General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (2024)

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<p>Prepare to feast your eyes on the official ABC portraits of the cast of <em>General Hospital</em>: solo shots, couple pics and, as you can see, some pretty amazing group photos, too. First, though, let’s suss out just who’s who…</p> <p>… plays Sonny Corinthos, the dimpled don who can impregnate a woman by doing no more than flash a smoldering gaze like… Ack! Like <em>this</em> one! Look away before it’s too late! Look away!</p> <p>… cranking up the heat on Sonny’s smoldering gaze.</p> <p>… now with more pepper in Sonny’s hair than salt.</p> <p>… serving up a reminder that Sonny is always “one to watch.” Get it?</p> <p>Because that was not the last picture — surprise! Here’s Benard with a marginally different T-shirt!</p> <p>As if we’re ever done with Benard or Sonny — or his intensity! No wonder he/they has/have been top dog in Port Charles for decades!</p> <p>… is Carly, Sonny’s mercurial ex-moll, who can go from “till death do us part” to “if looks could kill” faster than you can read this caption. And that’s even if you’re a <em>mega</em> fast reader.</p> <p>… doing Carly’s best “Who, <em>me</em>?” expression.</p> <p>… flashing a warm smile that says, “Eh, who needs the Metro Court, anyway?”</p> <p>… never fails to turn heads. In this case, her own. But you know what we mean.</p> <p>… competing with the sun to determine which of them is more radiant.</p> <p>She’s in black, yes, but don’t you <em>dare</em> call Carly basic.</p> <p>This year, Wright’s playing it a bit cooler and we’re just sitting back and enjoying the breeze!</p> <p>… has stepped back into Jason Morgan’s black T-shirt and leather jacket, and he hasn’t missed a beat!</p> <p>… surprised us all when he turned out to be Jagger Cates, but the real shock came when his character decided to go by his real name, John!</p> <p>… brings to life Dante Falconeri, the PCPD detective who is… Oh, awkward. He’s the firstborn of the city’s most notorious mobster. Let’s focus on Mom instead, shall we? Next picture…</p> <p>But we really <em>are</em> heading toward the mother lode. Honest, we are.</p> <p>… has a lot to deal with as Rocco Falconeri, who’s had to grow up far too long without his mom. But while Lulu may be in a coma, dad Dante is determined to be there for his son.</p> <p>… taught us long ago that Tracy Quartermaine was a force to be reckoned with, and no matter how many times she’s stepped back from the show and returned, it’s a lesson we’ll <em>always</em>remember!</p> <p>… portrays Olivia Quartermaine, the Bensonhurst babe who married so far up, she now lives in <span style="text-decoration: line-through">her Richie Rich husband Ned’s</span> Monica’s mansion.</p> <p>Now <em>that</em> is the look of a woman who’s taken to playing a Quartermaine!</p> <p>… is money, as the kids would say, as Ned Quartermaine, the heir apparent to grandfather Edward’s fortune — <em>and</em> his testiness. Good luck with that, buddy!</p> <p>… striking a pose that lets the world know that Ned is an ELQ MVP.</p> <p>At least, that’s the impression we’re getting from how happy he’s looking!</p> <p>… is Leo Quartermaine, Olivia’s son with late mobster Julian Jerome and Ned’s adopted son.</p> <p>… builds a bridge to Brook Lynn Quartermaine, the feistiest firebrand this side of her mama, the much-missed Lois Cerullo.</p> <p>… issuing a reminder that Brook Lynn doesn’t have to wear bright hues to be a colorful character.</p> <p>… serving glam to the nth. Maybe even whatever comes after the nth.</p> <p>… and “it” is glam to the oth. Not the nth but the oth. Thank you for your and Brook Lynn’s help in clearing up this matter.</p> <p>And why not, considering Brook Lynn is a newlywed who’s mom is now closer than a phone call away. Speaking of whom…</p> <p>And we couldn’t be happier to have her bring Lois Cerullo, her nails and her accent to Port Charles once again.</p> <p>… walks mile after mile in the shoes of Michael Corinthos, the corporate-minded offspring of Carly and <span style="text-decoration: line-through">A.J. Quartermaine</span> Sonny. Never mind that scratch-out; those in the family or its “business” know better than to discuss it.</p> <p>… defying Michael’s reputation as a buttoned-up type by altogether skipping that top button. That’ll show <em>us</em>!