How many centenarians are there? (2024)

On 1January2023, 2,572people in the Netherlands were one hundred years or older. This is more than twice as many as twenty years ago.

The number of centenarians has increased almost yearly in the last few decades. Inthe last three years, more than 2,500people were one hundred years or older. Byfar most of the 2,572people over one hundred years of age on 1January2023 were women(2,172). CBSexpects the number of centenarians to rise further after 2025 and to reach more than 5thousand by2040. Thenumber of people in this age group is rising because more children are being born and older people are living longer.

" }), a ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, !0).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i + 40, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin, fontSize: b, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin }).add() } return o }; cbs.renderer['renderSource'] = function l(e, t, i) { var o = e.options.settings.forPrint, n = "map" == e.options.chart.mapType, a = e.options.sources.prefix + " " + e.options.sources.text; o ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i + 20).css({ fontSize: b, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).add() }; cbs.renderer['positionLegend'] = function d(e, t, i) { var o = e.legend &&; return o &&, i), o }; cbs.renderer['calculateMarginBottom'] = function h(e) { if (e) { var t = cbs.renderer.itemMargin, i = t, o = e.options.chart.type, n = e.options.chart.geoType, a = e.options.settings.forPrint; cbs.renderer.footNote && (i += Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.footNote.getBBox().height) + t), cbs .renderer.source && (i += Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.source.getBBox().height) + t); var r = e.legend &&; if (r && (i += Math.ceil( + t, "map" === o && ("district" === n || "neighborhood" === n ? i += "mapbubble" === e.options.chart.mapType ? 10 : 18 : i -= 82), a && (i += 2 * t)), "map" !== o) if ("bar" === o) { if (i += e.yAxis[0].labelGroup.getBBox().height + (e.options.yAxis[0].tickLength || 0) + t, cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle) { var l = cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle ? Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle.getBBox() .height) + t : 0; i += l } } else cbs.renderer.xAxisBg && (i += cbs.renderer.xAxisBg.getBBox().height + t); ("map" === o || e.options.chart.polar) && (i += cbs.renderer.logoHeight + t, a && (i += 3 * t)), i = Math.ceil(i); var s = i - (e.options.chart.marginBottom || 0); (s < -1 || s > 1) && e.update({ chart: { marginBottom: i } }) } }; })();

Show datatableNumber of centenarians, including forecastHide datatableNumber of centenarians, including forecast

Number of centenarians, including forecast
Jaar Men Women Men (forecast) Women (forecast)
1965 33 68 . .
1966 30 78 . .
1967 32 75 . .
1968 36 80 . .
1969 49 88 . .
1970 60 105 . .
1971 56 97 . .
1972 58 118 . .
1973 74 146 . .
1974 66 134 . .
1975 72 175 . .
1976 75 177 . .
1977 78 209 . .
1978 98 232 . .
1979 108 239 . .
1980 130 263 . .
1981 136 278 . .
1982 131 296 . .
1983 142 320 . .
1984 145 351 . .
1985 164 419 . .
1986 177 430 . .
1987 173 464 . .
1988 185 541 . .
1989 196 594 . .
1990 218 600 . .
1991 191 652 . .
1992 201 684 . .
1993 199 713 . .
1994 200 739 . .
1995 208 779 . .
1996 192 778 . .
1997 171 835 . .
1998 175 884 . .
1999 154 907 . .
2000 170 928 . .
2001 173 915 . .
2002 185 1018 . .
2003 180 1040 . .
2004 200 1090 . .
2005 204 1174 . .
2006 197 1177 . .
2007 201 1194 . .
2008 193 1293 . .
2009 210 1418 . .
2010 246 1498 . .
2011 243 1561 . .
2012 232 1678 . .
2013 261 1679 . .
2014 278 1815 . .
2015 296 1874 . .
2016 274 1827 . .
2017 320 1905 . .
2018 323 1857 . .
2019 339 1850 . .
2020 392 2006 . .
2021 411 2125 . .
2022 430 2165 . .
2023 400 2172 . .
2024 . . 440 2075
2025 . . 459 2108
2026 . . 491 2145
2027 . . 528 2211
2028 . . 566 2264
2029 . . 610 2368
2030 . . 655 2453
2031 . . 719 2592
2032 . . 774 2705
2033 . . 841 2827
2034 . . 895 2922
2035 . . 965 3042
2036 . . 1041 3167
2037 . . 1122 3311
2038 . . 1204 3456
2039 . . 1320 3673
2040 . . 1427 3895

Most centenarians in Zeeland

Relatively most centenarians live in the province of Zeeland (4.2per thousand over-80‑year-olds), followed by Flevoland (4.0per thousand over-80s). Limburg (2.2per thousand over-80s) and Noord-Brabant (2.4per thousand over-80s) count fewest centenarians.

