Mine 3 - Maeriime - พิษเบ๊บ (2024)

Mine 3 - Maeriime - พิษเบ๊บ (1)

In the heart of bustling Taipei, amidst the neon-lit streets and the rhythmic hum of the city's pulse, Sailub and Pon had enjoyed their time with their friends roaming around the market to market finding things to eat, drink, and the like. Neither of the two knew what was coming for them when they got to their room.

"Tomorrow we'll be out early as always, so make sure you get enough sleep okay? We've already given you your keycards. Goodnight." The team dispersed to their respective rooms after they got dismissed. Pon had the keycard so he went to his and his Benz's room and as soon as he settled in, he was shocked to see Sailub entering his room. "P'Sai? Why are you here?" He asks. He stands up and crosses his arms as Sailub closes the door.

Sailub, after putting down his things, went and hugged his little boyfriend. "Pooon~" he sweetly called him, resting his chin on the little man's shoulder. Pon was confused as he stood still while his boyfriend drew back, still holding onto him. "Baby? Are you not happy I'm here?" he pouted as he looked at Pon. The little man couldn't resist the charms of his boyfriend, so he smiled. "You asked Benz again?" Pon asked raising his eyebrow, and Sailub nodded.

Benz knew last time in Korea that Sailub texted him using Pon's account, but the man didn't care as long as he got to sleep with his cat, Garfield. Pon cursed at his best friend who blatantly sold him to Sailub to get more time with Garfield.

"I just told him we'll be practicing our lines for the new series so when we get back, we don't have to take much time to continue filming," Sailub said, proud of his reason so that he could sleep with his boyfriend in the same room. "Liar. What do you really want?" Pon raised a brow at his boyfriend, who smiled cheekily.

"I want to sleep with you~" Sailub acted like a kid as he cupped the cheeks of the little one. "Bullsh*t, tell me," Pon warned, which made the old man sigh. "Our room was too cold," he said, pouting again, letting go of Pon.

"It's the same room, phi..." The little lad had walked back to his bed and sat down, putting a distance between them, clearly, his boyfriend was surely playing tricks with him. "No. Here I have my own heater and probably my heater wants his heater too." He wriggled his eyebrows as he walked to his boyfriend, lowering his body as he put his hands on each side of the young man, he didn't budge nor stop Sailub, though. The lad was too used to his boyfriend teasing him in every possible way for a simple kiss to something else, well, you know what it is.

A thought came into his mind—a mischievous one.

"And what if the heater is tired? Can you be my heater then?" Pon teased back which took Sailub aback. "Uh...I'm going to take a bath first." Sailub says as he stands straight looking away from Pon, blushing which made the other chuckle in secret. "Wanna take a bath together?" Pon teased again as he stood at the tall man's back, whispering hot breaths in the latter's ear.

Sailub was even more shocked, he looked back at the boy who smirked at him. "Ai'Pon!" He was stern when he looked at the little guy who was in the mood for teasing. "What? I'm just asking." Pon shrugs then crosses his arms, still smirking. Sailub expresses his disapproval and then sighs. He didn't argue anymore, Pon was just being a tease and he knew his boyfriend would stop if he ignored him just like before.

After taking a bath he went to his own bed and continued ignoring his boyfriend who stayed quiet the whole time he was taking a bath, which was odd. "I'm done you can go take a bath now," Sailub says drying his hair while walking towards his bag, with only a towel covering his lower half. Pon saw this and thought that the old man was teasing him as water dripped down from his neck to his abdomen.

He stood up from the bed and went closer to the unsuspecting man drying his hair front and back. "P'Sai..." Pon called, seductively. The man halted his actions as he saw his lover getting closer to the point that he stumbled down on his bed.

Pon smirks as he places his hands on the man's shoulders putting a bit of weight to push him down slowly. "Pon! Wha-what are you doing?" Sailub stammers while looking up at his boyfriend. The little one looks down as he abruptly puts his knee in between Sailub's legs which the old man dodges by spreading his legs apart, which exposes a little bit of his thigh.

Pon licks his lips and then bit his lower lip as he looks at the exposed thigh. "Wow uncle, so sexy," Pon says as he caresses his hand on the thigh which then Sailub stops him. "Ai'Pon! You're being too much now. Stop with the teasing." The old man was purely annoyed at this point, he didn't know what had gotten to his lover.

"This has to stop now or you'll regret it later," Sailub warns the boy did stop teasing him while putting a small distance between them. "Okay. Fine. Whatever. I'm taking a bath now." Pon took off his jacket leaving his exposed upper body quite cold, nipples hardening as the cold wind brushed off of it. It was noticed by Sailub which made him gulp but instantly turned away.

He didn't want to give in to his boyfriend's teasing and let him win. He was always in charge as he always teased the little one and Pon, no matter what, gave in to his boyfriend.

The little one even took off his pants and underpants, his back turned from Sailub, and the man did see those rosy ass cheeks that he badly wanted to touch and squeeze but he can't, he shouldn't fall unto his trap. He knows if he did, Pon would forever tease him for being whipped by his charms.

