Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)

I of of Women inthe 20 LEBANON, FRIDAY EVENING, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Meyer S.

E. Meyer, Wife Celebrate 50th Anniversary Today A. Palmyra couple, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of 116 East Main are today celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

The couple was married al Sunnyside. (East Cleona) by They the have late Aaron Gingrich. been residents of Palmyra for the last thirty-five years. Light Mrs. of Annville, daughter of the Meyer is the former Mary late" John and Elizabeth Light.

Meyer was born near Fredericksburg, the son of Solomon and Clara Meyer. Meyer is president of S. E. Meyer and Sons, Palmyra, a though inactive because of a physical condition. His four sons, Lloyd, Edward, Martin, and Paul, all residents of Palmyra, are associated in the business.

Another son, Harry, operates the Lebanon. Valley Petroleum Company, In addition to five sons, the couple has twelve grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. eight years Meyer served on the Palmyra Borough Council, the last have been members of the Palfour years as president: They myra Church of the Brethren for many years where Mr. Meyer has been a deacon for about twentyfive honor of the anniversary, a family turkey dinner will be held Saturday at the Fireside Restaurant. Celebrate Birthdays Of 3 Peters Children Mr.

and Mrs. Victor Peters, Fairview Heights, entertained last evening in the basem*nt of their home with a Halloween party. The occasion was in celebration of the birthdays of their three children: Rickey, who was eight on October Sallyann, who' was. seven on October 17; and David Michael, on whose second birthday" occur Halloween. The three children received gifts from their neighborhood friends.

There were games, and refreshments in keeping with the season. Guests at the party were: Charles and Linda McNiss, Betsy and Peggy Hackman, Anna Jean and Allen Light, Jimmy Joe and Greg. ory Arnold, Timmy Groy, Ken, Gene and Kathy Krall, Sally Ann, Jimmy and Gregory Gettle, Frankie, Mary and Jean Scheer, Carol and "Clip" Gollam, Linda Penthony Keith Stouffer, Edward and Ronald Brensinger, Charlene, Rita and Donna Yeiser, Christi and Kathy Carol and Mary: Ann Ann Louise and Linda Gravatti, Linda and Earl Stick, Mrs. Betty. Penthony, Verna Mrs.

Gettle, Doris Bren- Mrs. singer, Betty Krall; Mrs. Dottie McNiss, Mrs. Dottie Groy and the Peters children's aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Mellinger, who assisted with the refreshments.

Farm Women's Group Has Party In Garage Group No. 8 of the Lebanon County Society of Women met for a Halloween party last evening in the garage at the home of Mrs. Roy Kurtz, Schaefferstown. The gaily decorated, and arrived in cossaragemters tume. Prize winners were: Mrs.

Harold Nolt, ugliest costume; Mrs. Hubert: Bucher, prettiest; Harvey Krall and Mrs. Jacob Rank, funniest couple. Mrs. Jacob Rank conducted a short s's period in the absence of the president, Mrs.

James Beard. The group made plans to altend the annual meeting of. the Farm Women's Society on November 17. They also made a $5. tion to the Lions Club of Schaelferstown, for the sight-saving pro-! gram; and planned a food: sale for Oclober 28 at the home of a member.

Mrs. Roy Fasnacht, Mrs. Irwin Huber and Mrs. Kreider, as the program committee, provided games and entertainment. Mrs.

Kurtz served refreshments. HAS 24TH BIRTHDAY Births PUTT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Putt, 1017 Orchard have an infant son who was born in the Good Samaritan Hospital at 4:20 o'clock Thursday, former morning. Marian Donmoyer.