On average, Dutch municipalities have 2.9centenarians per thousand over-80s in their midst. Twenty-one of the 342municipalities did not have any registered centenarians. Theislands Vlieland (1centenarian in67 over-80s) and Schiermonnikoog (1centenarian in73 over-80s) counted most centenarians in relative terms on 1January2023.

Choose category:

" }), a ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, ! 0).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i + 40, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin, fontSize: f, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin }).add() } return o }; cbs.renderer['renderSource'] = function l(e, t, i) { var o = e.options.settings.forPrint, n = "map" == e.options.chart.mapType, a = e.options.sources.prefix + " " + e.options.sources.text; o ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i + 20).css({ fontSize: f, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).add() }; cbs.renderer['positionLegend'] = function d(e, t, i) { var o = e.legend &&; return o &&, i), o }; cbs.renderer['calculateMarginBottom'] = function h(e) { if (e) { var t = cbs.renderer.itemMargin, i = t, o = e.options.chart.type, n = e.options.chart.geoType, a = e.options.settings.forPrint; cbs.renderer.footNote && (i += Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.footNote.getBBox().height) + t), cbs .renderer .source && (i += Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.source.getBBox().height) + t); var r = e.legend &&; if (r && (i += Math.ceil( + t, "map" === o && ("district" === n || "neighborhood" === n ? i += "mapbubble" === e.options.chart.mapType ? 10 : 18 : i -= 82 ), a && (i += 2 * t)), "map" !== o) if ("bar" === o) { if (i += e.yAxis[0].labelGroup.getBBox().height + (e.options.yAxis[0].tickLength || 0) + t, cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle) { var l = cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle ? Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle.getBBox() .height) + t : 0; i += l } } else cbs.renderer.xAxisBg && (i += cbs.renderer.xAxisBg.getBBox().height + t); ("map" === o || e.options.chart.polar) && (i += cbs.renderer.logoHeight + t, a && (i += 3 * t)), i = Math.ceil(i); var s = i - (e.options.chart.marginBottom || 0); (s < -1 || s > 1) && e.update({ chart: { marginBottom: i } }) } }; cbs['pointDescriptionFormatter'] = function (e) { return e.value }; cbs['plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick'] = function plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick() { var e = this.series.chart.container, t = e.firstChild; if (void 0 !== cbs.cloneToolTip && void 0 !== cbs.cloneTooltipText && void 0 !== t) { jQuery.contains(t, cbs.cloneToolTip) && t.removeChild(cbs.cloneToolTip); var i = cbs.cloneTooltipText.innerText; if (jQuery.contains(e, cbs.cloneTooltipText) && e.removeChild(cbs.cloneTooltipText), i == this .series.chart.tooltip.label.div.innerText) return } cbs.cloneToolTip = this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.cloneNode(!0), cbs.cloneTooltipText = this .series.chart.tooltip.label.div.cloneNode(!0), e.appendChild(cbs.cloneTooltipText), t.appendChild( cbs.cloneToolTip) }; cbs['plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect'] = function plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect(e) { var t = (t) { if (t.statcode === return t }); this.series.chart.tooltip.isHidden = !0, this.series.chart.tooltip.refresh(t[0]); var i = this.series.chart.container, o = i.firstChild; if (void 0 !== cbs.cloneToolTip && void 0 !== cbs.cloneTooltipText && void 0 !== o) { jQuery.contains(o, cbs.cloneToolTip) && o.removeChild(cbs.cloneToolTip); var n = cbs.cloneTooltipText.innerText; if (jQuery.contains(i, cbs.cloneTooltipText) && i.removeChild(cbs.cloneTooltipText), n == this .series.chart.tooltip.label.div.innerText) return cbs.cloneToolTip = void 0, void(cbs .cloneTooltipText = void 0) } cbs.cloneToolTip = this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.cloneNode(!0), cbs.cloneTooltipText = this .series.chart.tooltip.label.div.cloneNode(!0), o.appendChild(cbs.cloneToolTip), i.appendChild(cbs .cloneTooltipText) }; cbs['legendLabelFormatter'] = function mapLegendLabelFormatter() { this.legendGroup.element.onclick = null; var e = this.chart.options.selectedCultureId, t = this.chart.options.legend.noDataEnabled, i = "", o = function (e, t) { var i = e, o = t.chart.tooltip.options.valuePrefix; return o && (i = "".concat(o, e)), i }; if (void 0 !== e) if ( === cbs.noDataLegendItemId) i = t ? this.chart.options.lang.legend.noData : ""; else { i = void 0 !== this.from ? o(Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(this.displayValueFrom, this.from), this) + " " : this.chart.options.lang.legend.less + " ", void 0 !== this.from && void 0 !== && (i += + " "), i += "" + ( void 0 !