The protagonist _ Outlaws Game NPC Characters | Elements of a Soul (2024)

Great White `Wolf

The city harboured the White Wolf Guild, a shadowy enclave shrouded in secrecy. Civilians knew little about the guild, but its aura of conspiracy and secrecy filled the air. Nonetheless, people felt grateful for its presence. Entry was exclusive, reserved for those summoned to glean its hidden knowledge, guarded by formidable men and women with otherworldly abilities. To outsiders, the guild's actions seemed mythical, with only rumours and tales filling the gaps. Despite this aura of mystery, they delivered. Against all odds, they completed the most daunting tasks, leading the United Factions to rely on them for crucial assignments.

Ray (Shugo) Silver

Ray Silver 17 years old

After completing their assignments, the cleaners retreated into the hidden lodge, nestled deep in the wild among the ruins of the old city. There, they encountered a man of mystery known as Ray Silver, though others dubbed him the Governor of Freedom. His true identity remained unclear, but rumours said he hailed from the streets of Rotterdam. That was all known of his past. Among the cleaners, he bore the nickname Thunder Kid, owing to whispers of his ability to manipulate electricity as if it were a sixth sense. Regardless of the truth, Ray commanded respect, and none dared reveal his true identity. However, to reach him, one had to pass his sister Lexy Silver, who adopted and trained him.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Class: Cleaner Neo Ronin & Astral Alchemist


Aniela Lazuli, 18 years old, race unknown

Aniela had always been a peculiar child, displaying extraordinary powers from infancy that bewildered her parents. They nurtured her unique gifts, cultivating her interest in alchemy and mastery of spells and incantations far beyond the grasp of ordinary people. Her burgeoning talents quickly earned her a reputation as a powerful wizard. Yet, it was not just her magic that defined her; her devotion to her studies and loved ones set her apart.

That was until she encountered Shugo and Inoa, two renowned warriors who saved her from ruthless dealers seeking to exploit her powers. The trio formed an unbreakable bond, uniting to combat the dark forces threatening their world. Aniela's alchemy and spells complemented Shugo and Inoa's swordsmanship and martial arts, their combined prowess granting them the title "Cleaners of Alchemy." Together, they dispatched their enemies with precision and efficiency, becoming an unstoppable team against all opposition.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Class: Cleaner

Inoa del Mú

Inoa del Mú, age unknown, ethnicity unknown

Inoa del Mú, a woman shrouded in mystery, stood as Shugo's partner and best friend, forming an unbeatable team. Her origins remained unknown, but her skills in martial arts and her profound knowledge of magic and the occult were unparalleled. Her beauty and strength commanded respect, and those who knew her spoke of her in reverence, some calling her a goddess, others a witch. What was clear, however, was her compassion for those in need and her unwavering loyalty to her friends and family. Inoa’s enigmatic allure attracted many, but she rarely divulged her secrets.

However, a humble young man named Shinji approached her one day, seeking guidance. His sincerity moved her, prompting Inoa to mentor him, teaching him magic, the occult, and helping him find his life's purpose. In return, Shinji became her devoted disciple.

Yet the deeper secrets of the Legion were their primary concern. Shugo, Inoa, and Aniela operated on a level only other cleaners could comprehend. This earned them the respect of all guilds and factions worldwide. Against threats from other dimensions, they stood ready, battling forces unseen to the ordinary eye, needing the Eye of Horus to perceive these extradimensional beings.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Class: Cleaner

Ann Sun

character 5—Ann Sun

Ann Sun, a sergeant in the Charlie battalion, was a specialist in warfare, renowned for her battlefield prowess. Her skills had earned her a place at the faction Dojo in the city, where she honed her melee techniques and learned new skills. The dojo attracted mercenaries and warriors-in-training, providing a testing ground for their skill sets. Ann frequently sparred with other students, striving to refine her technique.

