The Crow Cries at Midnight - Chapter 49 - Dorked (2024)

Chapter Text

Tuesday morning brought a seemingly endless downpour, just as the forecast predicted. Clad in his raincoat, Akechi looked at his phone as he trailed down the road with Kanji.

Moving closer, Kanji said, "What's eatin' ya?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just…" Pausing, Akechi selected his voicemail. "Seems I have a new message."

He set it to speakerphone for Kanji's benefit. A good thing, too, as Naoto's voice soon greeted them. "Akechi-kun, if you don't see me today, then I suspect I have entered the TV world. Don't panic. I believe I've made enough strides with you all that my Shadow may be slightly less hostile. I'll talk to it as best as I can. Because we don't yet know what my Shadow is capable of, I advise you to prepare yourselves accordingly. I have a hypothesis I'd like to test where the Midnight Channel is concerned, so I ask that you all wait until tomorrow before pursuing me."

"sh*t," Kanji growled through clenched teeth. "Lemme try callin' him, just to be safe." Though Kanji whipped out his phone, it rang endlessly until an automated message informed the duo that their call could not be completed.

A rather damning sign, squeezing a sigh out of Akechi. "Then we'll regroup at Junes after school and inform the others of the situation."

"...Yeah. Guess that's really all we can do."

Though the hours dragged on, eventually Akechi and Kanji reconvened with the others at the food court's covered table. The girls and Teddie sat on one side as they had many times before, while Yu, Yosuke, Kanji, and Akechi sat parallel, with a noticeable empty space beside them. Only then did it fully sink in that Naoto was truly missing.

By the time the message concluded, Chie stood up and slammed her hands down on the table. "We're not actually gonna wait, right? I bet we could get Naoto-kun outta there before dinner if we hurried!"

Teddie draped one arm around his torso, propping up his elbow as he touched his chin. "I dunno, Chie-chan. If Nao-chan's got a plan, then maybe we oughta let him work his magic."

"The forecast did say it was going to be cloudy tomorrow," said Yukiko. "If it's anything like the previous kidnappings, then we have a little time before the fog arrives…"

"At least we know where to go," Rise added. "But I'm with Teddie on this one. If we rush, we might get sloppy, but if we take our time, we can make sure we're in top form starting tomorrow."

"And let's not forget that tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation," Akechi said. "We'll have significantly more time to explore the dungeon than we would if we started now."

"Gives Teddie a chance to see his Midnight Channel, too," Yu said, to which the bear-turned-pretty boy nodded.

"Yeah, that's the other thing. That last Midnight Channel was way too fuzzy! But if Nao-chan's inside the TV, maybe I can finally make sense of it all…"

Yosuke straightened his posture, eyes widening slightly. "Huh, yeah. I guess that could give us an advantage. I mean, we know the Midnight Channel shows the inside of the TV world, but that doesn't really tell us why…"

"Heh. Gettin' the inside scoop." Kanji smirked, though it was slightly crooked, and perhaps a little forced. "Guess it ain't all bad. We could all probably use some new gear from old Daidara."

"Well, most of us. I believe my gun will more than suffice, and I'd hate to replace Teddie's gift." Akechi sent Teddie a small, knowing smile that predictably made him misty eyed.

"Aww, Ake-chan! It's okay! Do whatcha gotta do in the name of justice!"

Akechi waved his hand. "I have it on good authority that sentimental objects hold a certain power within the TV world. So, with that in mind, I really only need to worry about defensive equipment."

Still, rather than take their chances the team all headed down to Daidara Metalworks after a short recess where Teddie slipped into his mascot suit. When they all spilled into the shop, Daidara's scarred face wrinkled up at the sight of them all. Then, when Yosuke explained the situation to him, well…

"Uh, so… Teddie really wants to get into character. Bears have claws, right? Sooo… got anything in that ballpark?"

Daidara grunted. "If your friend really wants to capture the ferocity of a bear, he'll want something less… colorful." Nonetheless, he heaved a heavy sigh, stepped away from the counter, and shuffled over to one of the racks, lined with an assortment of brass knuckles, gauntlets, and lengthy metal claws that could easily slip over the tops of Teddie's gloved hands.

"Ooh!" Teddie waddled over with squeaking footsteps. The mere sound left Daidara staring flatly before he shook his head and talked Teddie through their assortment of wares.

Everyone else rifled through the equipment accordingly.

Over by the blunt weaponry, a huge grin seized Kanji's face. Upon closer inspection, a large, black shield adorned with golden wings stood out among the selection. "Yo, Akechi! Check this out!" He pulled it from the shelf, striking a pose, and Akechi chuckled at the sight.

"Seems Daidara-san's taken quite a liking to the inspirational materials I shared with him."