== ? o(Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(this.displayValueTo,, this) : this .chart.options.lang.legend.more); var n = this.chart.tooltip.options.valueSuffix; n && (i += " (" + n.trim() + ")") } return i }; cbs['dataLabelFormatter'] = function i() { var e = ""; if (void 0 !== this.point.value && null !== this.point.value && this.point.plotX && this.point.plotY ? e = this.point.valueString : this.point.yString && (e = this.point.yString), "pie" === this.series .chart.options.chart.type) { var t = (100 * this.point.y /; e = Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(t) + " %" } else e = "." === e ? "" : e && this.series.chart.options.barType && this.series.chart.options .barType .negative && 0 == e.indexOf("-") ? e.substring(1) : Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(e); return e }; cbs['downloadGeoJson'] = function l(e) { return jQuery.getJSON(e).done(function (e) { cl(e), chart && chart.update({ accessibility: { pointDescriptionFormatter: cbs.pointDescriptionFormatter }, chart: { map: e }, plotOptions: { map: { point: { events: { click: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick, select: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect } } }, mapbubble: { point: { events: { click: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick, select: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect } } }, series: { dataLabels: { formatter: cbs.dataLabelFormatter } } }, legend: { labelFormatter: cbs.legendLabelFormatter } }), cbs.setSerieVisibility() }) }; cbs['setSerieVisibility'] = function r() { if (chart) { for (var e in chart.series) { var t = chart.series[e]; t.options.isSerie ? === cbs.selectedSerie && t.options.periode === cbs .selectedPeriod ? t.visible || : t.hide() : } chart.reflow(), chart.legend.update() } }; cbs['mapTooltipFormatter'] = function e() { var e = this.series.chart.options.lang.tooltip.nullDataMessage, t = this.series.tooltipOptions.valueSuffix || "", i = this.series.tooltipOptions.valuePrefix || ""; if (! for (var o = ["wijknaam", "buurtnaam"], n = ["wijkcode", "buurtcode"], a = 0; a < o.length; a++)[o[a]] && ( =[o[a]], .statcode =[n[a]]); var r = ? + ": " : ""; if (this.series.tooltipOptions.shared) { var l = this, s = "" + r + "
"; return chart.options.series.forEach(function (o) { if (o.isSerie) { var n = (e) { if (e.statcode === return e })[0]; if (n) { var a = "." === n.valueString ? e : i + Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(n .valueString) + t; s += + ": " + a + "
" } } }), s += "
" } var d = "." === this.valueString ? e : i + Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(this.valueString) + t; return r + "" + d + "" }; cbs['onAutoCompleted'] = function d(e, t, i, o) { if (e) { if (void 0 === t || null === t || void 0 === i || null === i || void 0 === o || null === o || void 0 === e || null === e) return; e.series.forEach(function (e) { e.options.isSerie && (n) { void 0 !== n.options.categorie && n.options.categorie.toLowerCase() === t .toLocaleLowerCase() && e.options.periode === i && === o &&!0, !1) }) }) } }; cbs['autoCompletedInit'] = function s(e, t, i) { if (void 0 !== t && null !== t && void 0 !== i && null !== i && void 0 !== e && null !== e) { var o = []; return e.series.forEach(function (e) { e.options.isSerie && (n) { e.options.isSerie && void 0 !== e.options.periode && e.options.periode === t && void 0 !== && === i && null !== n .value && o.push(n.categorie) }) }), o } }; cbs['selectedPeriod'] = "2023"; cbs['selectedSerie'] = "Centenarians per 1,000 people aged 80 and over"; jQuery('#49225c8a-ab88-4b22-84f1-c53e5d0814d1 .dropdown-menu a').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).parents('.dropdown').find('.btn').html(jQuery(this).text() + ''); jQuery(this).parents('.dropdown').find('.btn').val(jQuery(this).data('value')); (function (selectedItem) { cbs['selectedSerie'] = selectedItem.text(); cbs.setSerieVisibility(); })(jQuery(this)) }); cbs['autoCompleteRegionSearch'] = function autoCompleteRegionSearch(source) { if (source === undefined || source === null) return; var substringMatcher = function n(e) { var t = function (e) { return e.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&") }; return function (i, o) { var n = []; if (void 0 === e || null === e) return void o(n); var a = new RegExp(t(i), "i"); jQuery.each(e, function (e, t) { a.test(t) && n.push(t) }), o(n.sort()) } }; jQuery("#100-80-plus-0u9v4crdsz-typeahead .typeahead").typeahead({ hint: false, highlight: true, minLength: 3 }, { name: "source", source: substringMatcher(source), limit: source.length }).bind("typeahead:autocompleted", function (obj, value) { cbs.onAutoCompleted(chart, value, cbs.selectedPeriod, cbs.selectedSerie); }).bind("typeahead:selected", function (obj, value) { cbs.onAutoCompleted(chart, value, cbs.selectedPeriod, cbs.selectedSerie); }); }; })();