Pon took his sweet time in the bathtub that was sitting across the bathroom, he was seen from Sailub's bed. After Sailub dressed up, he sat down on his bed and stared hard at his boyfriend who clearly wanted to seduce him while putting on some shower gel all around his body. Sailub tried his best to look away but the little man was so tempting.

"What are you looking at?" Pon smirks at the old man and he looks away abruptly. "Nothing. Come on, finish up so you can sleep already or else you'll feel sleepy tomorrow. I won't carry you if you fall asleep on the bus." Sailub says as he turns to look at his phone, nothing was interesting at it at all, well not as interesting as his hot boyfriend in the bathtub.

After Pon finishes taking a bath and dressing up he dries his own hair with a hair dryer while looking at his phone, which makes it difficult for him to dry his hair. Sailub sees this and wants to help him but in the end, he doesn't when Pon turns to look at him. "Will you sleep with me on my bed?" He was taken aback, not sure if he was seducing him or asking him seriously. "Why? Are you really cold?" He pouts, why is he so cute, my heart is beating so fast.

He put the hair dryer on the small bedside table that sat in between the beds and then went to lay beside Sailub. "In case I get cold I'm going to sleep here." He took one pillow and then went to sleep next to the old man. "Ai'Pon! Sleep on your bed. I was just teasing you about the heater thing." Sailub says but the young man was too tired to move. Sailub looks at the man who slept with his back turned from him, his hair is still wet though.

"Ai'nuu you'll get sick when you wake up tomorrow, dry your hair first." Sailub touches Pon's hair and indeed it is still a bit wet. "Don-..wan-..to..." Pon was so tired that his words came out slurred as he felt drowsiness taking over.

With a tender smile, Sailub carefully lifted Pon into his arms, letting him rest against his chest and shoulder. Despite Pon's slumber in his arms, Sailub managed to plug in the hair dryer and gently run it through Pon's hair until it was dry. He turned on the hair dryer and dried his boyfriend's hair. (Literally, Sailub is the standard y'all.)

Pon murmured words that Sailub couldn't understand but he thought his boyfriend was adorable.

After he had dried his hair he carefully laid him back to bed like a baby and tucked him in to get comfortable. Sailub planted a kiss on the small one's forehead before lying next to him.

FM in Taipei

The show started the same as other shows, with the boys dancing and other stuff, throughout the show was smooth sailing, and while they were backstage they also had fun. Talking to each other and laughing while making jokes about each other.

"Hey, should we practice the games?" Sailub asked Pon while wiping his nose, alerting the old man. "Are you okay? Did you get sick?" Sailub got worried that he couldn't dry all of his boyfriend's hair well and that he got sick now. "No, it's just cold here," Pon says then he goes near the tall man and whispers, "Not unless you help me heat things up." Sailub moves away almost immediately in shock.

Pon was getting bolder with every stop they made for their fanmeeting. "Ai'nuu!" I exclaimed in a whisper and he chuckled at me. "I'm just kidding. I'm fine." He says as he walks away to throw the tissue he had. Sailub felt uneasy, after all, Pon went to the hospital to get some saline injected into him before they came to Taiwan but he trusted his boyfriend.

As the fanmeeting progressed, Pon's boldness seemed to grow exponentially, much to Sailub's mixed amusem*nt and concern. While Pon reveled in the attention and adoration of their fans, Sailub couldn't shake off the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. Every time Pon did something daring or playful, Sailub's heart skipped a beat.

Despite Sailub's unease, he couldn't deny the genuine affection Pon showed towards him. Even amid the fan frenzy, Sailub always made sure to check on Pon, offering reassuring smiles and subtle gestures of affection that only they could understand.

Pon loved the thrill of the moment while Sailub couldn't help but be amused with the new personality his boyfriend had. He didn't hate it, he loved it but he was worried that it might drain his energy and he could get sick. Pon, on the other hand, seemed to be completely oblivious to Sailub's silent apprehensions as he continued to charm the crowd with his infectious energy.

As the fanmeeting drew to a close, Sailub couldn't shake off the feeling that Pon's energetic side was getting out of hand. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to voice his concerns, afraid of dampening Pon's spirits. Besides, all this time, his boyfriend kept subtly flirting with him in front of everyone. Sailub tried so hard to stop himself from falling for his baby's charms or else he might do something he might regret later.

However, deep down, Sailub knew that he would always stand by Pon's side, ready to catch him if he ever fell sick and no matter how daring his escapades became, he would always be with him no matter what the circ*mstances were.

As the event drew to a close, Pon persisted in his flirtations with Sailub, testing the waters to see if his boyfriend would succumb to his charms. However, Sailub remained unaffected, not giving any attention to Pon's advances. This left Pon feeling perplexed and frustrated. He couldn't comprehend why his usual techniques weren't working this time.