</p> <p>Sure, the shirt’s still not buttoned, but adding a jacket suddenly changes Duell’s whole look!</p> <p>… is Michael’s wife Willow, a sweet-hearted former schoolteacher who learns every day that in a town like Port Charles, it’s easy to get it wrong when you’re trying to do right.</p> <p>… offering us the sweet smile that’s going to make Willow such a great nurse.</p> <p>… looking for all the world like the calm before the storm.</p> <p>… demonstrating how Willow takes news that’s best received sitting down. There’s a <em>lot</em> of that kind in Port Charles!</p> <p>… giving us a hint of what <em>All My Children</em>’s Jenny Gardner might have been like, had she survived that awful jet-ski incident.</p> <p>… and so is her dress! Shorter hair and a shimmer to her gown leave MacMullen’s looking amazing!</p> <p>… plays Wiley Corinthos, Michael’s son with the late Nelle Benson and, for a time, the kid most likely to be the potato in a game of parental hot potato.</p> <p>… played Harmony Miller, Willow’s late mother who, even after leaving the cult in which she raised her daughter, was still keeping plenty of secrets… like that she wasn’t actually Willow’s mom.</p> <p>… rocks as Carly’s chip off the ol’ block, Josslyn Jacks, a Ms. Popularity with enough fire in her to reduce to cinders anyone crazy enough to hurt her nearest and dearest. While maintaining a 4.0 GPA, we might add.</p> <p>… serving the side-eye that has reduced most of Joss’ detractors to rubble. (We love Joss, and we’re even feeling sorta rubble-ized!)</p> <p>We’ve watched her and Josslyn grow up before our eyes. And speaking of which, she’s clearly graduated from side-eye to full-on stare-down!</p> <p>… is Dex Heller, the ab-fabulous mystery man whose first step in Port Charles was onto a minefield that is as unlikely to leave him unscathed as he himself is to wear a shirt. (Translation: not very.)</p> <p>Clearly, he’s gotten the shirt thing down, though, as he’s graduated from a polo to a full-on button-down!</p> <p>… here demonstrates the <em>Home Alone</em> OMG expression that the audience so often wears as they watch Nina Reeves make one questionable choice after another.</p> <p>… keeping Nina chill even as her storyline gets hotter, hotter, hottest.</p> <p>… missing the scarlet letter “A” that Carly would like to affix to Nina’s blouse for sleeping with Sonny.</p> <p>… back to show off the “Whatevs” expression that Nina reserves for her face-offs with Carly.</p> <p>… and she’s traded her “Whatevs” expression for the look of contempt she uses with Carly now!</p> <p>… is the real-life alter ego of Alexis Davis, a former attorney and occasional hot mess who knows the law inside and out. As in, she hasn’t just represented criminals, she’s served time herself.</p> <p>… turning out the ultra-serious look that lets us know that Alexis means business. And not the funny kind, dang it!</p> <p>and so is Alexis’ legal license! No wonder Grahn’s looking ready for a day in court.</p> <p>… plays Alexis’ oldest daughter, Sam McCall, P.I., mother and all-around action figure. She’s kinda like Nancy Drew with a better right hook and edgier wardrobe.</p> <p>… this time, with an expression that asks whether we are really questioning the last caption. Um, no. No, ma’am. Never.</p> <p>… serving up more than her share of side-eye, this time — which of course isn’t something Sam would ever know anything about!</p> <p>… plays Danny Morgan who longs to follow in dad Jason’s footsteps — no matter what mom Sam has to say about it!</p> <p>… puts a lot of heart into Kristina Davis, a young woman with as complicated a background as they come. But hey, there are worse things than having a Mob boss like Sonny and a lawyer like Alexis as your parents.</p> <p>… won us over as the uber-talented singer Blaze (aka Alison Rogers) almost as easily as she won Kristina’s heart.</p> <p>… had us worried a bit when Natalia Rogers-Ramirez first found out her daughter was dating Kristina. But since Mom started making amends, we couldn’t be more delighted to see LaRue in the cast photos!</p> <p>… brings <span style="text-decoration: line-through">back</span> to life Drew Cain, the “late” Jason Morgan’s “late” brother. Until an accident and some serious plastic surgery rearranged Drew’s face, he shared not only his twin’s taste in love interests but his handsome mug, too.