Show datatableCentenarians per 1,000 people aged 80 and overHide datatableCentenarians per 1,000 people aged 80 and over

Centenarians per 1,000 people aged 80 and over
Gemeente Centenarians per 1,000 people aged 80 and over People aged 80 and over Centenarians
Groningen 3.7 8463.0 31.0
Almere 3.0 4713.0 14.0
Stadskanaal 3.1 2271.0 7.0
Veendam 5.9 1523.0 9.0
Zeewolde 1.3 743.0 1.0
Achtkarspelen 1.5 1331.0 2.0
Ameland 0.0 210.0 0.0
Harlingen 1.0 990.0 1.0
Heerenveen 1.9 3118.0 6.0
Leeuwarden 2.6 5777.0 15.0
Ooststellingwerf 2.5 1615.0 4.0
Opsterland 3.0 1663.0 5.0
Schiermonnikoog 13.7 73.0 1.0
Smallingerland 3.1 3212.0 10.0
Terschelling 9.9 304.0 3.0
Vlieland 14.9 67.0 1.0
Weststellingwerf 5.1 1748.0 9.0
Assen 4.5 3589.0 16.0
Coevorden 4.5 2231.0 10.0
Emmen 2.1 6251.0 13.0
Hoogeveen 3.4 3247.0 11.0
Meppel 2.3 1722.0 4.0
Almelo 3.6 3616.0 13.0
Borne 1.5 1329.0 2.0
Dalfsen 2.4 1654.0 4.0
Deventer 3.3 4781.0 16.0
Enschede 2.8 7190.0 20.0
Haaksbergen 2.4 1670.0 4.0
Hardenberg 1.3 2967.0 4.0
Hellendoorn 2.5 2035.0 5.0
Hengelo (O) 2.8 4315.0 12.0
Kampen 2.5 2399.0 6.0
Losser 3.0 1314.0 4.0
Noordoostpolder 4.9 2034.0 10.0
Oldenzaal 3.6 1962.0 7.0
Ommen 4.9 1028.0 5.0
Raalte 1.3 2289.0 3.0
Staphorst 3.2 630.0 2.0
Tubbergen 2.8 1078.0 3.0
Urk 2.2 462.0 1.0
Wierden 0.0 1379.0 0.0
Zwolle 2.6 5310.0 14.0
Aalten 3.2 1545.0 5.0
Apeldoorn 3.3 8813.0 29.0
Arnhem 4.6 5906.0 27.0
Barneveld 2.5 2773.0 7.0
Beuningen 2.5 1222.0 3.0
Brummen 1.4 1475.0 2.0
Buren 5.4 1112.0 6.0
Culemborg 0.0 1286.0 0.0
Doesburg 1.5 676.0 1.0
Doetinchem 2.6 3106.0 8.0
Druten 0.0 876.0 0.0
Duiven 3.5 1135.0 4.0
Ede 4.0 5809.0 23.0
Elburg 2.7 1118.0 3.0
Epe 3.6 2251.0 8.0
Ermelo 3.5 1728.0 6.0
Harderwijk 4.5 2243.0 10.0
Hattem 0.0 760.0 0.0
Heerde 5.1 1178.0 6.0
Heumen 0.0 1120.0 0.0
Lochem 2.6 2737.0 7.0
Maasdriel 3.7 1077.0 4.0
Nijkerk 2.4 2096.0 5.0
Nijmegen 4.0 6756.0 27.0
Oldebroek 1.8 1122.0 2.0
Putten 0.7 1425.0 1.0
Renkum 4.2 2603.0 11.0
Rheden 3.0 3611.0 11.0
Rozendaal 0.0 107.0 0.0
Scherpenzeel 3.9 510.0 2.0
Tiel 3.3 1794.0 6.0
Voorst 2.6 1535.0 4.0
Wageningen 6.5 1848.0 12.0
Westervoort 1.6 645.0 1.0
Winterswijk 3.3 1809.0 6.0
Wijchen 2.4 2125.0 5.0
Zaltbommel 3.1 1306.0 4.0
Zevenaar 1.9 2591.0 5.0
Zutphen 4.4 2475.0 11.0
Nunspeet 1.9 1569.0 3.0
Dronten 2.7 1882.0 5.0
Amersfoort 3.2 5880.0 19.0
Baarn 5.8 1717.0 10.0
De Bilt 4.0 3211.0 13.0
Bunnik 4.9 1030.0 5.0
Bunschoten 3.5 849.0 3.0
Eemnes 2.2 460.0 1.0
Houten 4.3 1637.0 7.0
Leusden 0.6 1738.0 1.0
Lopik 1.7 580.0 1.0
Montfoort 1.5 662.0 1.0
Renswoude 0.0 154.0 0.0
Rhenen 1.7 1176.0 2.0
Soest 3.2 2819.0 9.0
Utrecht 5.0 9418.0 47.0
Veenendaal 2.0 2946.0 6.0
Woudenberg 1.4 730.0 1.0
Wijk bij Duurstede 1.0 1023.0 1.0
IJsselstein 2.6 1531.0 4.0
Zeist 4.2 4040.0 17.0
Nieuwegein 0.0 2662.0 0.0
Aalsmeer 2.3 1753.0 4.0
Alkmaar 3.1 5191.0 16.0
Amstelveen 3.4 5341.0 18.0
Amsterdam 3.2 26053.0 83.0
Bergen (N-H) 4.3 2815.0 12.0
Beverwijk 1.0 1963.0 2.0
Blaricum 4.5 674.0 3.0
Bloemendaal 7.4 2038.0 15.0
Castricum 1.6 2577.0 4.0
Diemen 4.1 1216.0 5.0
Edam-Volendam 1.7 1718.0 3.0