After the fan meeting, they decided to grab a bite to eat before retiring to their separate rooms for the night, each needing some rest to recharge for the next day's adventures.

While Sailub took a leisurely bath, Pon followed suit, the atmosphere between them somewhat tense but unspoken. Sailub was oblivious to what the latter had been thinking while Pon pondered on his own spiraled thoughts.

Despite the shared space, there was an unspoken distance between them, leaving Pon feeling increasingly agitated as he pondered over what had gone wrong.

After Pon finished his bath and began the task of drying his long hair, Sailub couldn't help but notice the effort his boyfriend was putting into drying his hair while watching some videos. "Come here. Let me do it for you," he offered, gesturing for Pon to sit below him on the floor next to his bed. Pon accepted without hesitation, appreciating the intimate gesture, he wanted to talk with him anyway.

As Sailub gently blow-dried Pon's hair, a moment of comfortable silence passed between them before Pon broke it with a question that caught Sailub off guard. "Lung, can I ask you something?"

Sailub looked at Pon, his expression softening with curiosity. "What is it?"

"Do you think I'm charming enough?" Pon's voice held a hint of vulnerability, a side of himself he rarely showed.

Sailub paused, surprised by the question. He had always seen Pon as confident and self-assured, never doubting his own appeal. "Of course you are," Sailub reassured him sincerely, his fingers continuing their gentle ministrations through Pon's hair. "You're pretty and handsome."

Pon nodded while absorbing Sailub's words as his hair dried naturally. It was a few minutes before he could gather the courage to voice another question that had been nagging at him. "So why were you unaffected by my charms today?" he asked, his tone tinged with genuine curiosity along with pain as he looked at his boyfriend, eyes watery.

Sailub considered his response carefully, wanting to reassure Pon without dismissing his concerns. "It's not that I wasn't affected, Pon," he began softly, meeting Pon's gaze with sincerity. "It's just that...today..." Sailub sighs. "Okay to be honest you were hot and sexy and I wanted to pounce on you right then and there but my priority was taking care of you." Sailub's confession was something Pon didn't expect.

"And we've been together for long now and whenever we're in a good mood it's always us making out or having sex and you're so much more than that, and I think today, I just wanted to connect with you on a deeper level. Besides, you were just sick a few days ago." Pon listened intently, absorbing Sailub's words.

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized the depth of Sailub's feelings for him. "Thank you, Lung," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate you helping me see that." He gives a small peck on the man's cheeks.

"I swear once you get better, I'm going to have my way with you. You've been so naughty lately ai'nuu." Sailub shows his dimples as he pinches the nose of the little one while Pon chuckles.

"Well, I'm better now." Pon came close to Sailub's face, the man was taken aback. He swears the little one was extra bolder than the last fanmeet. He puts the hair dryer away and then pins the young man on his bed. "You're too naughty ai'nuu," Sailub says before he kisses Pon on the lips.

It wasn't hurried though, a sweet, soft, and slow one. Sailub wanted to show how much he was longing for his boyfriend for the whole day but also make him feel that he was loved not only for appearances, sex, or the likes but because Sailub truly loved him for being him.

Pon kissed him back with the same pace, longing for those irresistible lips all day long. Pon felt happiness in his heart with that kiss. It wasn't like the other kiss they had. He felt special and taken care of by his boyfriend, he felt vulnerable like a baby but in a good way. He felt truly loved by Sailub.

Sailub was the first to break the kiss as he gazed at Pon who looked at him with eyes twinkling from the glow of the light, mesmerized by the man who showed beauty against the dimmed room. How was he so lucky to have him? He thought. "I'm such a lucky man to be with you, Pon." Sailub smiled showing his dimples once more and Pon admired it too much.

"I love you, Pon," Sailub says planting a soft kiss on the man's forehead while the other closes his eyes. Pon smiled as they shared a moment that only contained both of them in their own time with their undying love for each other.

"I love you P'Sai." Pon gave up on charming Sailub to get validation and expecting more, he preferred this Sailub more. The Sailub who cared for him, the Sailub who loved him for him, Sailub who didn't care about sex and everything and only loved and cared for Pon, for the person he truly was.


"I'm so sleepy" Pon grunts while stretching his body and waiting for his makeup to be finished. "You can go and wear your prepared clothes. It's at the back, behind the curtains." The staff member says that the man went ahead and changed his clothes.

Pon was almost finished with his clothes when suddenly another man appeared. "Aow! Lung, you're also done?" Pon was in the middle of wearing his blazer thus the old man saw his boyfriend with only a tank top.

Boy was he mesmerized by the milky skin his boyfriend showed. His exposed neck to his collar bones, to his bony shoulders, and his slender yet muscular arms.

Pon notices how he is stared at by his boyfriend and he smirks. "Liking what you see?" The little one teased as he went closer to Sailub. Pon admired his boyfriend's hot look, chic hair, clean makeup, sharp nose, and irresistible scrumptious lips, he looked like one of those sculpted Greek gods statues, so rough and sharp yet handsome.