Today, however, a new threat occupied her mind—the Legion. Seeking information, she approached one of the dojo instructors. "What can you tell me about the Legion?" she asked. The instructor's face fell. "They're ruthless," he said. "They'll stop at nothing to achieve their goals." Ann frowned, disturbed by the warning. Caution would be necessary should she encounter them on the battlefield.

Ann's reputation flourished at the dojo, where she taught and practiced daily. Despite her fierce demeanor, she willingly helped others develop their skills, guiding them to grow stronger.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character + Neo Ronin & Geo Gunner upgrades

Class: Neo Geo

Jorian Sabayuk

Jorian Sabayuko, age 33, Asian, North American

Jorian Sabayuko is a legend among his people, celebrated as a master of ancient alchemy and the astral plane. He possesses knowledge of hyperspace available only to a select few, and legends speak of his superhuman abilities, though their veracity remains uncertain. Revered as a true hero, Jorian continues to teach alchemy to those willing to learn. Despite his legendary status, he is a real person with genuine knowledge and power.

As a master in the Arcanum A.Z.F., an ancient book of sacred wisdom, Jorian delves into its secrets, unlocking insights into hyperspace. Additionally, his expertise as an herbalist is unparalleled, crafting potions and utilizing herbs with unmatched skill. Dedicated to sharing the divine art of alchemy, he now teaches and advocates for its use in the world, retiring from his days as a cleaner. Jorian Sabayuko remains a true master of his craft, cementing his legacy among his people for years to come.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Class: Cleaner of Astral Alchemy

Master Seven

Master Seven, age unknown, Real name unknown, Mixed human yet race unknown

Master Seven was a hothead, known for finding Shugo in the Netherlands and saving him from a demon. Everything else about this encounter was classified, accessible only to members of the Order of the White Wolf. A true master magician and cyber wizard, Master Seven is among the best warriors known to the guild. Eager to teach, he discriminates based on intelligence, refusing to waste his time otherwise. Rarely seen on the battlefield, he frequents the grand library or delves into Metaspace, seeking answers and solving riddles.

Shugo was young when Master Seven took an interest in him for unknown reasons, mentoring him in swordplay and spellcasting. While other students faltered, Shugo persevered, hungry for knowledge and constantly seeking guidance. Finally, the day came for his first mission: retrieve a magical artifact from a rival guild. However, the mission was a trap, and Shugo barely escaped with his life, returning to the order badly wounded. Master Seven, waiting for him, berated Shugo for his recklessness, yet praised his courage and tenacity. From that day on, Master Seven devoted himself even more to Shugo's training. Over the years, Shugo grew into a powerful mage and swordsman in his own right.

Class: Cleaner of Astral Alchemy

Function: Main Quest & Story Character + Astral alchemist trainer

Lexy Silver

Hero 1 - Lexy Silver - the Sister/Guardian of Ray Silver & Aniela

Lexy had always been proud of her lineage within the Order of the White Wolf. As a young girl, her fascination with magic led her to eagerly learn the basics from her older sister. Growing into an accomplished alchemist, she vowed to use her skills for the good of all people, regardless of the cost. This resolve took her on many adventures, including quests to unlock the secrets of ancient alchemy.

During her travels, Lexy encountered individuals both good and evil, realizing that the world was filled with shades of gray. Eventually, she saw that making a true difference required striking out on her own. She gathered like-minded individuals and joined the Order of the White Wolf, using their knowledge and power to protect the innocent from the Legion and other threats.

The Order gained renown as one of the world's most respected organizations, praised for its bravery, skill, and dedication to justice. Lexy and her comrades vowed to protect the world's good people, never yielding. The White Wolf would always fight for what was right, serving as protectors of the innocent and champions of justice.