The faMrs. Putt is the ther works at the Middletown Air Force Base. JORDAN Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jordan, 403 North Fourth announce the birth of a.

daughter, in the Good Samaritan Hospital at. 6:38 p.m. Thursday. The mother is. the The father is.

employed 'at the Veterans Hospital. It's a girl for Mr. and Mrs: Ray Hitz of Cleona, born to the couple in the Good Samaritan Hospital 5:47 o'clock this, morning. before Mrs. Hitz, marriage.

was Irene Her husband Harmon Is driver for Roadway BRIGHTBILL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brightbill, Lobanon Route. 4, are receiving congratulations today on the birth of a daughter. The baby was born at 6:10 o'clock this morning in Good Samaritan Hospital.

mother' is the former Sarah man. The father. is employed Ralph Shenk. BLATT Mr. and Kennelh Blalt, Jonestown Route 1, announce birth of a daughter.

The baby arrived in the Lebanon Sanatorium 10:42 a.m.. Thursday. Mrs. Blatt the former Hilda Lentz. Her: band is employed by Ralph Emerich.

Scout Leaders Hold Cook-Out In Park OCTOBER 21, 1955 NEWS Colonial Religion Topic Discussed By Martha Ross Members of the Lebanon Daughters of the: American Revolution, heard an excellent talk one of their own number when they met in St. Luke's Parish House Thursday evening. Miss Marlia H. Ross, developing the topic "Religion in the American Colonies during the 18th Century," spoke first of the falling off of religious interest beginning the century because of the colonists'. economic struggle.

Miss, Ross described the $0- called "Great Awakening" of 1734- 1754 when. Jonathan Edwards New England, Wesleys and Whitefields coming from England, and the Pietists from Germany, aroused new. religious fervor. the colonies. These dissenters from the: established State church, she said, gave the frontiersmen greatCT freedom to choose their own religion.

The speaker suggested that this of religious independence helped 10 stimulate the political action of the American Revolution. With the subsequent separation and state, she said, country achieved greater religious freedom than had been known in the world. In. conclusion, Miss Ross expressed the hope politics can again be influenced by religion. The regent, Mrs.

Erdman, conducted a brief business session. Opening ceremonies were led Mrs. Allen Meyer, acting as chaplain. Miss Agnes Haak read "American's the secrelary, Miss Naomi Light, arid treasurer, Miss Mildred Haak, sented reports. Mrs.

Erdman nounced the stale conference the Pennsylvania D.A.R. ta held in: Harrisburg November 3, and 5. Hostesses for the social concluding the meeting were Erdman and Mrs. John Kuntz. They also presided at the tea Missionary Society Holds Annual Event The Women's Missionary Society of First Evangelical Congregational Church held its annual fall and birthday party in the social room of the church on Thursday evening.

following numbers were included on the program: Instrumental duet by Gail and Paul Fox; vocal solo, Mrs. Harry Tobias, with Mrs. Bernard 1leim as. accompanist for both; male' quartet composed. of Ralph Hoff-: ner, Donald Peiffer, Alfred Brandt' and James.

Pond. The guest speaker was Mrs. P. Kochline ni Allentown. Miss June Siegfried, the church's foreign missionary, conducted the devotional service, One-hundred and sixty-eight members and friends attended.

Rev. J. Karl Harper is pastor of the church. Halloween Party Held By Salem S. S.

Class A Halloween party featured the session of the Gardenia October School class of Salem Luthcran Church last evening in the church social rooms. Mrs. Frances Heri was presented with a prize for the prettiest costume and Mrs. Paul Peiffer received an award for the funniest. The Rev.

John Yost thanked the members for a farewell gift of a bricf case he recently received from the class. The 18 members present madel plans for the Nov. 24th meeting at Spang Crest Lutheran Home. Mrs. Jean Klick and Mrs.

Ray Yost will have charge of the program to be presented. The Christmas banquet was scheduled for Dec. 6 at the Mt. Zion Fire Hall. Refreshments were served by Mrs.

John Heve: ling, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Clarence Stine and Clarence Plummer. SEEKS DIVORCE Suit for divorce has been started in Common Pleas Court by Irene S. Early, 414 East Chestnut listed Cleona, at the against same Richard address, T.

on Early, al. legations of indignities. The couple married April 18. 1046, according to the complaint filed with the court. Route lass.