Sailub's gaze was on Pon's eyes, he looked at the man without breaking his poker face. He then smirks and looks down at Pon's lips, he badly wanted to kiss those but they had an event to catch and they were in public. He closes their distance leaning to what looks like kissing Pon but he just grabs the boy's blazer and helps him put it on, slowly putting it on as if to savor the softness and milkiness of Pon's skin.

"You better be well-behaved today or else..." Sailub teased back as he leaned for the young man's ear. "You'll get punished." The man spanks his baby on his ass. Instead of getting scared the man was turned on and made it a mission to drive his boyfriend crazy, after all, he can't do anything to him in public. Sailub walks to his clothes to get changed, Pon looks back at him and then smirks before going out.

While the event was ongoing they had fun trying different recipes from different contestants, choosing which one was the best out of all but that wasn't the highlight of the day, at least not for the fans who were there to see them. After the event, there was a small gathering for the fans and gladly the cast enjoyed interacting and talking with their fans but what made Pon happier was teasing his boyfriend in front of everyone.

While the older man didn't look he would tease the fans by taking off his blazer and he didn't do it once or twice. He did it multiple times while he was behind Sailub, the man looked back at the little one curious as to what the fans were shouting about but he knew in a way that his boyfriend was being naughty.

He caught him once or twice already then it went from Pon hiding it to doing it in front of his boyfriend, he then looked at Sailub when he took it off with a hidden raised brow. "What can you do now?" Pon mouths to his boyfriend without actually sounding it. He was such a tease. Sailub, still smiling, fought so hard his thoughts and the urge to just grab the man and take him somewhere secluded and eat him right then and there.

There was even a time that they were filmed while his arm was around Pon while his boyfriend took halfway off his blazer exposing his bright milky skin. He almost lost himself looking at his baby's skin as he admired the soft, smooth skin he wanted to taste, lick, and eat until it bruised.

While they were leaving Pon was the last one to go but he was still high in adrenaline and wanted to tease everyone so for one last time he took off his blazer halfway and showed everyone his skin. Sailub saw it and was at his wit's end.

When Pon got to the end, Sailub caught him in one arm before he could run away then spank him in front of everyone before letting him go. He didn't want to but his boyfriend was being too much now.

After the event, Sailub dragged the boy to his car and drove them off. "Phi, where are we going? I need to go home. I didn't bring any extra clothes." Sailub ignored Pon and drove back to his condo as fast as he could.

"Phi! P'Sai!" Pon called while his boyfriend was grabbing him to his condo but Sailub didn't mutter any words and just kept walking. They finally entered the room while Pon was still confused and kept calling on the old man but Sailub just threw both of their bags on the floor before he took his boyfriend's lips on his.

He grabbed Pon by the waist and neck, not letting him go anywhere, and kissed him as if he had been hungry for the kiss for a long time. Well, he was actually too starved for a very long time, after all, he waited for his boyfriend to get better before he could rail him, hard.

Pon on the other hand tried to catch up with Sailub, his longing was also great. Ever since they were in Taiwan and now back in Bangkok, nothing has happened between them. It wasn't that he wanted to have sex with Sailub every day but he just felt like there were times he missed Sailub's touch, and kiss, and he didn't want to admit it but also Sailub's punishments.

"P-Phi." He managed to say between his ragged breath while Sailub was hungrily kissing and nibbing his neck here and there but for the nth time, he was still ignored. Sailub was too focused on his kisses and nibbles until they ended up on the sofa then the little one got pushed on the sofa. "You know why I bought this big sofa right?" Sailub says while taking off his shirt.

Pon raised an eyebrow, "Is it because you were thinking all eleven of us might visit you one day?" The little one was clueless about which answer he should say but he went for something safe, he thought his boyfriend wasn't in the mood for games right now based on the darkened eyes and his smile wasn't greeting him.

After Sailub took off his shirt then he lowered himself and laid on his boyfriend without putting too much weight. "It's so I can f*ck you here anytime," Sailub whispers in his boyfriend's ears which earns him a groan from the little one and it turns him on more.

Their lips met in a passionate yet tender kiss, igniting a fire smoldering between them for days. Sailub's heart raced as he deepened the kiss, his hands finding their way to Pon's waist, pulling him closer. Pon's fingers tangled in Sailub's hair, a soft moan escaping his lips as their kiss grew a little bit more passionate. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other.

When they finally pulled apart, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Sailub pressed his forehead against Pon's, a smirk spreading across his lips. "Ai'nuu...you were so naughty today," Sailub looks at the boy's muffled hair then to his lips then down to his aroused member back to his gaze. "I'll be punishing you," He says with a smirk as he takes off Pon's shirt then taking a moment to appreciate the softness beneath his fingertips, he admires the smooth skin he was gently touching and caressing it.

"Real hard," Sailub says as he grips Pon's waist hard then kisses him on his neck down to his chest with eagerness and roughness that felt painful yet pleasurable to the man below him. It made Pon moan and groan in no time, uncontrollably.

