One of the newer heroes to be added to the Respawn Battle Royale/FPS, Valkyrie is a vixen of the air and a deadly harpie that uses her jetpack to survey her surroundings and relay information to her squadmates about opponent locations.
Beyond being a mechanically assisted warrior, she is also the daughter of a former mercenary Pilot that served the infamous Blisk. Valkyrie has some sweet styles in Apex Legends for her skins. Many make her look like a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or a Viking space marauder.
Today, we’re counting down the top 10 threads that the lady herself can own. For fans who love to play Apex Legends using the amazing Valkyrie, this skin review is for you!
Top 10 Valkyrie Skins in Apex Legends
10. Spatial Anomaly

We start off our list with Spatial Anomaly. This is the only Epic tier skin for Valkyrie to make the list in our rundown of the Queen of the Skies’ best costumes.
In this special outfit, Valkyrie’s threads are primarily made up of a mechanical black and midnight blue. They are further accented with orange and white stripes on her arms and legs. She also has a ghostly apparition feel with her ash-white hair and her ominous Kabuki mask. Her mask seems to hide any form of remorse or expression she may (or may not) feel.
The great Valkyrie skin in Apex Legends was added during the Monsters Within Themed Event. This event took play over the Halloween period during Season 10, along with a number of other Legend and Weapon skins.
You can craft this Epic outfit using 400 Crafting Metals.
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9. Air Orchid

Entry nine on our list of the best Valkyrie skins in Apex Legends is Air Orchid. It’s an outfit seemingly inspired by Cyclops (the X-Men member not the Greek mythological kind). It’s an outfit that makes her look pretty badass.
Decked out in neon purple and matte black gear, Air Orchid gives Valkyrie a robotic cyborg look that has a futuristic, Cyberpunk vibe. Her eyes being hidden by a visor along with her cold expression leave no room for compassion; she’ll calculatingly eliminate any threats from the battlefield.
This awesome Valkyrie skin was added to the game in the 3rd Anniversary Event for the game. At the same time, 24 other cosmetic items were provided during the celebration. Air Orchid, as well as many other Legendary skins could be acquired by using Crafting Metals, Apex Coins, or by getting lucky from one of the event-exclusive Anniversary packs.
8. Aerial Evolution

Purple seems to be the color of choice when it comes to Valkyrie. Many of her suits favor the color as the main palette choice.
This costume lands somewhere between a mix of Catwoman, a Viking, and a Marvel superhero. Aerial Evolution paints Valkyrie in a vivid purple, giving her a small set of horns on her head as well as large, thin goggles that have a cat-like appearance to them.
Added in Season 10, also known as Emergence, Aerial Evolution was the reward for reaching Level 25 in the Battle Pass. This was a pretty hefty compensation seeing as the outfit is ranked as Legendary in rarity. Moreover, Level 25 is a fairly low requirement.
7. Ultra Legend Valkyrie

While the outfit is impressive and has well-thought aesthetics, the name sounds like it was decided by a thirteen-year-old boy when they were asked what they think the most powerful words are.
This Valkyrie skin in Apex Legends combines a pale blue, faded bronze, and washed-out white. Yet, they all work together in a cohesive fashion. Ultra Legend however does have a high asking price. Moreover, it can’t be merely bought using Apex Coins or crafted using Metal.
First off, you’ll need to purchase the Military Grade outfit by using 1,200 Crafting Metals. Then, you’ll have to save up thousands of Legends Tokens to recolor the skin to the Ultra Legend version. For those that don’t know, Legends Tokens are the currency given for leveling up in Apex Legends.
6. Birthright

Birthright is an outfit of great personal significance to the character of Valkyrie. This suit is one that she steps onto the field in with pride, knowing the history behind it.
Birthright gives Valkyrie the look of a Titan Pilot, with her fire orange colors shining bright. Her helmet (a key piece of gear for all Pilots) hides her face; it denies her opponents any window into her emotion.
This look is deliberate and ties in with the events of Respawn’s other game series in the same universe: Titanfall 2. In this equally stellar title, her father was a Pilot who went by the callsign Viper. He was assigned to protect a power source known as the Ark. Yet, during the mission he was announced as KIA after a battle with Jack Cooper.
Valkyrie eventually found her father’s body along with his Northstar Titan and returned both home. She then had Rampart reconfigure the wreckage into a custom suit of armor to honor her father.
To unlock the privilege of Birthright, you’ll need 3,000 Apex Coins.
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5. Slingshot Valkyrie Skin in Apex Legends