Nancy Elaine Yeager has her third birthday. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yeager. Graduate Nurse Miss Janet A.

Paine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Paine, College Heights, Greenville, was one of 58 student nurses recently graduated from Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Darby, Pa. The Paines arc former residents of Lebanon.

Miss Paine, who is a graduate of Lebanon Catholic High School with the class. of 1952, has accepted a position at hospital where she received her training. Medical Missionary Work Depicted For United Zion Groups Slides depicting medical missionary -work being in Africa by Miss Anna Kettering, R.N., a' former Lebanon County resident, featured the program for a special meeting of: area missionary societies of the United Zion Church last evening at the local church, 5th and Maple Street. The Palmyra church unit was hast for the session which was attended by 65 members from the local and Palmyra churches as well as Fredericksburg and Annville. The Lebanon socicty is newly formed.

It is headed by Mrs. Christie Bixler. The slide showing was in charge of Miss Leah Sellers, of Palmyra, who also read a letter' from Miss Kettering. Mrs. Harry Wagner, president the Palmyra, unit, had charge of the program and singing was led by Mrs.

Herman Wagner, of Palmyra. The Rev. Francis Kready, of Manheim, had charge of devolions. Several vocal selections were sung by the Wengert Sisters Quarlet. The Rev.

Adam Brandt, of Fredericksburg, conducted the closing devotions. Announcements during the session included listing the regular session of the Palmyra unit for next Tuesday. Palmyra Auxiliary Entertains Patients A social dance for 68 patients the local VA Hospital was conducted last evening by the Palmyra VEW Auxiliary. Don Cassel's. Orchestra, of Hershey, furnished the music and the program comprised a number of spot dances for which prizes were awarded.

Refreshments were also served. Mrs. Mary Whitman, this city, made the necessary arrangements and assisted with the dance along with: Mrs. Kathryn Lankford, Mrs. Phoebe Robb, Miss Verna Yoter, Miss Veronica Zemba, Mrs.

eryn Zomba, Mrs. Genevieve Yoler, Mrs. Satina Bergman, Barbara Airs. Mac E. Wandfried, Mrs.

Yoter, Mrs. Shirley Yoter, Mrs. Marian Meyer, Mrs. Jean Baker, Mrs. Harriet Eberly, Mrs.

Gladys Hess, Miss Violet Davis, Miss Tillie Condran, Mrs. Edith Keller, Miss Mildred Runkle, Miss Amelia Baiocchi, Miss Fiorence Coleman, Palmyra. Mrs. Christine Herr, Mrs. Light, Mrs.

Betty Karinch, Mrs. Claire Null, Annville; Mrs. Flora Wagner, Mrs. Katharine Wagner, Mrs. Dorothy Speraw, Mrs.

Mary Keenan, Mrs. Grace Clouser, Mrs. Eva Krick, Lebanon; Mrs. dred Yingling, Miss Alma Drescher, Miss Rhoda Eisenhour, Miss Mary Corradi, Hershey. A cigarette distribution for 60 tients was conducted at the pital yesterday.

by the Palmyra American Legion. Arrangements were made by Norman Streicher, of Annville. Palmyra Legionnaires participating in the activity were: Norman Glasmire, Alfred Beland, Harry Boyd and Raymond Ulrich. Bethany EUB Class Has Halloween Party Guild Completes Plans For Ingathering the chapter, conducted a meeting of the Guild directors on Thursday afternoon at the parish house, and announced the following as new directors: Mrs Jeremiah Boyer, Mrs. J.

Harry Boltz, Mrs. Leo Richelshagen, Mrs. Clarence Plummer; Mrs. Adam Miller, Mrs. Charles Neil, Mrs.