"P-Phi...S-Sai." He desperately calls trying to ease his boyfriend but Sailub is too hungry and his delicious meal is already served in front of him. When the man got to Pon's chest he wasn't thinking of going easy on his boyfriend so he took the nipple in his mouth while he massaged it. He did it to both sides which made the little one moan so hard as he grabbed the man's hair and pulled it as if it helped with the pleasure he was receiving at the moment.

Sailub then stops massaging it for a while but continued eating those nipples as if there was milk coming out of them, biting them and sucking on them like his life depends on it. Meanwhile, he snakes both his hands at the back of Pon then abruptly carries him to sit on his lap. Pon was taken aback by the sudden motion, his instincts kicking in as he swiftly wrapped his arms around Sailub's neck, seeking support and steadying himself to prevent any chance of falling.

It only gained more access to the old man as he was closer and with Sailub's big strong arms pushing the kid to him as if they weren't close enough, he was more enthusiastic about eating his boyfriend, licking, biting, and pulling with a pop both his nipples. Pon bit his mouth, he was moaning too loud that he was scared the neighbors might hear him.

"Don't you dare muffle your moans." Sailub's demeanor shifted palpably, his usually friendly look replaced by an intensity that seemed to stem from within. There was a weight to his gaze, a gravity that hinted at depths of determination, a different kind of determination, rarely seen. His eyes, once bright with humor, now burned with a fierce focus, their depths darkened by an unwavering resolve.

The air around him seemed charged as if the very atmosphere recognized the shift in his demeanor and responded in kind. Gone was the easy laughter, replaced by a silence that spoke volumes. Sailub's lips, usually quick with wit, were now pressed into a firm line. Pon felt scared looking at his boyfriend but he couldn't help but get turned on by those fiery gazes. If his boyfriend wants it, he gets it. Truly, Sailub lives by the nickname 'Thai version of Christian Grey.'

After Pon lets his lip go Sailub slowly kisses him on his chest again but this time he is staring at Pon's eyes and the lad couldn't help but get embarrassed and shy while he blushed. "You're so freaking cute," Sailub says while admiring his man from his doe eyes, hissharp nose, to his luscious lips down to his smooth neck, big breast, to his toned abdomen. "f*ck you're so sexy." Sailub runs his hands around Pon's exposed skin. "If we weren't filming in a few days I would've marked you...right here." He caresses Pon's body until he points at his shoulder.

"But you can mark me anywhere that's hidden." Pon challenged Sailub and the man raised a brow with a smirk on his boyfriend. "You're really getting bolder nowadays," Sailub says his hands snaking around Pon's body again but before he could eat the man again Pon stood.

"Blame Plawan, he makes me bolder every day I play him," Pon says seductively as he takes off his pants and his boxers. Sailub would never get tired of looking at his naked boyfriend, he was also stunned and mesmerized by how sexy his boyfriend was when he wasn't clothed at all. He stood and took off his pants too then sat down.

Pon was also the same as his boyfriend, although he was more mesmerized by the aroused member Sailub had. He'd never get over how big his boyfriend was. He stared at it for so long that he didn't notice how his feet brought him closer as he kneeled in front of Sailub.

"May I?" Pon asks and Sailub spreads his legs for Pon to come closer and have more access to his arousal. Sailub lifts Pon's chin with one finger. "No funny business baby, if you do it right then I might go gentle with your punishment later on." Pon was torn between being able to walk tomorrow or not but he decided it depended on what he felt when he ate his delicious boyfriend.

Sailub adjusted his seating position holding onto the sofa on each side to brace himself from the pleasure he'd be receiving from his small boyfriend.

Pon didn't wait anymore and grabbed his man's arousal. Rubbing it gently but with pressure, he knows Sailub likes it when he does that. "Oh come on baby, faster." Sailub groans as he throws his head back to the couch, moaning while his boyfriend is rubbing him faster.

Without caution, Pon slid the tip into his mouth, Sailub was shocked but he let the man do whatever he wanted, he'd just punish him later. He loved it anyway, the pleasure and the way his boyfriend was also holding and rubbing his own member while he was eating him. It was a work of art.

Instead of rubbing any further, Pon ate him up and down sliding his tongue around while his member was inside Pon's mouth. Sailub was about to lose his mind as he looked at his man-eating him while playing himself, it was a sight truly exceptional and beautiful that he would never forget.

Pon was extroverted and all but he never knew his baby knew such tricks and that made him even turned on.

Sailub grabs Pon's hair pulling and pushing his head to guide him while he is eating him with gusto. "f*ck. Baby I'm almost there." Sailub moans, he is near his climax, and with Pon's tongue and mouth, his hands, and the vibrations he sends through his moans are going faster making him know that his boyfriend is also almost there.

They released at the same time, Pon let his cum ooze out on the floor while he drank his boyfriend's cum. After he did he looked up to Sailub who had fiery eyes but now he had a smile that looked like a smirk. Pon was a mess from neck up, his hair was a mess, he had cum on each corner of his lips dripping, he was red all over from shyness, and his eyes fluttered and were twinkling despite the darkness enveloping them.

