Senior Site Reliability Engineer Resume Santa Ana, CA - Hire IT People (2024)

Senior Site Reliability Engineer Resume

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Santa Ana, CA

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  • Almost 10 years of experience in Cloud, DevOps, Site Reliability, System administration, Configuration management, Infrastructure automation, Build/Release Management, Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD).
  • Extensively experienced in AWS services and its included components ELB, EC2, S3, VPC, NACL, Cloud Trials, AMI, SNS, Cloud Formation, ECS, EKS, Fargate, Kinesis, Route53, Network Connectivity troubleshooting, Hybrid Environments and VPC peering.
  • Experience in working in an environment of Amazon Web Services (AWS) products where I gained good knowledge in Elastic Cloud Computing, Glacier, Block Storage, Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Lambda, Virtual Private Cloud, Load balancing, Relational Database Service, and Cloud Watch.
  • Proficient in creating AWS Multi - Factor Authentication (MFA) for instance RDP/SSO logon, worked with teams to lock down security groups and setup specific IAM profiles per group utilizing newly released APIs for controlling resources within AWS based on group or user.
  • Knowledge of designing AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, Subnets, and NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Experience in developing scripts using RESTful API models for the purposes of integrating workflows with AWS and implemented web services for communicating by usingSOAP hosted in AWS.
  • Extensively used Auto-scaling launch configuration templates for launching Amazon EC2 instances while deploying microservices.
  • Designed, configured, and deployed MicrosoftAzurefor a multitude of applications utilizing theAzurestack (Including Compute, Web & Mobile, Blobs, Resource Groups, Azure SQL, Cloud Services, and ARM), focusing on high - availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
  • Expertise in MicrosoftAzure Cloud Services(PaaS & IaaS), Application Insights, Document DB, Internet of Things (IoT),Azure Monitoring, Key Vault, Visual Studio Online (VSO) and SQL Azure, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Bricks, Azure BYOK.
  • Experience in creating ARM templates for the Azure platform and in migrating on-premises to Microsoft Azure using Azure Site Recovery and Azure backups and other Azure services.
  • Skilled in using Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containers with multiple namespace versions.
  • Expertise in integrating Terraform with Ansible, and Packer to create and version the AWS Infrastructure, designing, automating, implementing, and sustainment of Amazon machine images (AMI) across the AWS Cloud environment.
  • Hands-on experience using MAVEN, ANT, and Gradle as build tools for building deployable artifacts (jar, ear & war) from the source code. Alongside the build process, I have also integrated static code analysis into the pipeline using SonarQube.
  • Expertise in setting up Docker environments Docker Daemon, Docker Client, Docker Hub, Docker Registries, Docker Compose, and handling multiple images by storing them in containers to deploy.
  • Expert in Orchestration & Migration of CI/CD processes using CloudFormation, Terraform Templates & Containerization of Infrastructure using Docker, which was set up in AWS, and VPC’s.
  • Expertise in deploying and configuring Chef Server including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning and creating roles, recipes, cookbooks, and data bags for server configuration.
  • Experience in creating Puppet Manifests & modules to automate system operations.
  • Worked on Installation configurations of Puppet Agent, and Puppet Master and deploying Puppet Dashboard and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
  • Hands-on experience with RedHat OpenShift Container Platform for Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Experience in continuing architectural changes to move software system offerings to a distributed and service base architecture utilizing Docker/Kubernetestechnologies and developing microservice onboarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetesto deploy and services.
  • Experience in Monitoring server performance with tools like Nagios, Splunk, and Datadog and building Splunk Cluster environment with High Availability resources.
  • Proficient in Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, JSON, YAML, Groovy, Bash/Shell for automation of the build and release process.


Cloud Services: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure.

Configuration Management Tools: Chef, Ansible, Puppet.

Build Tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle.

Container Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift.

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Airwatch, Amazon CodePipeline, Azure Pipeline.

Version control tools: GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket, TFS.

Database System: MS SQL Server, MySQL, Dynamo DB, MongoDB, IBM DB2.

Cloud Formation Tools: Terraform, AWS Cloud Formation.

Application and Web servers: Tomcat, JBoss, Web Logic, Web Sphere, Nginx, Glassfish.

Scripting: Python, Javascript, JQuery, Bash shell, Power Shell, Groovy.

Virtualization Technologies: VMware, Windows Hyper-V, Xen, Virtual Box, Power VM, Openstack.

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Splunk, Postman, Cloudwatch, ELK, Grafana, DataDog, Dynatrace.

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, AJAX.



Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Confidential, Santa Ana, CA


  • Developed automation scripts and implemented new monitoring and alerting systems to improve system reliability and coordinate with other technical teams.
  • Monitored real browsers with Keynote and synthetic monitoring with Keynote and configured threshold for alerts.
  • Extensively worked on Splunk for log file integration, index creation, dashboard creation, and monitoring issues.
  • Created Infrastructure and Application alerts and monitoring using Splunk, Dynatrace, Azure alerts, and App Insights.
  • Created Ansible Automation Scripts to automate Splunk Enterprise installation and BigFix installations across the Windows and Linux servers.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams for creating four applications as the developer using Java application for several bug fixes in the system.
  • Implemented Azure DevOps solutions for various development teams, including source control, work item tracking, build and release management and managed Azure Active Directory to create users, groups, service principal names, and multiple custom roles.
  • Worked with Monitor tools like Azure log Analytics Workspace to run log queries with data provided by Azure Monitor to sort, filter and analyze data and used Azure App Insights to monitor the performance, Availability of web applications.
  • Implemented containerized-based applications on Azure Kubernetes by using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Virtual Network to deploy agent nodes, Ingress API Gateway, MySQL Databases, and Cosmos DB for stateless storage of external data, and setup reverse proxy Nginx in the cluster.
  • Developed JUnit test classes to test the functionality of a code with the help of Jest framework.
  • Created Clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating pods, replication controllers, replica sets, services, deployments, labels, health checks, and ingress by writing YAML files.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm and enabled the creation of reproducible builds for Kubernetes applications, involved in creating templates for Kubernetes manifests, also provided a set of configuration parameters to personalize the deployment and effectively managed the release process of Helm packages.
  • Used Maven as a build tool for Java projects and wrote Maven POM files from scratch for multi-module projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Created YAML pipelines for CI/CD by integrating Maven, JFROG, and SonarQube using Service connections in Azure DevOps pipelines for .Net, node.js, and java applications by integrating source codes GitHub and Artifacts and created multistage pipelines for different environments such as dev, non-prod, and production.
  • Used Postman to sync APIs to Git repositories hosted in Microsoft Azure DevOps with the Postman to Azure DevOps integration.
  • Implemented a production-ready, load-balanced, highly available, fault-tolerant, auto-scaling Kubernetes cloud infrastructure and microservice container orchestration.
  • Managed Azure Infrastructure Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, VM Roles, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure AD Licenses, Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault using Azure PowerShell and Azure Portal.
  • CreatedAzure Backup vaultfor providing Security to the required Infrastructure using Recovery Points and implemented Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Managing Access Control for backup & recovery.
  • Actively monitored data center resources and various offered services (IaaS, SaaS) to ensure reliability and performance.
  • Implemented Terraform to create, change, and improve production infrastructure and maintained versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently.
  • Provisioned Terraform for high availability ofAzureInfrastructure to migrate legacy and monolithic systems toAzure.

Platform Engineer/ Site Reliability Engineer

Confidential, Boulder, CO


  • Implemented Amazon Web Services cloud platform and its services like EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, VPC, VPN, Dynamo, EBS, ELB, SNS, Glacier, Auto-Scaling, IAM, Route53, AMI, Security-Groups, Cloud Front, Ops Work and Cloud Formation through AWS management console and AWS Command Line Interface.
  • Worked on AWS cloud computing Launching instances and adding them to security groups.
  • Configured TFS to run continuous integration of builds and executed unit tests on all check-ins for ASP .NETWeb Applications.
  • Automated manual JAVA and .NET build through Jenkins.
  • Maximizing Security Enhancement through AWS services IAM, Secretes Manager, CloudTrail, and AWS Config.
  • Created backup of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) of EC2 instances using Packer, and critical business data for Disaster Recovery (DR) and upgrading to new instance types for better performance.
  • Implemented Backup & Recovery, and S3 life cycle management, reduced costs by creating customized Alarms, managed Billing across AWS accounts, and reduced costs by effectively utilizing the resources.
  • Integrated AWS Dynamo DB using AWS lambda to store the values of the items and backup the AWS Dynamo DB streams.
  • Automated backup of data in EBS and instance store to AWS S3 buckets, created AMI backup for mission-critical production servers from AWS CLI, and used AWS Data pipeline to configure data loads from AWS S3 into Redshift.
  • Experienced with event-driven and scheduled AWS Lambda functions, Cloud Watch to trigger various AWS resources.
  • Architect and designed serverless application CI/CD by using AWS Serverless (Lambda) application model.
  • Integrated SonarQube during the CI pipeline job for scanning the source code to perform Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Deserialization of vulnerabilities for Java-based applications.
  • Managed continuousbuildand continuous integration environments in Scrum and Agile projects.
  • Created a Lambda Deployment function and configured it to receive events from your S3 bucket.
  • Worked on AWS IAM Services: IAM Policies, Roles, Users, Groups, AWS Access Keys, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • Written Cloud Formation Templates (CFT) in JSON and YAML format to build the AWS services to automate the deployments.
  • Developing serverless APIs in AWS using services like AWS Lambda, API Gateway Cloud functions, and Cloud Run.
  • Deployed containers and Pods in Amazon ECS/Fargate and EKS through scripts and deploy to Docker/containerized runtime-based containers in various nodes in the Dev, QA, and production environments.
  • Writing Docker files as required, building the Docker images, and uploading them to the Docker Hub Registry with proper tags for different environments.
  • Deployed the application versions on the EKS environment by following the Blue/Green and Rolling deployment strategies based on the environment.
  • Tracking changes/Tickets in a production environment using the Jira tracking tool.