Enkhuizen 5.2 965.0 5.0
Haarlem 3.8 7151.0 27.0
Haarlemmermeer 3.0 6341.0 19.0
Heemskerk 2.7 2557.0 7.0
Heemstede 2.9 2375.0 7.0
Heiloo 2.0 1962.0 4.0
Den Helder 3.8 3172.0 12.0
Hilversum 2.9 4826.0 14.0
Hoorn 1.3 3192.0 4.0
Huizen 2.0 2476.0 5.0
Landsmeer 4.5 674.0 3.0
Laren 3.0 1317.0 4.0
Medemblik 2.9 2098.0 6.0
Oostzaan 0.0 557.0 0.0
Opmeer 1.6 641.0 1.0
Ouder-Amstel 1.4 731.0 1.0
Purmerend 1.6 4956.0 8.0
Schagen 1.0 2915.0 3.0
Texel 1.2 825.0 1.0
Uitgeest 0.0 573.0 0.0
Uithoorn 5.5 1649.0 9.0
Velsen 2.1 3814.0 8.0
Zandvoort 5.1 1176.0 6.0
Zaanstad 3.5 7343.0 26.0
Alblasserdam 0.0 1146.0 0.0
Alphen aan den Rijn 2.9 5224.0 15.0
Barendrecht 2.2 2229.0 5.0
Drechterland 3.0 996.0 3.0
Capelle aan den IJssel 4.5 3358.0 15.0
Delft 3.5 4042.0 14.0
Dordrecht 3.4 5805.0 20.0
Gorinchem 3.8 1840.0 7.0
Gouda 4.8 3734.0 18.0
's-Gravenhage 4.6 19608.0 91.0
Hardinxveld-Giessendam 3.2 943.0 3.0
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 4.2 1421.0 6.0
Stede Broec 1.0 1033.0 1.0
Hillegom 1.7 1190.0 2.0
Katwijk 2.0 2975.0 6.0
Krimpen aan den IJssel 3.3 2098.0 7.0
Leiden 3.4 4641.0 16.0
Leiderdorp 4.9 1644.0 8.0
Lisse 0.0 1466.0 0.0
Maassluis 2.2 1841.0 4.0
Nieuwkoop 0.0 1426.0 0.0
Noordwijk 2.5 2436.0 6.0
Oegstgeest 2.1 1458.0 3.0
Oudewater 1.7 603.0 1.0
Papendrecht 0.5 1915.0 1.0
Ridderkerk 2.5 3240.0 8.0
Rotterdam 4.7 25902.0 122.0
Rijswijk 3.2 3403.0 11.0
Schiedam 5.0 3433.0 17.0
Sliedrecht 4.8 1471.0 7.0
Albrandswaard 1.9 1059.0 2.0
Vlaardingen 3.1 4260.0 13.0
Voorschoten 3.4 1768.0 6.0
Waddinxveen 2.1 1439.0 3.0
Wassenaar 5.0 2197.0 11.0
Woerden 2.4 2542.0 6.0
Zoetermeer 2.9 5211.0 15.0
Zoeterwoude 2.0 496.0 1.0
Zwijndrecht 2.7 2917.0 8.0
Borsele 7.3 1225.0 9.0
Goes 3.8 2618.0 10.0
West Maas en Waal 1.0 1014.0 1.0
Hulst 7.6 1847.0 14.0
Kapelle 8.4 712.0 6.0
Middelburg 1.4 2955.0 4.0
Reimerswaal 3.0 1004.0 3.0
Terneuzen 4.1 3679.0 15.0
Tholen 2.3 1297.0 3.0
Veere 2.0 1521.0 3.0
Vlissingen 4.7 2753.0 13.0
De Ronde Venen 2.5 2404.0 6.0
Tytsjerksteradiel 2.0 2022.0 4.0
Asten 2.1 937.0 2.0
Baarle-Nassau 0.0 483.0 0.0
Bergen op Zoom 2.2 3717.0 8.0
Best 0.6 1540.0 1.0
Boekel 3.8 529.0 2.0
Boxtel 4.4 1807.0 8.0
Breda 3.7 9386.0 35.0
Deurne 1.6 1897.0 3.0
Pekela 3.1 645.0 2.0
Dongen 5.7 1399.0 8.0
Eersel 0.8 1264.0 1.0
Eindhoven 3.6 10942.0 39.0
Etten-Leur 1.8 2229.0 4.0
Geertruidenberg 2.6 1135.0 3.0
Gilze en Rijen 1.5 1368.0 2.0
Goirle 0.8 1250.0 1.0
Helmond 1.6 3799.0 6.0
's-Hertogenbosch 2.8 6767.0 19.0
Heusden 2.1 2345.0 5.0
Hilvarenbeek 2.1 942.0 2.0
Loon op Zand 2.1 1417.0 3.0
Nuenen c0a0 2.5 1607.0 4.0
Oirschot 0.9 1107.0 1.0
Oisterwijk 0.0 2201.0 0.0
Oosterhout 1.6 3076.0 5.0
Oss 3.1 4536.0 14.0
Rucphen 0.9 1130.0 1.0
Sint-Michielsgestel 1.7 1736.0 3.0
Someren 0.9 1055.0 1.0
Son en Breugel 3.8 1324.0 5.0
Steenbergen 2.3 1328.0 3.0
Waterland 1.8 1098.0 2.0
Tilburg 2.6 9287.0 24.0
Valkenswaard 1.4 2203.0 3.0
Veldhoven 0.0 2721.0 0.0
Vught 3.2 1880.0 6.0
Waalre 0.8 1320.0 1.0
Waalwijk 1.9 2629.0 5.0
Woensdrecht 1.4 1419.0 2.0
Zundert 1.6 1272.0 2.0
Wormerland 0.9 1112.0 1.0