Turning from Teddie, Daidara lifted his chin and smirked. "There's a certain thrill in using my forge to turn dreams into reality. Which reminds me…" He walked behind his desk and disappeared around the corner. Though it took a few moments, he set a cardboard box on the front counter. "I promised to share my childhood collection with you."

"Dude!" Chie rushed over, immediately peeking into the box. "You're into action shows?"

Daidara snorted. "They were an inspiration in my youth. Even if the props were colorful and impractical, they sparked my imagination. That young man over there helped me reconnect with those days of old…"

When everyone's eyes fell on Akechi, he promptly looked away. It was rather embarrassing to be in the spotlight like this, but Chie popped a hand on his shoulder and said, "Okay, next time we hang out, we've got to go through all these tapes! There's, like, a ton of classics in here!"

Yukiko laughed behind a rather ornate fan. "Perhaps we could celebrate after…" She stopped. "Well, once we're sure our friend is safe."

If Daidara suspected anything was amiss, he didn't question it, instead returning to his place at the counter. "I won't question what you do with my art. Just promise me you'll treat it with the dignity it deserves."

"You got it, Sensei." Yu bowed. "We're deeply indebted to you and your forge…"

Daidara shook his head. "Don't overdo it, kid."

Rather than let this moment get any more awkward, Akechi said, "And thank you for sharing such cherished memories."

Dinner passed casually enough, despite Naoto's looming absence. As Yu, Akechi, and Nanako sat down to dine on grilled fish, vegetables, and miso, Nanako calmly said, "Dad's gonna be late again."

Yu and Akechi shared a knowing glance before Yu set down his soup bowl and said, "Just remember, he's doing his best to protect all of us."

"Yeah. And I know he still cares about us just as much as he cares about stopping the bad guys!" She picked up a piece of fish in her chopsticks, taking a small bite. A tiny frown took form, however, and she slumped ever so slightly. "But it sounded pretty serious…"

So Dojima hadn't outright confirmed Naoto's absence. Akechi poked at his fish, brow steadily creasing. "Well, Dojima-san is nothing, if not capable. I'm sure he'll get to the bottom of this in no time, and if not, he has…" Akechi was not going to suggest Adachi here. "Well, he certainly isn't alone."

This seemed to be enough to appease Nanako for the time being, and before long, their dinner resumed with talk of summer excitement.

As Nanako picked up her dirty dishes, something seemed to occur to her, and she immediately turned away from the kitchen and back to her two older brothers. "Oh yeah! Dad told me that one of his friends is coming to visit next week, and he's bringing his kids!" She paused. "...Well, one of them's a kid. I think the other one's a grown up now."

If he had heard the news a few months ago, Akechi might have stiffened like a cornered cat. Old family friends meant a shared history that Akechi couldn't begin to compete with. Fortunately, he had grown enough since March to know better, and so while the news gave him pause, it was for another reason entirely.

Rising from the table, he set his chopsticks and bowl on his dirty plate and followed Nanako to the kitchen. "Rather an odd time to vacation in Inaba, given the case."

Yu followed close behind. "Yeah, no kidding. And he's bringing a kid…?"

"She's a big kid!" Nanako said. "Dad said she's in the same grade as Goro, and his friend's a detective just like him!"

Akechi placed his dishes on the counter, brow raised. "I suppose I can't complain. Considering Adachi-san's inconsistent track record…" And that was putting it rather generously. "Well, any competent help will make a difference."

Though that did beg the question of how Dojima's recent suspicions with the surveillance equipment would factor in. Would he tell this friend of his, or would he keep it between himself, Akechi and Yu?

Yu started the warm water and said, "Let's just take it one day at a time, Akechi-kun. We got a few days to figure out what this means for us."

Akechi relented with a small sigh. "You're right, Yu. And it is nearly summer vacation…"

All the more reason to hurry to Naoto's side, really.

In time, Yu and Akechi took their places on the couch upstairs. Yu readied his new camera, while Akechi prepared his phone. Was it redundant? Perhaps, but evidence taken on two different devices only added to the credibility, which was crucial if they ever had to explain everything to Dojima.

As the screen filled with static, Akechi winced at the prospect. The static soon gave way to something else entirely. Blaring lights. Red banners adorned with phoenixes identical to the emblem on the sides of Naoto's dungeon. More curiously, large mechanical arms adorned with a buzzsaw, bloodied drill, and pincer loomed ominously over a rusted, metal… operating table?

Akechi slid to the edge of the couch, hitting record as Naoto's Shadow stepped into frame. No longer obscured by the darkness of his own dungeon, it was easy to see Naoto's familiar blue hat, yellow tie, and blue shirt beneath an oversized lab coat that hung baggily over his frame. The Shadow greeted the camera with a smirk, then glanced to the side.