SRE / Senior AWS DevOps Engineer



  • Configured AWS Route53 to manage DNS zones globally, create record sets, DNS failover and health checks of domains, assign domain names to ELB and CloudFront.
  • Setup site-to-site VPN connections on AWS and containerized dotnet applications using Docker.
  • Setup DNS records on AWS Route53 and configured hosted zones on AWS Route53 for externally hosted domains.
  • Setup SSL/TLS certificates for company-owned domains using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
  • Assisted in enabling DNS logging (Route53 logging) using Kinesis Firehose Data stream to deliver logs to S3.
  • Used GitLab for source code version control and integrated with Jenkins for CI/CD pipeline, code quality tracking, and user management with build tools ANT, and Gradle, and written pom.xml build script.
  • Headed Proofs-of-Concept (POC) on Splunk implementation, mentored and guided other team members on Understanding the use case of Splunk and the monitoring procedure.
  • Deployed Splunk forwarders indexers and search heads to monitor, analyze and visualize the AWS VM's on the Splunk dashboard which helps in increasing the cluster performance.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, and Auto scaling groups and maintained access to AWS resources through users and groups on an IAM console.
  • Implemented zero downtime deployment process in WebLogic using Python and shell script and added it to the continuous automated process by using Jenkins as a tool.
  • Experienced in setting up all the Upstream and Downstream Jobs in Jenkins.
  • Worked with the Jenkins Pipelines for putting all the workable tasks in the continuous deployment.
  • Written Chef Cookbooks for various packages and implemented environments, roles, and data bags in Chef for better environmental management.
  • Experience with setting up Chef Infra Bootstrapping nodes, creating and uploading recipes, and node convergence in Chef SCM.

AWS Cloud Engineer / Build and Release Engineer



  • Responsible for installation & configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate continuous builds and publishing Docker Images to the Nexus Repository.
  • Created artifact documents through the source code and internal deployment in the Nexus repository. Implemented Disaster recovery project on AWS using various DevOps automation for CI/CD.
  • Created the AWS IAMs with a code pipeline plugin to integrate Jenkins with AWS for the automation of deployments.
  • Created the EC2 instances to provide the virtual servers.
  • Using GitHub, Docker, and Jenkins implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline that is responsible for supporting various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate continuous builds and publishing Docker Images to the Nexus Repository.
  • Developed automation scripting in Python (core) using Puppet to deploy and manage Java applications across Linux servers.
  • Used GitHub for source code version control and integrated with Jenkins for CI/CD pipeline, code quality tracking, and user management with build tools Maven and written Maven pom.xml build script.
  • Used MAVEN as a build tool for Java projects and wrote Maven POM files from scratch for multi-module projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Designed and implemented GITHUB metadata including elements, labels, attributes trigger, and hyperlinks, and also performed necessary day-to-day GITHUB support for different projects.
  • Maintained the various Linux server instances and involved in production support of various applications in Red Hat EnterpriseLinux, and Windows environment.

Associate Software Engineer



  • Developed automation scripting in Python to deploy Java applications to progress toward the automation of the tasks.
  • Involved in Core Java coding by using Java APIs such as Collections, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration, and Java I/O to fulfill the implementation of business logic.
  • Developed a Chef cookbook for the continuous Deployment of Java applications into Apache Tomcat Application Servers.
  • Wrote Python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in the database.
  • Used Python and Django to interface with the jQuery UI and manage the storage and deletion of content.
  • Maintained Linux servers for several functions like managing Apache/Tomcat server, mail server, and MySQL databases in both development and production environments.
  • Implemented user interface guidelines and standards throughout the development and maintenance of the website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
  • Created APIS, database model, and views utilization Python to build responsive web page application.

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Senior Site Reliability Engineer Resume Santa Ana, CA -  Hire IT People (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.