Idle Games: Why They Are Popular (2024)

In 2023 we watch technologies advance at a frantic pace, integrate into a steadily growing number of industries, and turn that upside down. At first, innovations leave us speechless but we get used to them quite quickly and start taking them as something commonplace.

The gaming industry is not an exception - rather a bright example of a rapidly evolving industry. Well yes, video games have been there for a long but you cannot deny that they have undergone lots of changes recently. Now we all can enjoy extra immersive gaming experiences. Developers do something impossible - they push the boundaries and create games that do feel like reality - a mind-blowing reality, we should say.

As the gaming sector proceeds to expand, the market gets overcrowded with varying options. There are games to any taste, really. Today gaming fans have access to such a wide selection of titles of different genres and types - either small or complicated. They say a huge demand requires a great supply. That’s true. Developers all over the world come up with ingenious ideas, offer interesting solutions, and deliver eye-catching games that win over millions of gamers.

Talking about the most popular games, idle games are on this list as they appeal to a broad worldwide audience. In case you’re a bit confused now about what idle games are - we are here to make it clear to you! In this article, we’re going to figure out what is the key to idle games’ success. Join us on this amazing journey through the world of gaming!

What is meant by idle games?

Idle games, also known as incremental games or clicker games, are a type of video game that requires minimal active input from the player. In these games, the player's progress is achieved primarily through automated or passive actions, such as waiting for resources to accumulate or clicking on an object repeatedly to generate income or points.

Idle games often involve a cycle of upgrades, where players can spend accumulated resources to improve their automatic production and gain access to new features and mechanics as they progress. The gameplay is designed to be relaxing and stressless, allowing players to peacefully enjoy the game while doing other activities or taking breaks.

Idle games have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many developers creating their own variations on the genre. Some popular examples include Cookie Clicker, Adventure Capitalist, and Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

What makes idle games popular

Idle games are popular mostly because they offer a simple and entertaining gaming experience. Often people just want to relax and have fun while playing games. Games with multiple levels and complicated missions are cool but if you want to relax, turn off your brain, and just spend an hour or so playing a game that does not require you to fully focus on it, an idle game is a perfect solution.

Look at a few good reasons for this game type's success:

  • Easy to play. Idle games are simple to play and require minimal effort. Players can progress in the game even if they are not actively playing. Idle games also don’t require any particular skills to play them.

  • Rewarding. These games offer a constant sense of progress and reward the player for their efforts. Players can see their progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as they reach new levels or earn new rewards.

  • Relaxing. Idle games offer a way to unwind and relax while still feeling productive. They don't require intense focus or strategy, which makes them ideal for casual play.

  • Addictive. The constant sense of progress and reward can be highly addictive, leading players to want to keep playing to see what else they can achieve.

  • Social sharing. Many idle games have a social aspect, where players can compare their progress and achievements with their friends, adding to the competitive and social appeal.

Several idle games examples

There are many popular idle games, and new ones are constantly being developed due to gamers’ huge love for them.

Idle Games: Why They Are Popular (2)

Here are some of the most well-known and popular idle games:

  • Cookie Clicker - In this game, players click on a cookie to earn currency, which can be used to purchase upgrades that automate the clicking process.

  • Adventure Capitalist - Players start by running a small business and gradually expand their empire by hiring managers and investing in new ventures.

  • Clicker Heroes - Players battle monsters by clicking on them and earning gold, which can be used to upgrade weapons and hire heroes.

  • Idle Miner Tycoon - Players manage a mining operation and earn money by extracting resources and upgrading equipment.

  • Realm Grinder - Players choose a faction and manage resources to build a kingdom and unlock new upgrades and abilities.

  • Idle Apocalypse - Players build a tower and recruit minions to defend it against attacks while also collecting resources and upgrading the tower.

  • Egg, Inc. - Players manage a chicken farm and try to hatch and sell as many eggs as possible, while also upgrading facilities and hiring researchers.

These are just a few examples of the hundreds of popular idle games that are available.

A quick roundup

Idle games are games that are easy to play, require minimal effort, and provide a sense of progress and accomplishment as players reach new levels or earn rewards. They provide a way to unwind and relax while still feeling productive. Take time to simply have fun with idle games. New idle games are constantly being developed, and these games appeal to a wide range of players.

HitBerry Games is a mobile app development studio that offers advanced idle game development services as per the highest standards and the latest industry trends. Over the years, we’ve built a team of high-skilled developers, designers, artists, and QA experts ready to take on your project and turn your idea into a lucrative playable game. We’ve been growing together, expanding the pool of our services, sharpening our skills, and gaining valuable experience.