Lexy, a proud alchemist within the Order, offered lessons in the basics of magic. Yet her sharp critiques, though spicy, made her a great teacher.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Hidden Class: Cleaner / Astral Alchemist & Neo Ronin

Class: Neo Geo

Natasha dos Santos

character 2 - Natasha dos Santos

Natasha dos Santos ran the city's central shop, renowned for its rare items. Her limited stock attracted lines of eager customers, all wanting a piece of Natasha's magic. She always had something special in store, and today was no exception: new gear from another dimension awaited. Natasha set up her display case, anticipating her first customers.

As soon as the doors opened, people poured in, marveling at suits of armor, magical weapons, and otherworldly gadgets. Each item was rarer than the last, sparking excitement. Finally, Natasha unveiled her latest acquisition: a set of goggles allowing wearers to peer into other dimensions. Customers clamored for them, but only one set was available. Who would get them?

Natasha's shop remained popular, frequently stocked with fresh supplies, though rare items sold out fast. The shop's allure lay in its items sourced from parallel dimensions, where different laws of physics and creatures existed. Natasha's store served as a portal to these universes, drawing visitors seeking gear or ingredients unattainable in our world.

Be warned: Natasha's products aren't always straightforward to use, often requiring special knowledge or techniques. Even then, they might not work as expected.

"I'm Natasha dos Santos, central shop owner, offering the city's best rare items. My stock is limited, so visit me for something special. I also have gear unavailable elsewhere in the metaverse. If you seek something unique, stop by my shop."

Function: Main Shop Owner

Hidden Class: Geo Gunner

Theodor Tesla

Character 1 - Theodor Tesla is a crazy-obsessed crypto miner, and engineer

Theo had always been a peculiar child, spending his days surrounded by gadgets and machines in his room. His parents struggled to understand him but supported him nonetheless. As he grew older, Theo developed an interest in cryptography and mining, discovering a natural talent for engineering and crypto mining. He quickly became obsessed, dedicating every waking moment to refining his equipment and techniques.

Today, Theo is recognized as one of the world's foremost experts in crypto mining, having developed proprietary equipment used by miners worldwide. His obsession has led to significant wealth.

In the crypto mining area, Theo could be found upgrading his equipment and fine-tuning settings, obsessing over maximizing profits. A dedicated scientist, he devoted countless hours to his craft, tweaking his machines to perfection. His efforts paid off, making Theo one of the most successful miners in the metaverse. His machines were efficient and powerful, and he reaped the rewards, amassing considerable wealth, yet never ceasing to tinker or explore new ways to increase his profits.

Function: Bitcoin Mining & Land building

Hidden Class: Geo Gunner

Lee Smit

Character 4 - Lee Smit

Lee Smit had always been fascinated by weapons. As a young boy, he disassembled his parents' guns to explore how they worked, captivated by how they could bring death and destruction.

As he grew older, Lee became a lieutenant in the Charlie battalion of the United Faction, responsible for upgrading the weapons of his fellow soldiers and running the shooting range, where soldiers practiced their aim and checked their hit damage per second.

Lee's skills soon elevated him to a weapon specialist in the metaverse, respected by gamers worldwide. His knowledge of guns and explosives made him a formidable opponent in any game.

Yet, Lee's true passion remained real-world weapons. He loved tinkering with them in his lab, making them even deadlier than they already were, dreaming of creating the perfect weapon to annihilate his enemies.

Lee can be found near the Faction headquarters in his lab and factory, where he upgrades weapons. For practice, you can also visit the shooting range, checking your hit damage per second.

Function: Geo Gunner trainer

Class: Neo Geo

Mike Scott

Character 8 - Mike Scott

Mike Scott was the city's best real estate agent, respected all over Nova. Fearless even in the face of crazy outlaws, he upheld deals as long as the coin was there. One day, he received a call from a rogue outlaw, claiming to need a quick house sale due to being chased by the police. Mike agreed to meet him at the house.

Upon arrival, Mike saw the property was in disarray, with broken windows and graffiti-covered walls. The outlaw insisted on selling it for 10,000.00 immediately. Mike agreed, sealing the deal on the spot. Days later, he received a call from the police department, revealing they had finally caught the outlaw at his old house after chasing him for months.