Solomon Levitz and the Lebanon Council of Church Women. Mrs. James Whitman, junior adviser, announced that the Junior Guild will have its own Ingathering on November 2. The Lebanon Chapter, Needle-: work Guild of America, has completed Plans for its 61st annual Ingathering, which will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3.

at St. Luke's Parish Mrs. Miller, president of The following committees were appointed: Auditing Mrs. Lloyd Sattazahn and Mrs. H.

E. Boyer; nominating -Mrs. Irving Martin, chairman, Mrs. Stuart Wood and Mrs. David S.

Hammond; hospitality Mrs. Bertha Kramer, chairman, and' Mrs. Walter Groh, co-chairman. Mrs I. HI.

Wolfson, program chairman, announced that the highlight of the senior Ingathering will be an address by Rabbi Alvin Adele Fehr Kadel, pianist, will furnish music. Articles brought to the Ingathering will be on display. Mrs. Leon Shaak was appointed assistant secretary, due resignation of Mrs. John Josephson.

It was voted to donate $25 to the American Red Cross for national flood relief. The Lebanon Needlework Guild annually collects new articles of and household linens for charitable agencies and institutions in Lebanon County. A director must have 10 "garment members" and a sustaining member who donates one dollar for administralive purposes: There are 65 tors Lebanon Branch and 30 directors in the Junior Guild. In 1954, 4,366 articles were distributed. Marriage Licenses Virginia R.

Werner, 23, teacher, 530 South Grant Palmyra, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Gustav Werner, and Fred H. Wege 18, stock clerk, Reading, son of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Wege. Mary I. Nelson, 18, machine operator, Lebanon Route 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter F. Nelson, and William: L. Arnold, 22, U.S. Navy, 359 North 1st son of Amelia and the late William L. Arnold.

Home, Garden Group Meets At Myerstown A meeting of the American Home and Garden Division of the Myerstown Woman's Club, on Thursday in the social room of the Myerstown Reformed Church, featured the showing of a film colitled "How Green Is Your Garden?" The film wAs shown after a brief business meeting. Also on the program were short talks on the origin and durability of the chrysanthemums of some species Announcement was made of the Swarthmore Chrysanthemum Show, the first week end in November. Tea and coffee were served by the hostesses, with Mrs. Melvin Lehinan in charge. Serving at the (ca table were Mrs.

Charles Ficca and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. Other hostesses were Mrs. Miles Umbenhen, Mrs. John Wandell, Mrs.

John Bird, Mrs. Rufus Swope and Mrs. John Shucy. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. George Seidel.

Play Night Is Held By Lebanon High GAC The Girls' Athletic Club of Lebanon High School held their annual Play Night last evening in the high school gymnasium. Tournaments were held in badminton, ping pong, volley ball, deck tennis, paddle tennis, par cheesi and checkers. Winners in the evening's activi-. ties are as follows: Sandra Frazier, ping pong; Judy Gruber, badminton; Sandra Frazier, checkers; Shirley Buchter, parcheesi; Shirley Buchter, Diane Wills, Mary Rank, Carol Smallz, Pat Spangler and Irene Nye, volley ball. Judy Gruber, JoAnn Keller, Sandra Frazier and Sally Lesher, baskel ball; Judy Gruber, Keller, Judy Long and Nancy Fourman, deck tennis.

Halloween prizes were awarded the winners. Refreshments were served during the evening. The following girls were in charge: refreshments Joanne Keller, chairman; Mary Rank and Diane Wills: equipment -Susie Firestone, Shirley Leffler and dra Frazier; prizes Judy Gruber entire and Judy Long; club. 77TH BIRTHDAY Nick Willman, 364 North Fourth received a number of cards and best wishes yesterday for his seventy-seventh birthday anniversary. Special This Week Reg.

$5 Val. Large Mums Mixed Bouquet $250 and Poms Hockley's Flower Shop 118 South 8th 2-1501 (Spohn) MRS. JACK C. SHIREY, the former Patricia A. Cargas of 26 North Railroad Palmyra, was married in Bethany EUB Church, Palmyra.