"You know, all things considered, I'm surprised you chose to wait. You must know that we are here by now. The two of us, finally reunited..." The camera steadily panned to the right, where Naoto stood with a hand on his hip and a stoic look upon his face.

"Wait, it's showing both of them?" Yu said, though he kept his camera steady.

The Shadow droned on. "I'm in a generous mood, though. After all, our great 'Detective Prince' has taken great strides to reach inward. So go ahead. Tell them. If you're so willing to peel back the curtain, why not tell it to the world?"

Naoto adjusted his hat, speaking calmly. "I have confirmed my suspicions. We shall discuss the rest when the time is right." He turned his attention to his Shadow. "As for you... I believe it is my choice when and how to express my feelings on more personal matters."

The Shadow just snickered. "Not a rejection... Very clever, but I trust you realize that my patience is wearing thin."

With another hiss and a subsequent burst of static, the broadcast ended. Akechi ended the recording just in time, as his and Yu's phones rang wildly.

Yu picked up first, greeted by the sound of Teddie's voice. "Sensei, didja see it?!"

Yosuke followed, "Dude, of course he saw it! He and Akechi watch it every time."

"Well, excuse me, Yosuke! I just wanted to be extra safe!"

At the same time, Akechi answered Kanji's call, "Let me guess. You're just as confused as I am."

"Well, yeah! Since when does the Midnight Channel show a person and their Shadow?"

"Maybe it's because they're in the same spot," Yosuke said. "Or because Naoto's Shadow wanted it to go that way. I dunno. You're the one from the other side, Ted!"

"Oh! Right. You guys're probably beeeary confused, but that's okay! Teddie to the rescue!" After a quick giggle, his voice took on an uncharacteristically serious tone. "So, now that I've seen the Midnight Channel's true form, I know for sure that it's not actually being filmed. If I had to describe it, the strong emotions inside the dungeon are resonating with the TVs on this side, and that causes that really clear picture to show up instead of all that fuzzy stuff!"

"So when a person's kidnapped, everyone sees them?" Yu said.

"Hmm… I think so, anyway! 'Cause otherwise, it's just people who've been talked about on TV, right?"

"And in your case, only a select few of us overheard your Shadow…" Which was strange, no matter how Akechi thought about it. "Then again, perhaps it was different because you are a being of that world. We witnessed your Shadow's speech because we're connected to the TV world and can access it with ease."

"Wait a sec," said Kanji. "Didn't you say that Namatame saw it, too?"

…sh*t. Kanji had a point there. "He did, yes. And if we assume that Namatame-san was granted the power, that would explain a thing or two, but…" Even with all the logic behind the theory, a part of Akechi still yearned to dispute it. But Naoto said that he confirmed his suspicions…

Yu turned to Akechi, placing a hand over his. "Hey, that doesn't mean he's a bad person. Chances are, he's just been misled."

"Yeah… Without Teddie to give him the rundown, he's got no way of knowing how it works," Yosuke said. "Guess we'll have to clue him in."

"But only after we save Naoto!" Kanji said. "Namatame ain't the one stuck with that freakin' Shadow and all that creepy medical sh*t."

"W—Wait a sec!" said Teddie. "Are you telling me doctors use big, spiky things? That sounds a little…"

Yosuke said, "Chill, dude! I'm sure there's a reason Naoto's got all that weird junk in his dungeon."

"...There is," Akechi said, "but I'd rather he explain himself than put the words in his mouth."

Kanji sighed loudly. "Yeah. There's, uh… well, he told us a couple of things. Rise, too."

"And he left the rest of us hanging?!" The pout in Yosuke's voice was palpable, to say the least.

Thankfully, Yu spoke in Akechi's stead, "No offense, Yosuke, but you don't have the best track record."

"Yeah, you made Kanji's Shadow go bearserk!" Teddie added, and Yosuke moaned.

"Okay, okay! I get the picture. Just… man. You'd think after everything we've been through—"

"It ain't like he knows ya as well as he knows the three of us," Kanji said. "The stuff he told us is super personal. The kinda sh*t you only tell somebody if you're sure they'll listen. And 'cause of the sh*t between us, he didn't think you were the right guy to start with."

Though Akechi could have simply let Kanji's statement stand on its own, he said, "Try not to take it too personally, Yosuke. Teddie, Chie-san, and Yukiko-san are just as clueless, and Naoto-san does want to tell you all at some point."

"Some point might hafta be tomorrow, though," said Teddie. "I don't think his Shadow's playing around…"

"Which means we all need to rest up." Yu stood up, setting his camera on the table. "We'll talk in the morning, all right?"

"Yeah, I getcha." Still, Kanji hardly sounded pleased. "Well, night, guys."

"Yup! Sleep tight, Sensei!"

"...Catch ya later, partner."

"We'll save him, Kanji, so try not to worry," Akechi said before hanging up.