Landgraaf 3.5 2300.0 8.0
Beek 1.7 1149.0 2.0
Beesel 5.0 803.0 4.0
Bergen (L) 0.0 742.0 0.0
Brunssum 3.2 1848.0 6.0
Gennep 1.9 1048.0 2.0
Heerlen 2.4 5440.0 13.0
Kerkrade 3.0 2994.0 9.0
Maastricht 2.5 7174.0 18.0
Meerssen 1.5 1379.0 2.0
Mook en Middelaar 1.8 556.0 1.0
Nederweert 0.9 1086.0 1.0
Roermond 2.5 3151.0 8.0
Simpelveld 1.3 755.0 1.0
Stein 1.1 1755.0 2.0
Vaals 0.0 782.0 0.0
Venlo 2.2 5821.0 13.0
Venray 0.4 2509.0 1.0
Voerendaal 2.2 907.0 2.0
Weert 1.2 3274.0 4.0
Valkenburg aan de Geul 2.1 1407.0 3.0
Lelystad 7.4 2560.0 19.0
Horst aan de Maas 1.6 2560.0 4.0
Oude IJsselstreek 2.4 2494.0 6.0
Teylingen 3.4 2059.0 7.0
Utrechtse Heuvelrug 4.2 3780.0 16.0
Oost Gelre 1.2 1720.0 2.0
Koggenland 2.6 1158.0 3.0
Lansingerland 1.5 2623.0 4.0
Leudal 2.1 2339.0 5.0
Maasgouw 4.7 1693.0 8.0
Gemert-Bakel 2.0 1480.0 3.0
Halderberge 2.7 1833.0 5.0
Heeze-Leende 4.3 1156.0 5.0
Laarbeek 2.3 1299.0 3.0
Reusel-De Mierden 0.0 569.0 0.0
Roerdalen 0.7 1393.0 1.0
Roosendaal 1.9 4286.0 8.0
Schouwen-Duiveland 5.5 2544.0 14.0
Aa en Hunze 3.6 1664.0 6.0
Borger-Odoorn 2.7 1486.0 4.0
De Wolden 3.2 1577.0 5.0
Noord-Beveland 5.5 550.0 3.0
Wijdemeren 2.6 1528.0 4.0
Noordenveld 1.7 2379.0 4.0
Twenterand 0.7 1518.0 1.0
Westerveld 3.3 1528.0 5.0
Lingewaard 2.5 2403.0 6.0
Cranendonck 1.6 1235.0 2.0
Steenwijkerland 2.7 2562.0 7.0
Moerdijk 3.6 1962.0 7.0
Echt-Susteren 1.0 2037.0 2.0
Sluis 2.8 1817.0 5.0
Drimmelen 2.0 1495.0 3.0
Bernheze 5.1 1769.0 9.0
Alphen-Chaam 0.0 598.0 0.0
Bergeijk 1.8 1091.0 2.0
Bladel 0.8 1261.0 1.0
Gulpen-Wittem 0.9 1076.0 1.0
Tynaarlo 3.9 2310.0 9.0
Midden-Drenthe 1.5 1957.0 3.0
Overbetuwe 1.3 2286.0 3.0
Hof van Twente 5.5 2538.0 14.0
Neder-Betuwe 1.1 923.0 1.0
Rijssen-Holten 3.0 1968.0 6.0
Geldrop-Mierlo 1.3 2379.0 3.0
Olst-Wijhe 3.0 997.0 3.0
Dinkelland 2.4 1648.0 4.0
Westland 3.6 5757.0 21.0
Midden-Delfland 1.0 1034.0 1.0
Berkelland 0.7 2797.0 2.0
Bronckhorst 1.6 2446.0 4.0
Sittard-Geleen 3.7 5925.0 22.0
Kaag en Braassem 2.1 1463.0 3.0
Dantumadiel 4.4 1134.0 5.0
Zuidplas 2.0 2029.0 4.0
Peel en Maas 1.6 2570.0 4.0
Oldambt 3.0 2362.0 7.0
Zwartewaterland 3.5 869.0 3.0
Súdwest Fryslân 3.7 5338.0 20.0
Bodegraven-Reeuwijk 3.3 1829.0 6.0
Eijsden-Margraten 2.3 1742.0 4.0
Stichtse Vecht 2.2 3237.0 7.0
Hollands Kroon 2.8 2519.0 7.0
Leidschendam-Voorburg 3.7 5077.0 19.0
Goeree-Overflakkee 4.4 2958.0 13.0
Pijnacker-Nootdorp 2.1 2356.0 5.0
Nissewaard 1.0 3928.0 4.0
Krimpenerwaard 0.6 3168.0 2.0
De Fryske Marren 3.2 3106.0 10.0
Gooise Meren 4.0 3789.0 15.0
Berg en Dal 3.9 2319.0 9.0
Meierijstad 1.9 4300.0 8.0
Waadhoeke 2.0 2470.0 5.0
Westerwolde 3.6 1684.0 6.0
Midden-Groningen 2.5 3263.0 8.0
Beekdaelen 1.6 2448.0 4.0
Montferland 2.3 2196.0 5.0
Altena 3.3 2693.0 9.0
West Betuwe 2.6 2326.0 6.0
Vijfheerenlanden 2.7 2962.0 8.0
Hoeksche Waard 3.0 4926.0 15.0
Het Hogeland 3.8 2625.0 10.0
Westerkwartier 3.3 3342.0 11.0
Noardeast-Fryslân 0.8 2460.0 2.0
Molenlanden 1.0 2007.0 2.0
Eemsdelta 4.2 2886.0 12.0
Dijk en Waard 1.9 3654.0 7.0
Land van Cuijk 1.6 5146.0 8.0
Maashorst 3.1 3262.0 10.0
Voorne aan Zee 3.0 4001.0 12.0