She is the daughter of Mrs. Bernard Cole and Angelo Cargas. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shirey, 208 East Cherry Palmyra.

Cornwall High Girls Are On Top In Field Hockey League The Cornwall girls again are all alone at the top of the Lebanon, County Field Hockey League by virtue of their win over Myerstown Cornwall yesterday and North Lebanon's loss at the hands of the South Lebanon girls at Avon. The league leaders are playing a high calibre of very good hockey. The game was very one-sided, the ball crossing into Cornwall territory about seven limes during the game. The lineups and scores are as Cornwall Myerstown follows: Linda Thiel LW Doris Lengle Marie. Ogurcak LI Elaine Bashore Sharon Seibert CF Faye Fulk Janice Light.

RI Ann Boyer Sandra Thiel Dundore RW LHB Rachel Judy Sanger Lois Nancy Ovates RHB CHB Doris Ronnie Sterner Plasterer L.FB Beverly Ranaldi Nancy Karinch RFB Loretta Rosalie Wida GK Kay Zearfoss Cornwall 3, Myerstown 0. Goals: Cornwall-Sharon Seibert 3. stitutions: Cornwall--Pam Harkins, Mary Bainbridge, Beverly Stefonich, Dohner. Sylvia Deamer, Frances Judy Tice. Myerstown-Carol Sholly, Peggy Smaltz.

W. Hollinger, Anita. Yeagley. Referce: Mrs. Jean Backenstose.

The South Lebanon game spotlight was the another latter game the, 40 score al as victory to keep team first place tie with Cornwall, provided the Cornwall girls won yesterday. South Lebanons Northern 1chanon Priscilla Arnold L.W Virginia Pat French 1.1 Myrtle Fake CP Gloria Emrich Belly Lehman RI Catherine McGlorich Betsy Hirschbock RW L.HB Mary Elaine Yeagicy Barone Pat Nancy krandt Wolf CHR Mary Emrich Pat RUB Rowena Muth LEB Gerhart Durranne Dry RFB Pal Boyer Pat Hartman GK Eileen Luch South Lebanon I. Northern Lebanon D. Goals: South Lebanon -Belty Lchman. Substitutions: South Lebanon-Carol Mary Jane Smith.

Referee: Miss Sandra Nelson. East Lebanon continued in running with the 4-0 victory the Annville-Cleona cam on Lebanon Valley College ficld. Annellle-Cicona F.asl Lebanon Janice Windle LAV Doris Miller Tice LE CP Priscilla Bonnic Netzley Joanne Moser Nancy Kettering Karen Gichner Ebling Janct Huston RW Elsie Nancy Hemperly LHR Pally Mathew Nancy Richwine C11B Bertha Shecse RUB Joan Barbara Heisey LER B. Zimmerman Colleen Smith RFB Deanna Zellers Berkheimer GK Belty East Lebanon Annullie-Cleona 0. Goals: East Priscilla Netzley, Doris Miller.

Ebling: Shroyer. Bowman. Molly Starr, Lebanon -Brenda Warner, Amy Wentling. Shirlcy Garman, Sylvia Zeller, Joan Referee: Miss Fern Liskey. ler.

Officers Elected By Kolah The Kolah Class of Centenary Methodist Church elected officers for terms and collected 46 articles for the "Parcels for Peace" project at a meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. Norman Zeigler, 125 East Grant St. Airs. Lee Rutter, president, presided. Those elected are: Mrs.

Ralph Matterness, president; Mrs. Ernest! Smith, vice president: Lester' Miller, secretary; and Mrs. Edgar Landis, treasurer. The "Parcels for Peace" items will be turned in to the Lebanon Council of Church Women at the World Community Day program on November 4, for shipment overseas. The class will fill three Christmas stockings for patients in TB hospitals, as part of a council project.