It took a while to fall asleep, as the uncertainty of the situation hung overhead.

Dojima stared at the TV nestled in the corner of the interrogation room. Even having heard of the Midnight Channel from the surveillance footage, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw…

Naoto Shirogane with glowing, gold eyes, in a lab coat, surrounded by strange machinery within what could only be described as a fortress. It made no sense! Neither did the second Naoto that took center stage seconds later, in his normal attire, with his ordinary eyes, speaking of suspicions and addressing… someone. But who? And what suspicions was he talking about?

Dojima collapsed in a chair at the table, cradling his head in his hands. The dull ache of a migraine steadily took hold. This was real. The Midnight Channel was real. The supernatural was real.

And Dojima could've learned this months ago, if he'd just listened to Goro. But that still begged the question of what this meant. Where was Naoto now? Why were there two of him? And just how did the killer use this Midnight Channel to commit murders? Naoto was already reported missing the night before. More crucially, Naoto was still alive, at least for now. But where? There were no military bases in Inaba. No secret bunkers or fortresses to speak of. That whole place looked like the set of one of those Featherman episodes…

Damn it. Dojima dug into his pants pocket, tearing out his phone. He flipped it open, staring at the blank screen. If he called the boys, he might be able to get an answer out of them. He had every reason to believe that they saw it too. That they'd been watching the Midnight Channel…

It'd explain so much. The way they always showed up near crime scenes or victims. The way they were so on top of things. The stunt with the fake weapons. From the very beginning, they must have known, and Dojima was too stubborn to consider the possibility.

He was the adult. He was the professional. It was his job to protect the town, not let a bunch of kids…

Before he could make up his mind, the door cracked open, and Adachi poked his head inside. "There you are, Dojima-san! I've been lookin' all over for you."

…Great. Dojima snapped his phone shut, tucking it back into his pocket. Despite the pounding headache, he pried himself out of the chair and turned toward the door. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I just needed to rest my eyes for a few minutes."

"No kidding! You've been spending hours going through all that footage." Adachi walked in, placing Dojima's insulated mug on the table. "Now, I know it's not really my place, but don't ya think you've had enough overtime? It's summer! Learn to live a little."

Scooping up the mug, Dojima unscrewed the top and gulped down his coffee. "Yeah. I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Whew! That's a relief." Adachi tittered and rubbed the back of his head. "No offense, Dojima-san, but half the reason I stuck around this long was to make sure you didn't pass out. It'd be a real pain to explain to the kids that you got yourself hospitalized over some old footage."

Prying the door open, Dojima stepped halfway into the hall. He hated that Adachi had a point. "It's fine. Nothing new's come up since Kubo, anyway." Better to keep Adachi in the dark over something like this. If Dojima tried to tell him, he'd either laugh it off or end up blabbing to the wrong people. Neither was a risk he wanted to take.

Following Dojima, Adachi gave him a puzzled look. "Wow. All that work for nothing?"

"I wouldn't say it's for nothing. We know now that the culprit's stepped it up since Kujikawa." Dojima fought back a yawn, downing more coffee.

"Yeah, but man… Sounds like he bagged Shirogane anyway. And after all that work we did with Rise-chan… That kid really shoulda known better."

Dojima could have commented on it, but instead, he just sighed. "We'll figure it out. That's what we're here for." With that, he continued down the hall, moving briskly despite his fatigue.

When Akechi and Yu headed downstairs the next morning, Dojima was already seated at the kitchen table. As they approached, he laid his newspaper down flat, turning sideways in his chair. "Hey. You're up early."

Indeed, by all accounts, the sun had only just peeked over the horizon. Nanako remained fast asleep upstairs. If Dojima had known that they got up for the Midnight Channel, no doubt he'd send them back to bed.

Thankfully, he did no such thing, simply watching as Akechi climbed into his chair and Yu made his way over to the refrigerator.

An uncomfortable silence dragged out until Dojima blew a loud sigh. "I guess it's only fair that I tell you, but… Shirogane's gone missing."

Freezing in place, Yu clutched the refrigerator handle tight.

Akechi grimaced, but at least it was a natural reaction, he hoped. Nothing too suspicious. Nothing too revealing… "So the culprit's finally made his next move…"

"Yeah." Dojima got up from the table, making his way over to the hutch, where he fetched Yu and Akechi's mugs before pouring each of them some coffee. Judging by the rising steam, it was still fresh.

Akechi accepted his mug with a small nod. "You know, I'm surprised you're still here, given the circ*mstances."

"Well, I've got my reasons for it." He watched Yu set a carton of eggs on the counter. "So… You two got any big plans today?"

Yu looked over his shoulder. "Yeah. We're all supposed to meet up at Junes after breakfast."