How can a man look so astonishingly beautiful and so ethereal? He should be part of the seven wonders of the world at this point. Sailub thought.

"Come here sexy. Sit on Daddy's lap will you?" Sailub says as he pats his lap and boy did it turn on the naked man in front of him again, his member twitching in response which made Sailub chuckle a bit.

Pon followed his boyfriend's order, sitting on his man's lap. Sailub's hands wrapped around Pon's waist while his hands were wrapped around Sailub's neck. Sailub looks at his wrecked boyfriend's face then he looks at the corners of his lips. He looked like a baby who ate messily as the white fluid dripped from the corners of his sweet small lips.

Sailub used one hand to stabilize Pon on his lap with one hand while the other helped him clean those corners. He used his thumb to clean his lips and corners and before he could put his hand away Pon grabbed it with one hand and suck on it with his mouth while looking at Sailub seductively.

How can a baby face like Pon be so sexy and so...f*ckable? He's like an omega that's so breedable. Sailub thought again.

Pon's tongue swirled on Sailub's thumb while sucking on it. Sailub moaned in response, who wouldn't when Pon was looking at him while sucking his finger? He was enjoying it when suddenly the boy bit his finger before he released it. Sailub groaned and frowned at the mischievous man sitting on his lap.

"Ai'Pon!" Sailub growled but Pon just showed a smile at his boyfriend. "What? At least it's not your dick." Pon shrugs while he answers wrapping his arms around Sailub's neck again. Sailub hissed at him then he grabbed him by his ass and carried him, luckily Pon had already gotten used to the sudden lifting that his boyfriend does all the time.

He thought they were doing the deed in Sailub's room but Sailub led them to his bathroom instead. He let the man down when they got inside, he swiftly turned Pon and pushed him in front of the sink and mirror. His back was faced on Sailub, "P'Sai what ar-Ah arhmph." Sailub quickly kissed his boyfriend's back while touching Pon's member. Rubbing it up and down in fast motion, there was none of that gentle attitude.

"You dare bite me, you little one," Sailub says as he gets the bottle of lube in the drawer and then puts it on his fingers in both hands. "There's no need to be gentle tonight," Pon says looking at Sailub over his shoulder. Sailub raises his brow again, stunned by his boyfriend's statement.

With that being said he grabbed Pon's member again while he, with no hesitation and any warning, inserted his fingers into Pon's hole. The man moaned and groaned in both pleasure and pain. "Baby you look wrecked but so beautiful," Sailub whispers hot breaths into Pon's ear while looking at Pon's reaction in the mirror. The man was drowned in pleasure as his mouth gawked open as he moaned louder and louder with every finger inserted which went up to three, as always. Sailub knows his boyfriend can take as much as that.

Pon can't help but grab the sink to ground himself as if he wasn't sent to oblivion by his boyfriend who was semi-penetrating him with his fingers and stroking his now-hardened co*ck. "B-Baby...d-don't you dare s-stop." Pon managed to say in between moans and uneven breath. Sailub loved it every time Pon called him 'Baby' too.

Sailub would've wanted to penetrate the man in front of him with his co*ck instead his fingers but he'd save it up for later when they take a steamy shower later.

Not long enough Pon came again, he's cum staining the bathroom sink and floor but Sailub couldn't care less at all, he's more than happy that his boyfriend is marking every part of his house with his cum.

Pon turns to his man and wraps his arms around Sailub's body, feeling him a little bit closer. "P'Sai, is this my punishment? I feel like you're going easy on me than being hard." Pon smiles as if to challenge the tall man in front of him but in reality, he's actually curious when he heard his boyfriend, a while ago, that he'll be punishing him real hard tonight.

Sailub smirks and then motions his head toward the shower beside them. He knew just exactly what to do as punishment for his naughty boyfriend tonight. Pon raises a brow, he doesn't know what is in store for him but he knows he'd probably enjoy it.

They exchanged a fiery kiss, feeling the coldness envelop them as they headed towards the shower, moving together with a natural rhythm, like partners in a graceful dance.

Sailub led them to the shower head and turned it on, for only a little bit, which led the small man to flinch and gawk at the coldness of the water hitting his skin, which then turned into lukewarm water in a matter of seconds. The older man's mission was completed now he has more access to Pon's neck and skin. He kissed him hard but not enough to bruise the man or he'd have to explain himself to the makeup artist and stylist.

Sailub couldn't get enough of how his boyfriend looked so cute but with no clothes on, he became another person, so sexy and hot, and with the water droplets running from his neck to his body, it just turned the old man more. He made sure to cover every skin with his touch, lick, and kisses.

After he was satisfied with tasting his baby's body he turned off the shower and kissed him on the lips again while they moved all around the tight space of the shower. Sailub let Pon lead them or he would take over sometimes, he was just letting the man have fun before he punished him.