After the business meeting, there waS 1 plastics demonstration. Twenty members and guests were present. Special Purchase "Gilead's" New 40 Denier Nylon Petticoat Slips Pure White and Fire Red Sizes 32 to 40 Small to X-large. $2.95 and $3.95 Best VALUE IN TOWN Buy or Layaway Now for Xmas LEONARD SHOP 10 North Seventh Street bride Dolores Mrs. Her.

Howard Personals (Harpel) MERVIN DISHONG, a. recent in St. Mary's Church is the former Quarry, daughter of Mr. and Ralph Quarry of 1934 Center St.husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Dishong of Cornwall. MR. and MRS. HAROLD TICE, 343 Weidman Street, -left today two-weeks' vacation in' Miami, Fla. MARS.

CARRIE RUTTER, 121 Willow Street, is spending the day in Reading visiting her and daughler, MR. and MRS. STANLEY SOWERS. MRS. CLAUDE McFERREN and so PATRICK, 345 North Ninth Street, went to Reading this morning to visit MR.

and MRS. EARL YOUTZ, son-in-law and daughter of the McFerrens. 7 MRS. MARLIN KAUFMAN, 28 North Tenth is in Brownsville. toother, attend the funeral of her Mrs.

George Whitehead Children Honored With Party Miss Emily Kiscadden, of 1023 Willow Street, was hostess at her home last evening for a Halloween party honoring her niece and nephew, Mary Ellen and Terry Whitehead, also of 1023 Willow Street. Among the guests present were 18 pupils from the Lindley Murray school which Mary Ellen and Terry attend. An enjoyable program of games and refreshments in keeping with the Halloween season was presented. Those attending were: Bonnie Light, Sandy Gerhart, Bonnie Englebach, Jacqueline Snyder, Karen Beaver, Branda Hummer, Paula Reicharl, Susan Marie Kiscadden, Phyllis Snyder; Jimmie Clement, Bud Weiman, Gene Kessler, Jimmic Gerhart, Dick Elliott, Pat Werth, Terry Weaver, Wilson Coleman, Miss Emily Kiscadden, Mrs. Charles Kiscadden and Mrs.

Mary Snyder. Sewing Club Marks Seventh Anniversary In celebration of their seventh anniversary, members of the Needlers Sewing Club journeyed to Hershey last evening for dinner at the Oyster Bar. The club meets bi-weekly at the homes of members for an of sewing and sociability. Members joining the celebration were: Mrs. Mildred Leiby, Mrs.

Joan Coble, Mrs. Grace Hirschbach, Mrs. Helen Clements, Mrs. Joan Stichler, Mrs. Martha Ebersoic, Mrs.

Jane Shot and Miss Belly Feeman, all of Lebanon; and Mrs. Reist and Mrs. Jeanette Kreider, Cleona. NOTE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs.

Russell H. Wert, 342 West Main Annville, are celebrating their sixteenth wedding anWert's niversary. father, the late Rev. They, were married by H. Wert.

couple has children. GS Council Head Says Need Great For More Leaders Additional Girl Scout troop leadare needed here as urgently they are needed in hundreds other communities throughout country, Mrs. Edward H. Platz, president of the Lebanon County Scout Council, said today. "Recruting of approximately 300,000 volunteer troop leaders across the nation will be a major project of the Girl Scouts of States for the next years," Mrs.

Platz declared. pointed out that in some large as many as 10,000 girls waiting to become Girl Scouts. They cannot be admitted to membership because of a shortage adult leaders. Many additional leaders are needed right here Lebanon County, according to council president. issuing the call for area unicer leaders, Mrs.

Platz emphathe rewards, as well as problems and responsibilities Girl Scout leaders. "There. is mendous she asserted, "in helping young girls to responsibility for the troop's fairs, to have a good time, to new things and explore new fields. "There is a great sense achievement in helping thom accept, appreciate and enjoy Cr people; to do their share members of the Girl Scout organithis community; and live u.p to the Scout ideals of or, courtesy, friendship and Mrs. Platz pointed out that is no' need for a background Scouting experience or knowledge of any particular skill as requirements for leadership.