"Junes, huh?" Dojima placed Yu's mug down next to an empty chair, then returned to his seat. His expression remained razor sharp, eyes narrowed and lips flat.

"It's practically tradition," Akechi said, blowing on his coffee.

"I see…"

Yu cracked a few eggs over a whisking bowl, beating them by hand. Other than the sound of a sizzling skillet, another uneasy silence dragged on.

Then, rather abruptly, Dojima smashed through said silence. "I watched the Midnight Channel last night."

Akechi spat out his coffee. Yu fumbled his bowl, just barely managing to catch it and set it on the counter. Both of them stared, and Akechi's heart hammered within his chest. He saw it. That meant he saw Naoto and his Shadow, that strange secret base, everything…Dojima sighed through his nose. "Listen, I'm not angry with either one of you. I'm the one who dismissed the Midnight Channel as a myth all those months ago, but I can tell by your reactions that you know what's going on, so I need you to be honest with me."

Yu lowered the heat on the skillet, avoiding Dojima's gaze. "...Well, I guess it was gonna happen sooner or later."

Indeed. Margaret had even warned Akechi of this outcome, but to think it would happen so soon, with Naoto's life on the line…

Akechi stared down at his coffee mug, suddenly feeling so small. "We're the ones who saved Yukiko-san and Kanji. We… have an ability, which lets us travel to a world inside TV screens. I know that sounds ludicrous, and you probably have about a million questions. You may even feel betrayed, but I promise that we never meant to hurt you, nor do we think you're inadequate. It's just—"

Yu cut him off. "There's a whole lot of supernatural stuff going on in Inaba. Akechi-kun's got notes. Maybe we could leave you with those to look over, but we have to go save Naoto."

Dojima placed his palms together, shutting his eyes, and took a slow, deliberate breath. "...Show me how it works. I need to know what you're getting into."

Akechi looked at Yu, and Yu hesitantly poured the eggs into the skillet. "We can give you an idea, but we can't take you with us. That world takes your repressed feelings and turns them into dangerous beings. Naoto's already got his own in there with him. We can't…"

"There's a lot to explain." Akechi slid out of his chair. "But if you let us rescue Naoto-san, if you let us talk to the others, I promise we'll explain everything." But for the time being, he strode across the house, toward the TV, and shoved his arm into the screen. The wide-eyed shock that overtook Dojima left Akechi speechless. Never before had he seen such a blatant co*cktail of fear and bewilderment on his guardian's face.

Then Akechi removed his arm from the screen, and the TV returned to its dull state. Dojima took his head in his hands, massaging his temples as he trembled ever so slightly. Another long, pronounced silence dragged on, save for the continued crackle of the skillet.

All the while, Akechi watched Dojima, taking in the subtleties of his reactions. A few seconds later, he straightened in his chair, though his head remained downcast. He rested his hands on the table, posture slightly hunched. With his head tipped down, it was difficult to glean his expression…

Little by little, Akechi inched closer to the kitchen table. Dojima paid him no mind.

Then, after another minute, he finally looked up and said, "I can't believe I didn't see it sooner." He gazed at Yu, who peeked over his shoulder, only to wince and look away. Dojima continued, "If I stop and think about it, the ambiguities in the case make more sense if there was some intervention. When we found Amagi, she acted clueless about the whole thing. If there really was some supernatural force at play, that'd explain why she didn't talk. She must've known we wouldn't believe her…"

Dojima sounded more tired than anything. There was no bite to his words, no sharpened edge, merely a bitter resignation.

Returning to his chair, Akechi watched with a frown. There were many things he could say, but perhaps it was better to let Dojima draw his own conclusions first.

Fortunately, Dojima seemed to take his silence as an invitation to keep talking. "If you went on a rescue mission, the fake weapons make sense." He kept his eyes on Yu. "You and Hanamura were apprehended at Junes. Your group's been spotted so many times in the electronics department, and you all claimed that you found Kanji at Junes after escaping capture, but a part of me knew his story was too convenient. We just didn't have enough evidence to call it into question, and pursuing the culprit took priority."

"...I suppose it's only fair that I'm honest, then," Akechi said, and he hated to bring attention to this. No doubt it'd feel like a betrayal. "Kanji's kidnapping was premeditated. He thought that if he appeared on TV again, it might allow us to discern if the culprit only targeted women, and since we had the means to rescue people from within the TV world, we had the confidence that he would be all right."

Yu finally looked at his uncle again. "The culprit pushes people into the TV. When someone's trapped inside, we have until the next foggy night to rescue them. We figured the culprit wouldn't harm anyone in the real world because they'd leave a trail."

"Yet with Mayumi Yamano and Konishi-san, they both 'mysteriously' appeared with the morning fog, with no discernible cause of death."