In the end, Sailub pins the man on the wall putting his own hands on each side of Pon's head to lock him in place while Pon's hands travel from Sailubs hands to his arms and then to his back. Sailub breaks their kiss, saliva falling on each of their lips.

"Now it's time for your punishment." Sailub smirks but Pon isn't scared at all, in fact, he is excited for it.

"Turn." He actually didn't have to say it because he turned Pon with his toward the glass wall of the shower. "Now put both your hands on the wall." Pon follows suit, still clueless about what his punishment was. "If you ever let those hands leave the wall even just for a second, I swear I'll do you all night long." That doesn't sound bad, Pon thought but he knew he had to do something the next day so he'd rather have his rest tonight.

As he prepared to lock eyes with Sailub, an unexpected interruption shattered his focus. A swath of cloth, as black as the deepest abyss, was swiftly draped over his eyes, obscuring his vision while leaving the rest of his face exposed to the elements.

The fabric, velvety soft yet strangely foreboding, settled snugly against his skin, cutting off his sight but not his sense of touch. Despite the darkness that now enveloped him, faint slivers of light danced at the edges of the cloth, teasing him with their elusive presence.

The sudden loss of sight heightened his other senses, amplifying the sound of his own breathing and the subtle rustle of fabric against his skin. In this suspended moment, caught between anticipation and nervousness, he grappled with the uncertainty of what lay beyond the shadowy barrier before him.

"Bend for me baby," Sailub whispers hot breath on Pon's ears while caressing his back and his waist which sent shivers to Pon's body but he followed the man's order. "Spread your legs." Sailub gently kicks both Pon's legs apart.

With heightened senses, Pon can feel every touch of his boyfriend all around his body especially when Sailub runs his hands on both of his legs as slowly as possible. It was painfully slow for Pon's liking and he wanted to grab those hands and move them as fast as he wanted them to be but he knew Sailub wasn't joking that he'd be railing him all night long if he wanted to.

In defeat, he could only whine and groan with every touch he sensed, Sailub smirked finally having much more confidence that he was winning the game he set to play. "You know...they say..." Sailub says while still touching Pon all over, as slow as he can, earning a moan here and there. "When you lose your sight during sex, it enhances your sensory experience." Sailub went away for a bit which made Pon look on his side trying to listen to what his boyfriend was doing.

He could hear the shower being turned on but he didn't feel any water on his body or his feet. "It heightens the anticipation and focuses your attention on other senses, such as touch and hearing," Sailub says, Pon can hear the shower turned off and Sailub walking closer to him. "But it does more wonders than when you can see." Pon can feel the warmth of his boyfriend leaning on his back.

All of a sudden his hands played with both Pon's nipples. A sudden loud moan came from the bent man when he felt those two ice-cold hands on his nipples. "F-fu..mmph..." He was fighting for sanity at the moment, torn between moving his hands or not, to hold his boyfriend's hands not to stop him, of course, but to feel his hands while he was being punished.

Pon's fingers bend against the glass wall as if to claw it if he could. "Moan for me baby," Sailub licked his baby's earlobe from the back which made Pon moan louder this time, as if he meant to let the neighbor hear his pleas. "This is just the beginning..." The old man says after he has had enough of his first of the few of his punishments.

After his hands were warm after playing so much with Pon's nipples he was ready for full penetration of his man's hole. "Pon..." Sailub calls, after the man has come back to his senses and evens his breathing, he turns his head to listen. "You're taking me almost raw baby." Sailub whispers with a voice so alluring.

Pon bit his lower lip as he turned while slowly nodding his head. "Just tell me to stop when it hurts okay?" Sailub says tracing lines across Pon's back. Pon was surely flushed at the moment, he could feel the heat on his cheeks. He couldn't lie to himself. He was liking the punishment better than he thought, which he shouldn't have.

Sailub inserted his aroused member inside Pon's hole slowly as much as he could just to punish the kid, he knew he was eager to take Sailub's member but this time he'd punish him by taking it slow.

Just as Sailub expected the baby groaned and whined. "P'S-Sai please...give it to me faster." Pon's hands wanted to grip Sailub so badly. After fully penetrating him, he let the man adjust first but when he knew it was okay he, again as slow as possible, slid inside and out of the man's hole. He wanted to hear his partner beg him for more after all.

"Baby, beg for it," Sailub says he steadily slowed his pace and that drove Pon crazy. "P-Please..." Pon pants, as he tried to rock himself to fasten the motion happening behind his back but with Sailub's hands locking him in place it wasn't helping his longing and need at the moment.

"Please what?" Sailub drew himself closer to the man below him, leaving wet kisses on his back. "D-Daddy...f*ck me," Sailub wasn't sure he heard him right. "Hard." Sailub was so shocked by his boyfriend's words that he stopped kissing him on the back and looked at his boyfriend whose head was turned to the side to talk to him.