</p> <p>… reminding us that Drew’s always looking for stubble. Er, <em>trouble</em>.</p> <p>… after what was apparently not a metaphorical close shave.</p> <p>… and so, clearly, does the stubble. And with that T-shirt, it’s definitely working!</p> <p>… <em>has</em> to have seen it all in her years as Monica Quartermaine. The actress is the soap’s longest-serving cast member.</p> <p>… is Elizabeth Webber, the nurse you most want to administer your shots, if only because she can distract you with tales from her bat-[bleep]-crazy life. Pro tip: Ask her about the time she married a serial killer whose homicidal tendencies were contained in a brain tumor.</p> <p>… demonstrating Liz’s preferred method for trying, always trying, to leave her troubled past behind her. Don’t turn around, whatever you do!</p> <p>… working the plucky expression that has seen Liz through the toughest of times.</p> <p>… looking not at all like a Maroon 5 but a Maroon 10.</p> <p>… in black! Maybe she’s wearing it in solidarity with Jason, who never sports any other color?</p> <p>… plays Jake Webber, who’s lost more fathers and father figures than most people could imagine! No wonder Liz and Jason’s son had a hard time celebrating dear old Dad’s return.</p> <p>… makes it a point — see what we did there? — to enliven any scene as Cameron Webber, the teenage dream whose life has been, not to put too fine a point on it, a nightmare.</p> <p>… scrubs in as Dr. Hamilton Finn — Finn to his friends. Also Finn to pretty much everyone else. No one wants to compete with the musical to be called Hamilton anymore.</p> <p>… looking serious as a heart attack. Luckily, that’s something the good doctor Finn can treat!</p> <p>… threatens us daily with cuteness overload as Violet Barnes, Finn’s daughter with… Say, where <em>is</em> Hayden, anyway? By the time you read this, we may already be finding out.</p> <p>… plays Molly Lansing, the future RBG who longs to follow in mom Alexis’ footsteps — including having a kid of her own!</p> <p>… is Molly’s significant other, TJ Ashford, possessor of what is arguably the winningest smile in Port Charles. Possibly even all of New York; we haven’t checked — yet.</p> <p>… that smile still utterly winning again.</p> <p>… demonstrating the joy TJ felt at the prospect of starting a family with Molly.</p> <p>… because here he is again. We may have caught him mid-shirt-change, though. By all means, don’t let us stop you!</p> <p>… nabbed two Daytime Emmys for her portrayal of Curtis’ scene-stealing Aunt Stella Henry. She tells it like it is whether you’re remotely prepared to hear it like it is!</p> <p>… who’s got us seeing red! And you know what? We love it!</p> <p>… slays as Curtis Ashford, not only the coolest cat this side of the freezer section of the grocery but the club owner whose presence is what makes his bar more than a spot, a hot spot.</p> <p>… making us wait to catch a glimpse of that dazzling smile again. Will we get it?</p> <p>… puts on the kind of happy face that’s so contagious… Wait, what? Are we actually in a better mood now? That’s one potent smile!</p> <p>Here, he gives Curtis an enigmatic look that leaves us asking questions. Questions of the sort that don’t make us care all <em>that</em> much whether we get answers; the questions are enough.</p> <p>… getting back to the shirt-and-jacket look of old. Though that lapel flower is a total game-changer!</p> <p>… makes the rounds as Portia Robinson, a doctor whose romantic entanglements are likely to get her diagnosed with “acute twitterpation.”</p> <p>… flashing a Portia smile so bright, you’d swear the doc had just come from the radiology department.</p> <p>… adding “-souciant” to the saying “The doctor is in.”</p> <p>… embodying the seriousness of the next leg of Portia’s journey. Here’s hoping that she packed snacks.</p> <p>… back to breaking out the smile after 2023’s serious turn.</p> <p>… held the “honor role” of Trina Robinson, the kinda kid you’d be proud to call your own — and in a town as prone to abductions as Port Charles is, might be tempted to! She was recast with…</p> <p>… who stepped into Trina’s shoes just in time for the heroine to be marched toward the ultimate trial. And also a literal one.