"...It's a perfect crime." Dojima spoke calmly, his expression equal parts stern and somber. "I can see why you didn't tell me. Even now, just knowing you're all getting yourselves involved in the case has a part of me screaming to make you stop… but if I do that, then I'll be playing with Shirogane's life." He averted his eyes, though Akechi caught the beginnings of a grimace. "So… fine. Go save him, but once he recovers, you need to tell me everything." Slowly, his gaze returned to the two of them. "I'm the detective. I can't just leave this in the hands of a bunch of kids. I can't—"

"You won't lose us," Akechi said. "I promise you, Dojima-san. We will save Naoto-san, and then… no more secrets."

"Yeah." Yu smiled weakly. "To be honest, a part of me always figured you'd find out one of these days. Guess it just happened sooner than we thought."

Light footsteps from the stairway drew everyone's eyes in that direction, and Nanako stepped into the room, rubbing her eyes. "You guys aren't fighting, right?"

"No, Nanako, it's nothing like that," Dojima said. "We just had some business to sort out."

"But breakfast's almost ready," Yu added. "Tamagoyaki sound good?"

Nanako shuffled over to the table. "Mhm! Breakfast's always better when we're together, anyway."

Perhaps predictably, Nanako's presence at the table swept away the lingering unease, at least for a time.

"I know it's the first day of summer break, but I wanna get started on my homework right away!"

Yu chuckled at her and said, "What? You're jumping right into work?"

"Yeah! If I get it done early, then that means more time to play. Goro's always doing his best in school, so I want to do my best, too!"

Dojima lowered his coffee mug. "Tell you what. I'll try and help you through some of it today."

Nanako gasped. "R—Really? But don't you have work?"

"...I took the day off. Something came up." He looked at Yu and Akechi again. "And I think it's time the two of us had a little time to ourselves."

Come to think of it, it had been a while since Dojima simply got to spend a day with his daughter, and with Yu and Akechi otherwise booked, Akechi flashed her an approving smile. "I think that's an excellent idea, Dojima-san."

And so, by some stroke of pure luck, everything all seemed to fall into place. After breakfast, Akechi headed upstairs, passing Dojima his collection of notes on the Inaba case. "I have some photographic evidence on my phone as well, but I'd rather wait to share it once we've informed the others. It's only fair, when several of their Midnight Channels are included."

Dojima didn't fight it, simply accepting the notes with a nod. "The last thing I want's to betray your trust. I already doubted you before."

With Dojima's trust secured, Yu and Akechi stepped out into the morning air. A few phone calls and one trip to the shrine later, and everyone gathered at the covered table in the food court once more, where Yu and Akechi delivered the news.

Unsurprisingly, Yosuke was first to protest. "Wait! You seriously told Dojima-san about the TV world?"

"We didn't have much of a choice," Akechi said. "He watched the Midnight Channel and, more crucially, he let us explain." Looking down, Akechi threaded his fingers together. "I believe he feels genuine remorse for dismissing my worries in the past, so while he may not understand everything yet, he is willing to listen. So, with your permission as well as Naoto-san's, I believe we should arrange a meeting where we tell him everything." He glanced at Yu. "But only Dojima-san. I don't trust Adachi, and if even one of us has doubts, then it's far too great a risk."

Though Yu sighed, he nodded along. "I get it. You guys don't know Adachi-san the way that I do, and even I know he's a blabbermouth."

"And he didn't take the case seriously before," Yukiko said with a scowl. "He knew about Akechi-kun's concerns, and he didn't take the necessary measures to protect me or Mayumi Yamano when he was assigned as her bodyguard."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that," said Chie. "Adachi-san's way too sloppy to deal with something this huge. What if he told the wrong guy, and the killer learned everything?"

"That's another thing," Rise said. "If Naoto-kun's suspicions were right, and Namatame's not the real culprit, then we still don't know who the real mastermind is. Maybe having Dojima-san on board will help us narrow things down."

Kanji crossed his arms, expression stern. "Guy's got resources we sure as hell don't, and he's an adult. Plus… I dunno, Dojima-san's one of the few adults out there who actually gave me a chance. Hell, he changed Akechi's life for the better."

"And even if he didn't understand, he didn't stop us," said Yu. "He could've put his foot down at any time, but he knows we're the only ones who can save Naoto."

Despite the circ*mstances, Rise giggled lightly. "It's funny, huh? This feels like one of those big, dramatic moments where the parents learn their kid's been moonlighting as a superhero."

Teddie popped his mascot head on, zipping the costume. "Hehe, I even have a costume! We really are a team of heroes!"

"Hell yeah!" Chie gave him a high five, grinning. "And now we're even more legit, 'cause we've got an inside man!"

Yosuke held up his hands. "In theory. We've still gotta hash all this out. Gotta get Naoto up to speed, too." But, despite his uneasy look, he sighed and said, "But if Dojima-san's not gonna arrest us this time around, then I guess it's worth a shot. Not like we've got much of a choice anymore."

