Saturday, May 8,1976 -province 25 ANDY CAPP SORRY, MISS, I'M ONLY ALLOWED WHAT COMIN' TO GIVE TO D'YER UP, RECOGNISED THINK REPRESENT? I WHAT'S MISS CHARITIES YOUR IDEA DUNNO, OF A DEAR RECOGNISED Capp CHARITY? 5-8 See THE OUTCASTS A MISS WONDERFUL! KATE SMITH ASK HER TO IS APPROACHING BEFORE MR. SING' 'GOP BLESS AMERICA'- SHE LEAVES 156 By SYDNEY OMARR Saturday, May 8, 1976 Capricorn handles more responsibility than the average person Cancer makes more money, Leo puts on more of a show, Gemini talks more, Virgo analyzes more, Libra evaluates more, Scorpio intensifies more, Sagittarius travels more, Aries invents more, Taurus collects more, Aquarius surprises more and Pisces perceives more than do most persons. ARIES (March 21 to April 19)- Highlight work, health, service. Moderation is a necessity. Knowledge of nutrition can become a most valuable ally.
Strive for the new, for independence, originality. Member of opposite sex is very much in picture. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Good Moon aspect coincides now with children, creativity, change, travel and love. This is an active, vibrant period. Imprint style communicate, let others know of your presence.
Aquarius, Virgo individuals figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Highlight willingness to test, periment. Be versatile without scattering forces. Display humor, adaptability. Open lines of communication.
Ask questions give full play to intellectual curiosity. You're going places and vou're going to det answers! CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Highlight ability to "come back," to respond, to show that you are capable of overcomina adversitv. What seems a restriction is due to boomerang in vour favor. One who talks much will drop some valuable hints. LEO (July 23 to Aug.
22) Studv Cancer, Gemini messages. Emphasis now is on what you lect, pay, locate and lose. The lat. ter is minimized if you attend to details. Don't permit annarent minor points to slio away.
You're goina to be vindicated. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Lunar cycle hiah trust ment, intuitive intellect. Take initiative: make new starts in new directions.
Don't take back seat be up front and assert views. You receive meaninaful compliment from family member. horoscope LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Be discreet accent is on institution, hospital.
What matters now is apt to be subdued, confined, behind the scenes. Pisces, Virgo figure prominently. Let others show their hands. Play your own cards close to chest. SCORPIO (Oct.
23 to Nov. 21)- Emphasis on making the most of "friendly connections." Means contacts, ingenuity come into play. You organize priorities you learn costs, production procedures, Capricorn, Cancer fiqure in picture. SAGITTARUS (Nov. 22 to Dec.
21) You are able to capture pulse beat of public. Know it and be confident. Let go of past take plunge into future. One in authority will back you. aware of it and be confident.
Aries, Libra figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) You are able now to cut through red tape, to get message across, to attract a wider audience. Leo, Aquarius could be in picture.
Emphasis on distance, journey, higher learning, an understanding of unique relationships. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Dig beneath surface indications. Remove superficial fluff.
You have right to get at truth and it will make you strong. Understanding is necessary in connection with partner, mate. Legal moves are associated with lease, tax shelter, cosigning situation. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Obtain valid hint from Aquarius message.
Be aware of legal maneuvers. special ties, co-operative efforts, cognizant of needs of partner or mate. If single, emphasis is on marriage. If married, there could be talk of investments. IF MAY 8 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are determined, courageous, a natural organizer, stubborn; you can be loving and selfish, insistent vet pliable, tough but sentimental and you appreciate the finer JUMBLE, bY that HENRI scrambled ARNOLD and word BOB game LEE Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to Pay my secretary form four ordinary words.