</p> <p>… in this shot revealing the brilliant smile that poor Trina has had altogether too few excuses to pull out.</p> <p>… who we don’t know for <em>sure</em> was attempting to make it appear that Trina was thinking of Spencer. But c’mon, let’s be real! If that isn’t the look of love, what is?</p> <p>… but this time, she’s got us feeling just peachy in that dress!</p> <p>… was rookie cop Rory Cabrera, an Officer Nice Guy that we could only hope wouldn’t finish last. Spoiler alert: He did. RIP, Rory.</p> <p>… is Jordan Ashford, Port Charles’ police commissioner as well as Curtis’ ex. It is, as you’d imagine, complicated.</p> <p>… proving that Jordan doesn’t have to whip out the handcuffs to create an arrested development. That gaze!</p> <p>… looking so lovely that we are reminded, “Why doesn’t she have her own storyline?”</p> <p>… serving up the kinda attitude that has us coming back for seconds!</p> <p>… deserves a tip of the hat for his work as Curtis’ long-lost, newly-found father, Marshall Ashford.</p> <p>… bringing Marshall into focus. Or maybe in this instance, the camera did that.</p> <p>… played Shawn Butler, the ex-con who, like Alexis, was rebuilding a life for himself on the outside. Step No. 1: Score some of that chili at Kelly’s. What? Like you wouldn’t?</p> <p>… has run through almost all of the ABCs as Robert Scorpio, going from the WSB to the D.A.’s office while remaining every step of the way an MVP.</p> <p>… illuminated Port Charles’ dark prince, Nikolas Cassadine, heir to not just a fortune but enough blood-spattered family baggage to keep him on Kevin Collins’ couch for life.</p> <p>… is Nikolas’ ex, Ava Jerome, an art dealer and sometime mafiosa whose warm smile belies the fact that she’s been known to put the “fatal” in “femme fatale.”</p> <p>… reminding us with a single image that we’re close, so close to Happy Hour and Ava’s favorite beverage, a martini as cold as her glare.</p> <p>… seeing if Ava can convince anyone that she’s not the baddest of bad girls by wearing white. Better luck next time, toots!</p> <p>… modeling Ava’s favorite blouse. Mainly because there’s so much room to stash something up its sleeve.</p> <p>… flouting convention by wearing white even though Ava is a dyed-in-the-wool black hat. Or at least a gray hat!</p> <p>… and we aren’t quite sure what it is about this look, but it’s just about screaming “Mob Queen” at us and we kind of love that for her and Ava.</p> <p>… hid behind Victor Cassadine’s cheerful demeanor enough schemes to teach a master class in chicanery. The character was, in short, a classic Cassadine.</p> <p>… played Nikolas’ son Spencer, a teenager every bit as troubled and brooding as Dad was at that age. Maybe a nice girl could set him down the straight and narrow. Oh, Triiina…</p> <p>… giving us a hint of what Spencer’s picture would look like on the cover of <em>Tiger Beat.</em></p> <p>… missing only the angel that Spencer usually has on one shoulder and the devil that he usually has on the other.</p> <p>… asking with Spencer’s eyes, “Would you please believe in me?” Um, sure, kid. You’re literally right there.</p> <p>… giving us a smile that implies that better days are ahead for Spencer. Which, we hate to break it to him, we doubt there are.</p> <p>… was scheme weaver Esme Prince, a conniver that you could just tell had at all times a thought bubble over her head that read, “Muahaha! I’m fooling them all!”</p> <p>… with a thought bubble above Esme’s head that reads, if you really squint, “Crap! I didn’t fool for a second!”</p> <p>… seeing if a “Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth” expression might throw us off. Keep trying, Avery!</p> <p>… gives heart to Valentin, once described as the most fearsome of all the Cassadines… by characters that we assume were very, very frightened of handsome, charming fellows.</p> <p>… this time showing off Valentin’s Casual Friday look.</p> <p>… but with how bad Valentin’s been, we’re a little afraid of how long it’ll last!</p> <p>… adds just the right amount of smoldering menace to Valentin’s former partner in crime, John Brennan! Or is that Jack Brennan? Eh, we’ll take it, either way!</p> <p>… is Port Charles’ Jane Bond, Anna Devane, the born butt-kicker you can always rely on to be the voice of reason. Unless it was during that unfortunate period where she thought that Peter August was her son. Then, er, not so much.