The questions

  1. What keeps people from eating healthier?
  2. What is working people’s income?
  3. How much of the energy we consume is renewable?
  4. What percentage wears glasses?
  5. How are the dragonflies and butterflies doing?
  6. How many housing units are there?
  7. How does home burglary affect people?
  8. In what occupations do most people work from home?
  9. How much more expensive did food get?
  10. How many babies were born to unmarried mothers?
  11. From which countries do most immigrants come?
  12. How many centenarians are there?
  13. How do fathers and mothers divide work and care?
  14. How many cars are there?
  15. How much milk does a cow produce?
  16. What portion of income went to food in1936?
  17. How many pigs were there in 1910?
  18. How many cattle and pigs in the Netherlands?
  19. What do we import from China?
  20. What type of shop is seen less and less?
  21. How many nights are spent in Dutch hotels?
  22. How often do older people have contact with neighbours?
  23. How many adults comply with the physical activity guidelines?
  24. Where do international students in the Netherlands come from?
  25. What are the major religions?
  26. How many litres of water do we use per day?
  27. How many millionaires in the Netherlands?
  28. How many inhabitants in the Netherlands??
  29. Where can we ride our bikes?
  30. At what age do workers retire?
  31. Which day has the most birthdays?
  32. How many people have a student debt?
  33. How does CBS handle your privacy?
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How many centenarians are there? (2024)


How many centenarians are there? ›

In the US, 2021 records show that in a population of 336,996,624 people, there were 89,739 centenarians (a prevalence of 0.27%). This figure has almost doubled in the last 20 years and centenarians are projected to make up 0.1% of the population by 2054.

