associates are eligible to receive the associate discount when ordering online. Associates must enter through to be eligible for the associate discount. Each time you place an order, log on to, select "Pay and Financial Benefits", select "Associate Discounts" then select Your associate discount will be shown when you checkout.

  • What is the difference between the different types of contact lens wear schedules?

    The most common types of soft contact lenses are Daily Disposables, Weekly Disposables, and Monthly Disposables. The classifications determine how long the lenses can be worn before they need to be replaced. Your exact contact lens replacement schedule will be determined by your eye doctor.

  • Contact Lenses From Walmart Contacts (2024)
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    Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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    Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.