HitBerry Games provides high-end technology solutions for even the most complex cases. Our team applies cutting-edge tools and a creative approach to meet the unique needs of each of our customers. We will also help you to provide an accurate idle game development cost estimation. Click here to calculate your expenses yourself and then reach us for more details.

Choose HitBerry Games for developing an idle clicker game and get backed by true professionals in reaching your business objectives.

Contact us now and let’s get down to idle game development right away!

Idle Games: Why They Are Popular (2024)


Why are idle games popular? ›

Since idle games are often associated with their simple mechanics, they are more likely to be accessible to casual players. These games are easy to play, making them a perfect choice for people who want a relaxing gaming experience in their free schedule. Surprisingly, even hardcore gamers are drawn to idle games.

What makes an idle game fun? ›

At its most basic level, an idle game provides a sense of continued accomplishment. The player does not need to interact with the game in order to make progress, which means they never feel like time away from the game is wanted.

Why do I love idle games? ›

Idle games offer a way to unwind and relax while still feeling productive. They don't require intense focus or strategy, which makes them ideal for casual play. Addictive.

How do you make a successful idle game? ›

Seven best practices for creating an idle game
  1. Find a monetization model that won't harm retention. ...
  2. Utilize rewarded video ads for best results. ...
  3. Test ad placement and frequency. ...
  4. Create a unique and attractive theme. ...
  5. Don't rely on one gameplay system. ...
  6. Soft launch your game before going global. ...
  7. Respond to user feedback.
May 30, 2024

Why are games so popular? ›

Games can offer a sanctuary where we can - at least temporarily - shed our real-world concerns. This escapism is a crucial element to mental well-being. By allowing ourselves to become immersed into alternate realities, be it in a fantasy role-playing game or a simple game of cards with friends, we decompress.

Who is the target audience of idle games? ›

They are quick and easy to pick and play and players often only need to perform simple actions in order to progress through the game. Who Plays Idle Games? Other sources reveal that idle gamers tend to be male and between 18 and 44 years old, in the US and Western Europe region.

Why are games so fun to play? ›

Gaming is highly stimulating and heightened sensory experience. Gamers actively participate and drive the action, unlike more passive activities like watching TV. Video games are designed to be as engrossing as possible. This is what keeps people wanting to play.

Why do people get obsessed with games? ›

Playing video games triggers the release of dopamine, the “feel good” chemical in the brain. In fact, brain scans show that dopamine production in the brain doubles during video game play. Similar to eating sweets or drinking alcohol, people may continue to go online repeatedly to get this “feel good” chemical release.

Why do I like games so much? ›

Games almost always produce perceptible results and have clear, predictable achievement and reward systems, which can act as a path to fulfilment. The context of a game often provides a much more consistent system of reward, progression, and success, than many other contexts that people experience in their daily lives.

Are idle games profitable? ›

Idle games can be lucrative revenue streams for developers, with strong user retention and ad usage rates. Here's our top idle game design . These games are cost-effective to build, since they are relatively quick to develop. They can therefore be profitable with the right .

What defines an idle game? ›

Idle games (also known as clicker games) are a type of video game. They are played by doing simple things such as clicking on the screen to get in-game money. One popular idle game is Clicker Heroes. In some idle games, even the clicking is no longer needed after some time, as the game plays itself.

What is the genre of idle games? ›

Idle games are usually classified under the hyper-casual and casual genres because they are easy to play, yet require a certain amount of strategy from players to optimize resources to continuously earn more.

Why are indie games becoming more popular? ›

Indie developers do not have the opportunity to create large and technological games, so they make games with unique gameplay. As a result, indie games are small in size, have low system requirements, and have extraordinary gameplay.

Why are casual games so popular? ›

Hyper casual games are recognized for their lightweight, instantly accessible nature, drawing players back repeatedly due to their short gaming . The success of hyper-casual games can be attributed to several factors, including their simplicity, accessibility, and addictive gameplay.

Why do you think word games have been so popular? ›

Word games are popular because they are challenging.

Word games are known for their positive effects on the brain. They improve problem-solving and analytical skills over a period of time. Since it involves the players having to think and use their cognitive abilities at the same time, they activate the brain cells.

How do idle games make money? ›

Traditionally, idle games used a mix of in-app purchases (IAPs) and ads for monetization, with the revenue distribution of approximately 60–70% ads and 30–40% IAPs.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.