Mike's reputation remained steadfast, and one day a group of rogue outlaws barged into his office, demanding to buy property. Mike refused, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. He called the order, and soon the cleaners arrived. A day-long standoff ensued, culminating in a brief, brutal gunfight where Mike emerged victorious, leaving the outlaws dead on his office floor.

The next day, the town buzzed about the shoot-out at Mike Scott's Real Estate Agency. Some hailed him as a hero, others called him lucky, but all recognized him as the best real estate agent in town.

Mike can be found in the city center, promoting his wares and offering available plots for sale or in use.

Function: Real estate agent & land and structure re-seller

Hidden Class: Geo Gunner

Mitchell Jimmy

Character 6 - Mitchell Jimmy

Mitchell Jimmy owned the town house, a central hub for governance, ensuring fair governance and peace for the city. Located at the city's center, the town house also served as a hub for all activities. Mitchell protected the city's peace, overseeing governance to maintain order. You could find him at the town house, where citizens voted on important issues.

This town house also existed in multiple dimensions, making it a metaverse. Mitchell had access to these dimensions at will, often using this power to help others. Always willing to lend a hand, he would never hesitate to put himself in danger to protect others. His military background provided a solid foundation, ready to be called upon if needed.

Function: Governance and announcements

Hidden Class: Cleaner Geo Gunner

Sandra Chang

Character 7 - Sandra Chang ae0b7511-e3aa-4897-8590-743507332f0c.png

Sandra Chang was the proud owner of the city's best bank, her customers consistently satisfied by her services. She took pride in going above and beyond, particularly with her state-of-the-art virtual branch, which allowed customers to manage their banking from home.

However, one day, Sandra received a call from her bank's security team, alerting her to an unauthorized user accessing her virtual branch. Logging in, she saw the intruder had created a new account and was attempting to transfer her money into it. Sandra quickly canceled the transaction and contacted the Guild of the White Wolf.

Thanks to her swift action, the cleaners thwarted the thief before any damage occurred. Sandra's bank, secured by the United Faction, now has branches across all UF cities.

Beyond this, Sandra had discovered her bank was a front for a secret virtual world, home to a thriving black market. With her friends' help, she took down the criminals running it, ensuring her offline life remained intact.

Function: Bank Owner

Hidden Class: Astral Alchemist

Mayor Alexander Avorahaz

Hero 3 - The mayor, Mayor Alexander Avorahaz 04feaa0a-ae18-454f-86b7-e43bbe8a4d39.png

Alexander Avorahaz was a proud woman, ensuring that the laws and rules were followed in her city and that all citizens had the right to vote. Serving as the town judge, she would send approval letters in the mail for requests favored by a majority vote.

A strong and just leader, Alexander was known for her perfectionism, but her citizens recognized this stemmed from her deep care for them. Although strict at times, they loved and respected her.

Under her leadership, the city flourished, with ample food and water for all and minimal problems. Citizens knew they could always turn to her for help, and she would be there for them. Thanks to Alexander Avorahaz's guidance, the city thrived.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Hidden Class: Cleaner of Neon Ronin

Sophia Azula

Hero 2 - The leader of the United Faction Sophia Azula 8e5b54dd-da72-412e-bc88-7443b5b9df38.png

Sophia Azula was born into a world of chaos, divided into factions fighting for control. Her parents were killed in a battle between two factions when she was just a child. Taken in by the leader of the United Factions, Sophia grew up seeing great potential in herself.

As an adult, Sophia became a powerful leader, uniting all factions against the Legion. A brilliant strategist, she led her troops to victory, defeating the Legion and becoming the undisputed ruler of Earth. Her leadership brought peace and prosperity, ensuring order for all.