Training sessions for new leaders every Tuesday afternoon and ning over a five-week period at local Girl Scout headquarters Mrs. Oharles Wright, Jr. course gives prospective instruction in the basic course essary, with more advanced ses following during the year. Banquet Is Planned By Hebron Auxiliary Thirty-six women attended a meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Hebron Fire Company last evening at the fire hall. Final plans for a banquet were the main itom of business.

The president, Mrs. Michael Rhen, opened the meeting. The banquet will be held October 27 al the Friendship Fire Hall. Mrs. William Gable, chaplain, led the devotions, A social with games fol.

lowed. Refreshments, were served by Mrs. Mrs. David McKinney, Mrs. Hannah Martin, Mrs.

Henry Martin, Mrs. Robert fLesher and Mrs. Henry Weikel. Bakery Specials Have You Tried This Treat? PEANUT BUTTER LAYER CAKE Other Specials For The Week-end! ONION ROLLS COCONUT CUSTARD BLUEBERRY MUFFINS ROYER'S CAKE BOX 7th' and Cumberland Sts. Dial 2-5321 of the the five She citare of in the vol- the of tre- take aflearn.

of learn otfas Twelve Girl Scout leaders paled in a at Coleman Park last evening in conjunction with the October session of the Lebanon County Girl Scout Leaders. Club. The leaders brought individual dinners which they prepared over camp fires in true Girl Scout fashion. All were unanimous in agrecing the meals were "the best ever." During the business meeting, conducted by Mrs. Carl Yeiser; were chairman of the association, three plans made to "adopt" phans for the Christmas holidays.

The leaders will purchase sary clolhing and the or phans to insure the success of their Christmas. In other. action it was decided to conduct a workshop at the November business session. -In addition to Mrs. Yeiser, also present were: Mrs.

Leo Martel, Mrs. Charles Wright, M. Mrs. Annetta Mrs. Mills, Mrs.

Betty Hoffer, Joan Rauch, Hattie Troutman, Mrs. Dorothy. Gibson, Mrs. Margaret Ketcham, Jane Mrs. Virginia Goodwill, Miss Aulenbach and Miss Dorothy Shartle.

INDIGNITIES CHARGED Divorce proceedings have been started by John L. Loose, Fredericksburg Route 1, against Helena M. Loose, Fredericksburg, in a complaint alleging indignities. The couple married- Ian. 23, 1942, according to papers filed with the Common Pleas Court.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRANT Miss Mary R. Stump, 1001 Chestnut has gifts and cards from her many friends for her birthday anniversary today. A party will he held in her honor tomorrow ning. Birthdays Charles H. Slecher, son of Nora cele- carten Ronald pupil.

Moser. is a ax kinder. Field, 1038 Forneydale years brated his 24th birthday on Thurs- old today. His parents are sophom*ore at the Mr. Mayer, and 1138 Mrs.

Mifflin St. Richard day. He: 1s. a University of Houston. to honloyal- there of held evethe This leaders neccour- A masked Halloween party at the home of Miss Evelyn Krause, Quentin Road, highlighted the monthly meeting of the Young Ladies Bible Class of Bethany EUB Church last night.

The Krause basem*nt was decorated for Halloween and Mrs. Alexander Holmes was the last to be guessed. Games with prizes were enjoyed. The class teacher, Mrs. Earl MiL-! ler, led the devotions.

Mrs. John. Harvey, president, conducted a business session. The hostess, assisted by her mother and her ter, served refreshments. The next meeting will be held November 17 at the home of Mrs.

James Peiffer. OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Thursday marked the Mil- pirthday nf dred Emerich. Junior I.AS. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs.

Clayton Emerich, 135 Glenwood St. Howard Mohn of Quentin is today celebrating his fifty fifth birthday anniversary. Mohn has been a Daily NEWS carrier in that arca for the last forty years. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Risser, Quentin, will entertain at a dinner in his.

Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.