The fox yipped, possibly in approval or possibly as a demand to get a move on. Either way, Rise reached over and scratched behind its ears. "All right, Senpai. Think we're good to go?"

Yu rose from the table, giving the others a thumbs up. "Let's roll."

And so, with little time to waste, the Investigation Team plunged into the TV world. However, upon their arrival, Marie of all people greeted them outside the Velvet Room door.

Teddie was first to dash over, his grin threatening to consume his face. "Emmy-chan! What're you doing in here?"

Marie crossed her arms, gazing sharply at Yu and Akechi. "The Nose wants to see you. Said it's pretty urgent."

Chie's face crumpled up in clear confusion. "And that Nose guy's inside some secret door?"


"And it's somewhere out here," Yukiko said.

"Basically." Marie reached for the handle, cracking it open. "You really can't see it?"

Kanji squinted. "Just looks like you're miming or somethin'."

"Wild Cards only, I'm afraid," Akechi said as he approached the open door. "We'll try to be quick. Right, leader?"

"Time in the Velvet Room's weird." Yu shrugged, joining Akechi by the door. "But yeah, we'll be quick."

Though the others gave them both a mix of smiles and strange stares, there was no time to lose. Akechi and Yu nodded at one another, then entered the Velvet Room with Marie close behind.

As the two of them approached the desk, or table, or whatever Yu's Velvet Room held, both Igor and Margaret greeted them with smiles.

"Good, you're just in time." Igor threaded his fingers together, his unwavering grin as unreadable as ever. "I understand that you're about to embark on a quest to rescue the Detective Prince."

"You got it." Yu set a hand on his hip, lifting his chin.

Marie shuffled past him, taking her seat to Akechi's left. "Yeah, well, you're not gonna get anywhere unless you fuse better stuff."

Margaret looked at her, shaking her head before returning her attention to Yu and Akechi. "What Marie means to say is that the dungeon and the Shadow within it are of a power greater than yours."

"Such is the result of a Shadow left to languish for many months," Igor said. "But fear not. Given the severity of the present circ*mstances, we have decided to permit you to create fusions of a slightly greater caliber. Moreover, to facilitate your fusions, we will grant you access to the Personas in your respective Compendiums at a discount."

Well, that was certainly convenient. Still, it raised a few questions and so, chin in hand, Akechi pressed the matter. "I assume this is merely a special case, and once we rescue Naoto-san, it's business as usual?"

Igor's grin waned just a little. "Regrettably so. As it is our wish to foster your growth on your journeys, some limitations are necessary. Power too great may prove too taxing on both your body and soul, which is also why we aren't allowing you to immediately fuse a Persona like Odin."

"But there's still a ton of cool stuff!" Marie flipped through her book, stopping on a picture of a majestic, blue eastern dragon with striking gold eyes.

To say it piqued Akechi's interest would be a gross understatement. A dragon. One of the most awe inspiring beasts of myth and legend… Akechi couldn't even begin to hide his grin as he moved closer. "Well then. I believe we have work to do."

At the same time, Yu made his way over to Margaret. "You've got new fusion requests, right?"

"Correct. To begin, I'd like to see a Black Frost with Auto-Sukukaja."

Akechi's shoulders jumped at the mention of Black Frost. One of his Personas. "You're going to wield the same Persona as me?"

"Hey, it looked pretty cool." Yu winked, because of course he'd make it into a pun.

Akechi grumpily turned away. "Fine, then. I can accept it as a matter of practicality. However, I fully intend to out-fuse you all the same."

Marie tilted her head. "...Is it really so bad if he's got the same guy? It's a strong one."

Akechi tried not to pout, though how successful he was remained to be seen. "Perhaps, but I do pride myself on uniqueness…"

Nonetheless, with time of the essence, Akechi made haste in registering his Personas before sifting through his compendium. Though Phoenix and Mithra had served him well through his previous endeavors, both had since stagnated, and even Shiki-Ouji's amazing immunities couldn't make up for its lackluster offenses. Worse, a cursory glance through Marie's book showed that the next step up in psychic Personas was Kaiwan, a Persona that Yu already wielded. And while the practical choice was to fuse it anyway, a human face affixed to a star didn't inspire nearly as much awe as a fearsome origami soldier.

So, naturally, Akechi simply utilized some Skill Cards in his collection, gifting Shiki-Ouji with Mapsio, Resist Nuke, and Mind Slice for a little added utility. A Resist Curse card for Robin Hood would eliminate that unfortunate weakness, and a Megido card on Black Frost would give his own laughing jester a little added flare.