Now, Sophia Azula surveys her new world, a prosperous future built on the ashes of war. She no longer fights, but if things go wrong, you answer to her. The order of balance hangs in the balance.

Function: Main Quest & Story Character

Hidden Class: Cleaner of Geo Gunner

The main Game Lore

Welcome to Nova, where everything happens: mods, hardcore sales, development, and the home base for AI development and crypto miners. Here you can find it all, everything your mind can conceive, and it's all thanks to a group of brilliant minds from around the world now based in this vibrant city.

Thanks to AI development and its creators, drones and robots assist in rebuilding civilization. The headquarters of the United Faction lies in the city's center, but the leading faction is the Chrome Lion. Peacekeepers patrol the streets, always vigilant against danger. The faction's academies are filled with cadets, eager to take down the Legion, some even becoming outlaws. The UF doesn't mind, as long as they follow the code and their enemy is the Legion.

Others work to rebuild civilization, while we outlaws protect the new free world. When the time comes to lay down our weapons, and balance is finally restored, we will vanish and turn into legend.


The city is home to the White Wolf Guild, a shadowy organization shrouded in secrecy and conspiracy, yet civilians appreciate its presence. Entry requires an invitation, granting access to secret knowledge guarded by powerful men and women with unreal powers. Almost mythical, the guild's actions are obscured, with only stories and rumors circulating. Yet they get the job done, accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks for the United Factions, who hire them to handle complex missions.

The United Factions' leadership and governance are guided by community input, ensuring decisions benefit the people and protect peace between neighbors. The city's prosperity depends on hash rates, earned through quests, tasks, and offers listed on a board with rewards.

Within the guild, a ranking system mirrors the faction's structure, with soldiers, corporals, officers, captains, and a guild leader. However, the guild also has special warriors, who, regardless of rank, are defined by their skills and work ethic. Trained in occult teachings, these elite members possess extrasensory abilities, occult magic, and spiritual incantations, making them the best of the best.


  • Meat: Newcomers yet to define themselves with a class, referred to as "fresh meat." Some in Rogue guilds even call them "bait."

  • Gunner: Brutes skilled in guerrilla warfare and tactical combat, capable of handling heavy weaponry. Cleaners under them craft the craziest weapons, some claiming they manipulate Ether and use incantations.

  • Warrior: Wielders of the finest melee weapons infused with advanced tech, often equipped with battle armor upgrades such as short rocket boosts or ability enhancers, making them as fast as lightning.

  • Miner: Focused on gathering minerals to upgrade gear and acquire more hash rates. These brainiacs balance lightweight weaponry with Zero-swords empowered by quantum energy.

  • Cleaner: Masters of all trades, they possess sacred alchemy knowledge, embodying real-life warrior wizards. Think twice before challenging them, as they show no mercy.

Appearance & Class

Neo Ronin

Geo Gunner

Astral Alchemist

Special abilities

RPG elements of a Soul

  1. Earth: Represents solidity, stability, and strength. It excels in defense and physical attacks but struggles with agility and adaptation to new circ*mstances.

  2. Fire: Embodies power, passion, and destructiveness. It delivers potent attacks and can ignite foes but is susceptible to water and ice-based assaults and may be challenging to control.

  3. Wind: Symbolizes speed, flexibility, and agility. It offers high mobility and versatility but lacks in physical strength and is vulnerable to earth-based attacks.

  4. Water: Signifies adaptability, nourishment, and healing. It supports allies and adjusts to changing situations but has weak offensive capabilities and is susceptible to fire attacks.

  5. Soul: Represents spirituality, mystique, and magic. It boasts versatility and a wide range of abilities but relies heavily on the user's skill and focus and is vulnerable to physical assaults.

  6. Shadow: An enigmatic arcane force. It is potent against Earth, Water, and Wind but weak against Soul, particularly vulnerable to holy fire attacks.

The protagonist _ Outlaws Game NPC Characters | Elements of a Soul (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.