"Did you just-?" Sailub was awed after being shocked, his boyfriend was bold now and he should accept it. He licks his lips and then smirks. "You know I was planning to slap your ass while I f*ck you but since you're being so obedient I'll lessen your punishment," Sailub says tracing lines on his back again while he slowly picks up the pace of sliding in and out of Pon's hole.

"P-Please...do-don't." Pon was panting again as his boyfriend worked faster than before. "Huh?" Sailub focused on going faster as he held Pon by his waist, and he didn't have time to understand his boyfriend's request. Did he want him to stop? He was about to slow down, "Spank me, Daddy..." But when he realized what Pon wanted, it ignited the burning flames of lust within him.

He didn't know Pon was as crazy as he was and now that he had a bold character, he loved the result of it.

"What a naughty kid you are." He railed the man faster and faster and that came with a spank after spank until his ass was both red from the spanking. "f*ck baby, you're getting tighter," Sailub says, still going faster than ever. The moan the little man was emitting was loud and dirty and along with the slapping sounds of their bodies hitting with each grind, it was all music to Sailub's ears. He was loving it too much and was addicted to it, he was in ecstasy at this point.

He grinded faster until he hit Pon's prostate which made Pon moan for him to go faster and so he did, hugging and kissing Pon at his back. His adrenaline was definitely kicking in the more he hears his baby moan until he can feel he is getting to his climax so he went ahead and rubbed his baby's dick up and down faster to help him release too.

When Sailub got to his climax, he groaned releasing everything inside Pon while he continued to rub Pon's member to help him also relieve himself, and not long after he came.

Both of them were panting and Sailub could feel his boyfriend's legs trembling even after releasing. He chuckles in secret while he gets out his member from Pon slowly which makes the kid hissed for a bit. "You're so naughty today, but I loved it." Sailub carries his boyfriend to sit in a chair he prepared beforehand, just like the black cloth he had in his bathroom.

'You never know when or what would happen, it's better to be prepared.' That's his defense all the time.

"Can you take off my blindfold now?" Pon says feeling his boyfriend who was in front of him, kneeling. "Not yet. There's one more punishment." Sailub says and Pon's face frowns, he honestly thinks he can't do more but he is also curious about what his boyfriend wants. He was about to ask when he was kissed on his neck soft and tender, not rough and passionate.

Sailub trailed down to his collarbones then to his shoulders. All of sudden Sailub bit into them and then sucked, not that hard but it was enough to create a pink hickey on his white skin. Pon couldn't stop him as his hand was held by Sailub on his lap.

"P-P'Sai! They will see it!" Pon worries but Sailub knows too well than to jeopardize their work and their relationship. "Don't worry after taking a cold shower it'll fade," Sailub says after he finishes marking his boyfriend all over the skin he exposed during the event.

He took off the cloth that blinded his boyfriend's eyes then Pon looked at him after adjusting his eyesight. "But I don't want to take a cold shower in the middle of the night." Sailub smiles after he pecks his boyfriend's lips. "It's okay, I'm your heater, right? I'm still okay for more extra rounds." Sailub teases while holding his baby on his waist.

Pon softly smacks his boyfriend's shoulder but he smiles back at him. "Idiot." Pon turns his head away from him. "Who was it that just called me Daddy, a few minutes ago?" Sailub continued to tease the little one. Pon blushed and even if the bathroom was dimly lit it was still seen by Sailub, he felt his boyfriend was too cute at this moment.

"Come on, let's take a shower together." He hands out his hand to Pon and the lad looks at it and then takes it. "Not a cold shower please I want these marks to stay for a little bit," Pon says which made Sailub's dimple pop out of nowhere, his smile was too big. He was proud and speechless, his boyfriend never fails to amaze him. He nodded as they held each other beneath the soothing stream of water, time seemed to stand still. It was as if the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped up in their love and affection.

Of course, Sailub prioritizes that even if he had these punishments he would always take care and make sure his boyfriend was well-taken care of after they had sex. It wasn't just sex that he had longed for with Pon but the promise of his warmth, his smiles, his laugh, his negativities too but most of all, him just being with Sailub who has many flaws but still accepts and loves him whole.

As the warm water cascaded down around them, enveloping them in its comforting embrace, they stood together, their bodies a little bit closer, their hearts even closer. He looked into his eyes, seeing in them a reflection of the love and trust they shared. With a tender smile, Sailub reached out and gently cupped Pon's face in his hands, his touch a silent reassurance of his devotion.

Pon leaned into his touch, feeling the weight of the world lift from his shoulders in his presence. At this moment, there were no words needed, for their connection spoke volumes. It was a bond forged through laughter and tears, through moments of triumph and moments of doubt.

And then, as if in perfect harmony, they leaned in and embraced each other, their bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. It was a hug filled with all the warmth and tenderness of a lifetime shared, a silent promise of forever. Pon felt in that moment the solace he had been looking for and he'd hoped Sailub would be with him for a long time, if possible, until the end of time.

Mine 3 - Maeriime - พิษเบ๊บ (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.