</p> <p>… in black, yes. But Anna’s still technically a white hat.</p> <p>… radiating the level of confidence for which Anna is known. And with which we’d love to be at least vaguely associated.</p> <p>… if only to make us wonder where Anna has hung the portrait of Dorian Gray that allows her to remain forever young.</p> <p>… and it’s clear she’s got command of the camera, just as Anna’s got command of the PCPD!</p> <p>… plays Sasha Gilmore, who, since arriving in Port Charles, has stared down so many disasters, it’s a wonder she hasn’t started walking around with her eyes shut!</p> <p>… reminding us with a single intriguing glance why Sasha was the perfect “face of Deception.”</p> <p>… not that the first two times weren’t also the charm.</p> <p>… and that take-no-prisoners look is just what Sasha needs after all she’s been through.</p> <p>… was Brando Corbin, the distant relation of Sonny’s who fit in with the Corinthoses like an offer you couldn’t refuse. If only he hadn’t gotten (cough) The Hook.</p> <p>… taking to Brando’s heart ZZ Top’s words of wisdom: “Nothin’ drives the girls crazy like a sharp-dressed man.”</p> <p>… was Gladys, not only Brando’s mom and a hoot and a half but our pick for the Best Tough Broad of 2021. No, really — <a href="" target="_blank">there’s an award for that</a>, and she won it, hands down. If she hadn’t, knowing Gladys, she would’ve bribed the judges.</p> <p>… kept the batteries recharged in the Energizer Bunny of villains, Peter August, a second-generation antagonist who proved the old adage about only the good dying young… at least until finally, he did.</p> <p>… is always in vogue as fashionista Maxie Jones, who hopes to break her pattern of getting mixed up with one jerk (Peter) after another (Levi Dunkleman) after another (Logan Hayes). Where’s her next Nathan West, for Peter’s sake?!?</p> <p>… giving us her best-yet Maxie “Yeah, I said that. What’re you gonna do about it?” look.</p> <p>… is Maxie’s adorable son, James West, who sadly, never got to meet dad Nathan before he was killed. Still, this kid’s clearly got a lot of joy to bring to the world!</p> <p>… played <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Todd Manning</span> <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Franco Baldwin</span> Austin Gatlin Holt, the doctor son of Edward’s bastard heir, Jimmy Lee. At least until he followed Franco to the grave.</p> <p>… this time serving Austin sunny side up.</p> <p>… portrays sometime PCPD detective Harrison Chase, given the thankless task of being a genuine good guy in a town that’s overrun with not-so-good ones for whom we still root.</p> <p>… and still smokin’, as if there was any doubt that he would be.</p> <p>… but heading back to green just like in his first look. Don’t worry, we aren’t envious, just impressed!</p> <p>… was Gregory Chase, Finn and Chase’s father and obviously from whom they get their good looks.</p> <p>… letting Gregory throw sparks all the way back to that picture of Tracy a few dozen images ago.</p> <p>… lends his gravitas to Cyrus Renault, the most formidable mobster to hit Port Charles since Frank Smith. Oh, and he also happens to be Laura Collins’ brother, whether she likes it or not… which she most definitely does not.</p> <p>… is Cyrus and Laura’s brother, Martin Grey, an attorney who is just a “tad” on the shady side.</p> <p>… played doctor as Britt Westbourne, a reformed scheme queen whose twinkling eyes never failed to say, “I can hatch a plot with the best of ’em — try me.” Sorry, our insurance doesn’t cover plot-hatching.</p> <p>… executing the seen-it-all expression that only a character like Britt could use without having to exaggerate.</p> <p>… this time, ensuring that we see eye to eye with Britt.</p> <p>… is Cody Bell, who made one heck of a splash by parachuting into Port Charles — and Britt’s life.</p> <p>… turning the “handsome” up to 11.</p> <p>… hoping that his animal magnetism will make us stop questioning why Cody would hesitate for a second to establish a family tie with one of Port Charles’ most beloved denizens.</p> <p>… looking comfy, cozy and<em>finally</em>ready to tell Mac Scorpio that Cody is his son! Fingers crossed!</p> <p>… asks, “To BLT or not to BLT?” as reformed serial killer Heather Webber.