LOGAT Al 01976 Rights by The Reserved Chicago In bune AZIME WHAT THE DENTIST MORRAY SUCCEEDED IN EXTRACTING FROM HIS PATIENT. DOLFYN Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. Print the SURPRISE ANSWER here 01 0000 (Answers Monday) Jumbles: NOVEL CHAOS PITIED NICKEL Yesterday's Answer: What the habitual criminal had plenty of- CONVICTIONS THE Daily Crossword by Jack Luzzato ACROSS 28 Words of 1 Inquisitive keen apone proval 6 Game and 30 Frights in food fish bed 10 Hebrew A 35 Give (pay 14 Which one's extra) 15 Detective 36 Still abed 17 Great 37 Omnipotent artery 39 A son of 18 Associated Lincoln 19 Superior 40 Symbols of iron aid and 20 Fuel tanker mercy 21 Form 1040 42 Cut apart dispenser 44 Dehydrates 22 Audiences 45 Upright for causes part of 24 Fond of stair tread canines 47 Ups the 26. Wiser quality of Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: TABU MASA CLAM UPON PANES 00NA NOAH PSYCHOLOGY STROKES THRONES RENE SEAR CHASED ALERTS RUMEN STEP DOWN IMP APRES A BASDE PHENOM FANON DREN SLAT RADIANT PALETTE PSYCHUAURY, NEAT TONE. ALBEE NERO SPES NOSED ADEN 52 Inland 13 FBI agents island 16 Ohio rubber 53 Have the city blues 23 Identifier 55 Queenly 25 Cogwheels headwear 27 Abrogation 56 In the US people 58 Of a head.
29 Goddess of bump hope 59 Pari-mutuel 30 Squirrel machine finds 60 Left-hand 31 Person in a page will 61 Angered 32 Go toward 62 Spreads naturally grass 33 Pelts 63 Ger. indus- 34 Less doubttrial city ful 38 Not doubtDOWN ful at all 1 Almost under 41 Regarded water fearfully 2 Young hog 43 Violent 3 Land on the dissident Yellow Sea 46 Convene 4 Chemical again compound 48 Movies in 5 Fact facers Marseilles 6 Went for a 49 Fine meassleigh ride urements 7 Mutineer 50 Blank the 8 Patricia of tape films 51 Beauty 9 Formed a parlor curve 52 It. spark10 Ingested ling wine 11 Fights in 54 Total meascourt urement 12 Always 57 Kid 10 16 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 35 38 39 140 45 46 48 149 50 51 52 53 55 57 58 59 62 63 WHO ARE YOU GOING I DONT STANLEY KLUTZ. TO APPOINT AS THE NEW BUT GOT JUST THE INVENTOR OF AMBASSADOR SIRE? ND SURE LIKE THE GUY, WHO'S ALPHABET SOUP TO HAVE A SIRE THIS? MAN OF LETTERS' mo O- 5-8 GUESS THEY'LL LOOK GUESS AGAIN HEY! THE INSPECTION 1S I CLEANERS SENT IN TWO MINUTES! OKAY ONCE THEY'RE ME THE BETTER JUST COVERED BY THE WRONG LEAVE THEM JACKET world PANTS. ON 1078.
Loot 5-8 THEN YOU HAVEN'T THEY'LL PROBABLY NOPE, NOT I CAN'T LOOKED IN THE RIGHT TURN UP SOMEPLACE IN HERE! MOM, FIND MY BOX PLACES, DITTO! WHERE YOU LEAST OF LITTLE STARS. GOLD ca EXPECT THEM TO BE. DIE things of life. Cancer, Capricorn persons play important roles. You have chance to gain wide acceptance, recognition this year and August could be your most significant month of 1976.
Sunday, May 9, 1976 Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th on any month, you have gift of being creative, original, attractive. You also are tough, temperamental, stubborn and somewhat of a showoff. If Aries or Leo, these qualities are intensified. I have noted that individuals born on these days are inventive, willing to sacrifice for principles, are affectionate and need a private cheerinq section. Does this description fit your observations? Aries (March 21 to April 19) Take conservative course.