What country has the most centenarians? ›

Worldwide incidence by country
CountryLatest estimate (year)Earliest estimate (year)
Japan92,139 (2023)81 (1884), 105 (1930), 97 (1950), 155 (1960), 54,397 (2013)
Malaysia2,296 (2024)
Mexico18,295 (2020)2,403 (1990)
Netherlands2,572 (2023)18 (1830)
44 more rows

How rare is it to live to 100? ›

Thanks to a number of factors, including advances in our understanding of health, wellness, and longevity, people are living longer than ever. Nonetheless, living to the age of 100 remains a remarkable and somewhat rare feat. But, just how rare? The short answer: Less than 1%.

How many 110 year olds are there in the world? ›

While researching, they learned that there are around 300 to 450 people in the world who are aged 110 and older. These people are often referred to as supercentenarians.

How many 105 year olds are there in the US? ›

One sign of how complicated income planning can be: In the United States, in 2020, 80,139 people were ages 100 or older, according to new Census Bureau data. The bureau found 10,946 people who were said to be age 105 or older, meaning that about 1 in every 30,000 U.S. residents is in that ultra-long-lived age group.

Which race lives the longest? ›

Reflecting these declines, provisional data for 2021 show that life expectancy was lowest for AIAN people at 65.2 years, followed by Black people, whose expectancy was 70.8 years, compared with 76.4 years for White people and 77.7 years for Hispanic people. It was highest for Asian people at 83.5 years.

What are the odds of living to 90 years old? ›

At the end of the study, about 16% of the men and about 34% of the women survived to the age of 90. In fact, the authors found women who were taller than 5 feet 9 inches were 31% more likely to reach 90, compared to those who were under 5 feet 3 inches.

What is the rarest age to live to? ›

There are, however, far fewer “supercentenarians,” people who live to age 110 or even longer. The oldest living person, Jeanne Calment of France, was 122 when she died in 1997; currently, the world's oldest person is 118-year-old Kane Tanaka of Japan.

What foods do centenarians eat? ›

They primarily eat a variety of in-season fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and beans. Eat animal foods sparingly – When they do eat animal-based foods, such as meat, eggs, fish and dairy, they are used to flavor dishes rather than being the main focus of the meal or are enjoyed as celebratory foods.

What percent of Americans live to 90? ›

What percentage of people live into their 90s? According to US government statistics, about 24% of people live to age 90 or above, based on 2012 data published in 2016. Of course, that masks some considerable differences by sex and race; and surely, by some other characteristics not reported (such as urban vs.

Who is the oldest person ever lived? ›

The longest documented and verified human lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment of France, a woman who lived to age 122 years and 164 days. As females live longer than males on average, women predominate in combined records.

Is anyone born in the 1800s still alive? ›

Emma Martina Luigia Morano OMRI (29 November 1899 – 15 April 2017) was an Italian supercentenarian. She was the world's oldest living person from 13 May 2016 until her death on 15 April 2017, aged 117 years and 137 days. Until her death, she was also the last living person verified to have been born in the 1800s.

Is there anyone alive from 1912? ›

The Titanic sank. The year of John Alfred Tinniswood's birth, 1912, was a busy one. Now 111, with countless stories to tell, he's the oldest man alive. Tinniswood is only six years younger than the oldest person alive, Spain's Maria Branyas Morera — who recently celebrated her 117th birthday.

Which state has the most centenarians? ›

Hawaii. Hawaii was found to have the highest number of centenarians (585), as well as the highest life expectancy (80 years old)—making it a good place to plan on retiring. It also ranked first (tied with Massachusetts) for community wellbeing and the number of vegetarian/vegan restaurants per million residents.

Who is the oldest US citizen? ›

As of June 29, 2024, it lists the oldest living American-born person as Spanish emigrant Maria Branyas (born in San Francisco, California, on March 4, 1907), aged 117 years, 117 days. The oldest American resident is listed as Elizabeth Francis (born in Houston, Texas, on July 25, 1909), aged 114 years, 340 days.

What country has the longest life expectancy? ›

Countries ranked by life expectancy (2023)
#CountryLife Expectancy (both sexes)
1Hong Kong85.83
92 more rows

Why does Japan have so many centenarians? ›

This low mortality is mainly attributable to a low rate of obesity, low consumption of red meat, and high consumption of fish and plant foods such as soybeans and tea. In Japan, the obesity rate is low (4.8% for men and 3.7% for women).

What country has the most 90 year olds? ›

As of 2020, population aged 90+ years in China was 2,854.91 thousand persons that accounts for 13.39% of the world's population aged 90+ years. The top 5 countries (others are the United States of America, Japan, India, and Germany) account for 48.09% of it.

Which country has the fastest aging population? ›

Ageing Society

As the following chart shows, Asia is at the forefront of this trend, with Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan expected to have the highest share of people aged 65 and older by 2050.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.