Similar to the Air Orchid outfit but with a more human look, Slingshot costs a pretty penny. Yet, this fantastic Valkyrie skin is worth every dime to acquire it in Apex Legends.
Added as part of the Unshackled Themed Event that ended at the beginning of May 2022, Slingshot jumped in with 3 other Legendary outfits (plus an extra 4 Epic ones). This epic skin is easily the best of the lot!
Slingshot evokes a feeling of a female Iron Man. The red and white color scheme plays a large part; her flying ability is also another huge factor in the comparison. Her human quality shines through though, thanks to her lack of a complete helmet, and her punk haircut helps too.
4. Callous Cartographer
The only Rare skin to be included here, Callous Cartographer doesn’t need color where they’re going.
Turning up in Season 12 and engrained in a full black steel look with a few minor splashings of white, Valkyrie’s map-making outfit also has a semi-kaleidoscope pattern on the thighs and torso of the suit.

Sadly, this outfit is no longer available for purchase for those that don’t have it. This great Valkyrie skin was part of the many PlayStation+ Packs for Apex Legends players that have been released since the release of the game. The Packs and their rewards change after every Season. They are given out for free to those who subscribe to the service.
Included in PS+ Pack 13 in Season 12 along with the same name skin for Fuse (along with the Spoiled Riches Banner Frame for both characters), this has since been replaced by Pack 14 with the skins now for Crypto and Seer.
The 3 Best Valkyrie Skins in Apex Legends
3. Omatsuri Fury

A nod to the character’s inspiration and origin, Omatsuri Fury turns Valkyrie from an intergalactic rebel into a historically honoring warrior. No one will stop her from reaching her goals!
Added in the Genesis Collection Event that took place in June 2021 during Season 9, this outfit (along with 23 others) had to be purchased during the Event; only one skin was given out from the Prize Track Rewards, that being Wattson’s Purple Crane outfit.
The Event saw many extravagant Apex Legends skins drop into the game. We find that Pathfinder’s Best Friend and Bangalore’s Decorated Line outfits were among the best. Yet, we also love Valkyrie’s Omatsuri Furi skin. Omatsuri Fury has a prominent but less ouvert look with its dark navy and yellow theme, with a fiery orange headband topping off the look.
Omatsuri also means a ritual/festival for worshipping Gods or Buddha in Japan, with gratitude often shown towards Nature, usually held in a specific shrine or temple.
2. Golden Opportunity – Runner Up to the Best Valkyrie Skin in Apex Legends
Looking like she jetted in straight from the mythical Asgard into Apex Legends, Valkyrie’s Golden Opportunity skin is far from subtle. When wearing it, we want everyone to know just how expensive it is.
Matching the outfit Azure Blessing in its design and layout, Golden Opportunity makes her look like the antithesis of the Marvel supervillain Thanos, matching his style of clothing but with much more well-meaning intentions.
Encapsulated in a full gold suit of armor, Valkyrie wouldn’t look out of place sitting with Arthur and his knights of the round table (just in space instead of rural England). A noble and dazzling suit of protection, this shiny reward only costs 1,200 Crafting Metals to create, making it an absolute bargain.

1. Titan Tested – The Best Valkyrie Skin in Apex Legends
The outfit to take our number one spot to take all the marbles is Valkyrie’s Titan Tested skin. This fantastic Valkyrie skin mixes style, grace, and flamboyance all in equal measure. Moreover, it is a ton of fun to play Apex Legends with this Valkyrie skin!
Conjuring up memories and sharing similarities with another popular video game female character, in this instance Overwatch’s Tracer, but differing on their choice of color scheme (matching more in line with another Overwatch character, this time being D.Va), Titan Tested has the feel mechanical and robotic feel that the Titans exude, despite their intelligent AI.
This skin also makes Valkyrie look like a Custom Robo or Gundam Wing character, which is pretty awesome in its own right.
With white and pink being the two main colors used on her outfit with accents of orange here and there, some have pointed out that her color palette is somewhat in line with those used on the lesbian flag. Whether that’s the intention or not isn’t really known.

Wrapping Up our Best Valkyrie Skins in Apex Legends Review
We hope you’ve enjoyed our review of the best Valkyrie skins in Apex Legends. What do you think of our top picks? If you have any other favorites, please feel free to let us know in the comments below.
Feel free to check out some of our other great skin reviews, including our review of the best Kawaii skins in Fortnite.