Collect and analyze data. Control emotions to extent that logic is given "equal time." Cancer, Capricorn individuals figure in picture. Family member, temporarily incapacitated, deserves more consideration. Taurus (April 20 to May 20) Highlight flexibility without scattering forces. Involvement, intensified relationship is featured.
Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Decision that is delayed will ultimately go in your favor. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Get promises, obligations in writing. Leave nothing to chance or sentimentality. You might have to tear down for purpose of rebuilding.
Means get on solid base. Be familiar with structure; conclude arrangements for business transaction. Cancer (June 21 to July 22) Change, travel, variety are Relative in transit may "get in touch." Short trips, calls, messages make this an active. busy time. Be analytical.
Put together puzzle pieces for complete picture. You gain insights. You understand now how to deal with one who is "disturbed." Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22) You get additional information concerning costs, sales, purchases. Family situation.
with regard to appliances and residence, requires attention. Taurus, Libra persons could figure prominently. Check assets. you're worth more than original estimate! Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept.
22) Remove doubts, fears by taking cold plunge to independence. Cycle is high and you win by taking initiative. Personal magnet is flows; you win popularity contest. Aura of glamous is present. You may be wined and dined.
But better not believe all those whipered sweet nothings! Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Study Virgo message. Organize in sense that you get priorities in order. Take nothing for granted.
Be responsible for actions. Relative who seems to know it all is whistling in dark. Heed your own counsel. You have earned right to dent. Scorpio (Oct.
23 to Nov. 21) Finish what you start avoid premature actions. Count your change. Deceptive element exists where, money, valuables are concerned. Know it and be on guard.
Obtain hint. from Leo message. Friend confides that all is not "beer and Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) See clearly steer away from clouds of self-deception.
Individual who can '-pull strings" expresses interest in you. Leo, Aquarius could figure prominently. Older person "opens up" and takes you into confidence. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan.
19) Be positive about quotations, rights and permissions. Some peopie seem now to "mumble" their words. Be alert and ask for verification. Otherwise, you pay price in embarrassment and money. On positive side, a joyous reunion could be on agenda.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 16 Highlight flexibility; show that you are versatile and willing to laugh at your own foibles. Accent, on money as it affects partner or mate. Friend is well-meaning but ideas lack substance.
Know if and act accordingly. Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)- Go slow. Avoid promisina more than you can dellver, Let others reveal their plans and show their hands. You have ace-in-hole that becomes evident if you play cards close to chest.
You'll comprehend! If May 9th is Your Birthday you are drawn to law, medicine and drama. You make new start this year, a new life and July will be outstanding. Aries, Libra persons play important roles in your life. Syndicate, Ins. To A LOT OF HUSBANDS THE MARRIAGE TIE IS AL FORGET ME KNoT Goren on bridge BY CHARLES H.
GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF 1976. The Chicago Tribune 0.1-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: 9K73 AJ82 The bidding bas proceeded: South West North East Pass 2NT Pass What do you bid now? your hand is unbalanced, you should not yet shut the door on a possible suit game, or even slam. You can complete the description of your h. and leave all options open by simply bidding your second suit at this point. If partner should raise diamonds or return to spades, you will play in a suit.
If he rebids no trump, that should be your best game. 9.2-As South, vulnerable, you hold: 995 KJ9 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 19 2. 4 What do you bid now? A. -Three no trump. Since partner's no trump response shows at least two elubs, you can reasonably expect your hand to proseven be felied tricks.
Surely for partner can upon additional two. If you bid only two no trump, you will be putting tremendous pressure on partner, hand who where might easily pass on a game is a laydown. Q.3-Neither. vulnerable, as South you hold: 9KQ6 0 AJ102 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West 1 4 Pass 10 Pass 1 Pass 34 Dble. What action do you take? four hearts.