From there, he made fast work fusing, stealing occasional glances at Yu as he did the same. Following Black Frost, a sharp screech from Yu's side drew Akechi's attention to a majestic, three-legged crow, no doubt the mythological Yatagarasu. He tried not to pout. Crows were his thing, after all, but he continued his work, fusing the seven-headed cobra Ananta for his powerful nuclear skills, all while passing along Amrita, Masukukaja, Dekaja, and Dekunda for added support. A rush of power burst forth after the fusion, thanks to his bond with Naoto, and the prospect of wielding the fruits of their connection into his dungeon brought a smile to his face.

Though it took a few steps and a bit of yen, he went on to fuse the spear-wielding paladin, Cu Chulainn, who came armed with an immunity to fire and enervation in addition to the skill Mind Slice. His immense physical strength coupled with a mastery of wind more than made up for the loss of Phoenix when paired with Ananta's nuclear abilities and Kushinada's healing.

Off to the side, Yu summoned some fascinating Personas of his own, including a white wolf surrounded by mystical orbs, a cyclops starfish, an armored samurai with a necklace of magatama, and a portly, armored elephant man straight out of Hinduism. Not to be outdone, Akechi sifted through his own Compendium, leaning over the desk across from Marie until finally, after making proper calculations and selecting the final set of skills, the room burst with starlight, roared with thunder. In an electrifying crackle, the dragon Seiryu descended in magnificent fashion.

Rather than gawk or fuss or faint, Yu simply applauded. "Hey, nice. Looks like one heck of a Persona."

Akechi bowed. "Thank you. Indeed, I believe with the skills I selected, this Seiryu will be quite formidable. Curse immunity, Kougaon with Bless Boost, and a little Tantarafoo just to spice things up."

"...Heh. You really aren't messing around." Yu drew one of his cards, the one with the white wolf. "I like this one 'cause it's fluffy."

Akechi simply sighed. Typical Yu, favoring aesthetics, but at least it looked powerful enough. "...By the way, how did you fuse that Yatagarasu?"

Yu gave a quick explanation, walking Akechi through the steps he took, while Marie flipped through the compendium. In the end, with a bit more yen and a few added steps, Akechi settled for a Yatagarasu with Auto-Rakukaja and Auto-Sukukaja, Fire Boost, and Megido as its fusion abilities. With an appropriate Persona to bolster his collection, Akechi turned to the exit. After all, time was still of the essence.

On the way out the door, Marie stood up and smirked. "Give 'em hell, Hell-boy!"

Margaret shut her compendium and said, "We wish you the best of luck."

The moment Yu and Akechi left the Velvet Room, everyone gawked at the sight. Yosuke even hopped back, wincing. "Dude! Could you give a guy a warning next time?"

Chie patted his shoulder. "Chill, Yosuke. You should be used to it by now."

"But wow," said Rise. "You guys really did just pop outta nowhere. I can see why that'd cause problems with the cameras…"

"It is what it is." Akechi reached for his blaster, removing it from its holster. "Now then, let's go save Naoto-san."

Everyone looked at one another, then nodded. Side by side, they strode down the catwalk, as the yellow sky shifted and rippled into black and red. Metal gave way to a dry, dirty road intermixed with grass. Familiar fencing, traffic cones, and more importantly, the looming bunker drew close before long.

But where before, the metal door remained locked tight, the interlocking metal pulled apart. Steam seeped into the open air. A mechanical voice droned, [ACCESS GRANTED.]Without further delay, Akechi stepped forward, and Rise and Kanji followed close behind. The three of them stared down the open door.

"So this is it," said Kanji. "Once we step through, all bets are off."

Himiko descended over Rise, offering her visor. Rise peeked through without hesitation. "Weird. The Shadow readings are lower than last time."

Akechi brought a hand to his chin again. "Yet Igor-san insisted we were at a severe disadvantage…"

"Mm. There's definitely some strong Shadow readings further in, but something's changed."

"Do you think it's because Naoto-kun wants us to be here?" said Yukiko.

Rise turned away from the visor. "Could be. If the dungeon's linked with Naoto-kun's emotions, then maybe that's all it takes."

"Sure, but it's the Shadow's dungeon, too," said Yosuke before drawing his knives. "We'd be idiots to lower our guards just because it seems safe."

"Yeah, but we've got the whole squad!" Chie kicked at the air. "Whatever's down there, we can take it, no problem!"

"That's the spirit, Chie-chan!" Teddie flexed beside her, his otherwise round appearance in stark contrast to his new claw weapons. "Rowr! I'm gettin' all fired up just thinkin' about it!"

Yu patted him on the shoulder. "Try and save some of that fire for the Shadows, Teddie."

Grasping his Proof of Justice tight, Akechi strode toward the door. "Naoto-san… We're on our way."

The Crow Cries at Midnight - Chapter 49 - Dorked (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.