Partner was in position to bid three no trump but refrained from doing so, and you certainly don't want to make that bid with no stopper in spades. By showing, partner that you have in his second suit, you put him in position to judge the possibilities of the hand with a fair degree of accuracy. 0.4-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: A1076 99852 0 A8 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Dble. 24 Dble. What action do you take? -Pass.
There is no reason to even think about possible rescue. West's double marks him with length in the major suits, so 4ZO COOKIES 0-Or King FM REALLY GIVE ME ON MY NOBODY IS HOW MUCH WILL. YOU DESPERATE! MECHANICAL. WALKING THAT DESPERATE. B.
PAIN SHOP (PETERS PAWN SHOP THAT SHOWS GREAT NO, THAT SHOWS GREAT SAW THE BUT I DIDN'T STRENGTH OF WEAKNESS OF BANK CUTEST OUTFIT BUY IT CHARACTER ACCOUNT TODAY 5-8 YOUNG RAYMOND any attempt to find a better spot, eould lead to disaster. If you have any better place to play the hand, partner would not have made an immediate raise Over the takeout double. 0.5-Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: 4 J872 9098 0 K102 4 Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond? is a close decision between a raise to two spades and a one no trump response, but we would choose the latter despite our four-eard trump support. A spade raise is the more encouraging response, and with, this absolutely shapeless minimum we do not want to encourage partner to try for game unless he has a very good hand indeed.
South you hold: 9.6-Both vulnerable, as PE QJ7 9 J954 A85 with one no trump. What do Partner opens the bidding 40 you respond? Three no trump. Even partner has a maximum of 18, you have a combined total only 32 points, which is generally not enough for slam. In addition, with your square hand you have no souree of tricks for partner. 0.7-As South, vulnerable, you hold: 9K98643 A86 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West Pass 2 9 Pass 4 9 Pass What action do you take? A.
-This is merely a matter of whether you should play a grand slam or be satisfied with six hearts. You could try Blackwood to has all determine the aces whether and kings, your side but A partner's responses might not be all that informative. A more delicate way of locating the cards you need for a grand slam would be to cue-bid five clubs. followed by another eue-bid of six diamonds. 0.8-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: 9 KJ5 0 1072 AJ74 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass 1 0 Pass 1 NT Pass 2 Pass 2NT Pass 3 Pass What do you bid now? bidding has described a hand with six diamonds and five spades.
Facing such an unbalanced hand, you so you should raise to game is that strain. port have trump. for no You his reason have to five-card persist excellent spade with suit, sup- no Kart SEE YOU HEY! THAT OH, I FORGOT TO SMAk LATER SCRATCHES! SHAVE TODAY dignts Word King DIE- -5-2 ALL PEOPLE CARE SOMETIMES, AH THINK TH' WHOLE DAD BURN IT! ABOUT NOWADAYS CONTRAIS GONE 'SISS9? THAR BUILDIN' IS MODERN ANOTHER QUE! 'A 5-8 AS MARY WATCHES, ENTRANCED BY BOBBI'5 PERFORMANCE- What is a proper rent for the loft. boy? (color THE DOORMAN BACKSTAGE APPROACHES POPPY WHERE'VE YOU BEEN, YOUR ANSWERING SERVICE TRYING TO REACH YOU! CALL SOMEONE BY THE LEA CULVER! Mama Seems got Things have seventy- gone five for it last year! YOUNG CHAP WANTS HMM! A WORD WITH YOU, RATHER MISS! SAYS HE'S CUTE! A FRIEND OF MR. SUTTON! JERRY FYFFE! COUNSELOR? HAS BEEN YOU'RE TO NAME OF Id want to be fair to Amelia! Yes, sir! HE'S I'M ON IN THE NEXT NUMBER! TELL HIM TO COME BACK AFTER THE SHOW! SAM? 5AM.
ARE YOU THERE? Mo "HAROLD 5-8 I'll pay a dollar! 500000 .00 a 0 2 0 0 0 0 (pick) 1976 The Alt at Tritune.