</p> <p>… is Terry Randolph, a dedicated doctor who just happens to be daytime’s one and only transgender character.</p> <p>… before her unexpected passing in 2022, was Epiphany Johnson, the R.N. you most wanted to show up at your hospital-room doorway if what you really needed was a kick in the pants. She is, and always will be, sorely missed.</p> <p>… is enjoying the Get Out of Jail Finally card that was given to Brad-Not-Bradley Cooper only days before he had to decide what color after orange would be the new black.</p> <p>… because he’s not drawn that way, he’s Brad.</p> <p>… is Selina Wu, Brad’s aunt and the mobster most willing to cut off a branch of the Five Families’ tree.</p> <p>… unleashing Selina’s “Don’t tempt me” glare. We won’t, ma’am. We won’t.</p> <p>… was the beloved vet who played Bobbie Spencer, the unlucky-in-love nurse who was never been able to come up with a cure for heartache.</p> <p>… started 2022 back on contract as Felicia Scorpio, the enduring heroine whose 1980s adventures with ex-husband Frisco Jones made her a daytime legend.</p> <p>… in an outfit that leaves no doubt about the color that Felicia intends to paint the town.</p> <p>… hinting that Felicia’s favorite band is the Psychedelic Furs by looking so very pretty in pink.</p> <p>… challenging the springtime to so much as <em>try</em> to look brighter.</p> <p>At least this is the last but not least of this series of images of the <em>General Hospital</em> vet.</p> <p>If you’re noticing a theme with this gallery, it’s that we can never get enough of legends like Wagner!</p> <p>… has taken Mac Scorpio from top cop to beer slinger and back without discarding one iota of his charm along the way.</p> <p>… making Mac look like the handsomest Lens Crafters model of all time.</p> <p>… never fails to make a scene an actual <em>scene</em> as Liesl Obrecht, the doctor about whom we’ve always been mad. Yes, even back when Lex Luthor was looking at her misdeeds and going, “Gracious! Take it down a notch, missy.”</p> <p>… taught us long ago that if we’re ever stuck up the river without a paddle (legally speaking), the only person we can really count on to get us off is cutthroat lawyer Diane Miller. And if that look Hennesy is giving us isn’t selling it, nothing will!</p> <p>… is so beloved as Scotty Baldwin that fans flipped their collective lids when a Twitter post made it sound like he might have left Port Charles for good. (Spoiler alert: <a href="" target="_blank">He hadn’t and hasn’t</a>, thank heavens!)</p> <p>… and we certainly aren’t complaining. We’ll take Scotty any way, any day!</p> <p>… is Lucy Coe, who isn’t just the boss at Deception, she’s also a master of deception. What? Would we lie to you?</p> <p>… plays mild-mannered shrink Kevin Collins. Not to be confused with…</p> <p>… as Kevin’s homicidally maniacal twin brother, Ryan Chamberlain, who wasn’t nearly so easy to tell from his sibling when he wasn’t rocking a straitjacket.</p> <p>… but without the straitjacket, is it Kevin… or Ryan?</p> <p>… who is most definitely back to being Kevin, seeing as how Ryan is dead and buried. Again!</p> <p>… keeps alive the legend that is Laura Spencer, the rare heroine who can fill in <em>all</em> the boxes on her If It Could Happen On a Soap, Did It Happen to You? bingo card.</p> <p>… suggesting that OK, perhaps she has a favorite pose. Who could blame her? It’s a good one.</p> <p>… turning the other cheek.</p> <p>… who until the end of time will be who we call to mind when we “think of Laura.”</p> <p>… her smile belying what, beneath the surface, is clearly a blue mood of Laura’s</p> <p>… who leaves us with an expression that layers mischief under its obvious somberness. Well played, Laura!</p> <p>… because we can never leave well enough alone. And we can never get enough of Francis or her smile!</p> <p>… to put on a soap opera. And a whole lotta talented people both in front of <em>and</em> behind the camera. (One of them even took this group shot.)</p> <p>The Emmy-winning triumvirate that plays Ava, Carly and Nina is close in real life. <em>Literally</em>, as you can see. All three got their starts on New York-based soaps in the 1990s.</p> <p>Uh-oh. Based on Dante’s expression, he knows that what comes next in the saying is “Boy loses girl.” We’re not gonna be the ones to break it to Sam!</p> <p>Jordan who? Curtis is now hot ’n’ heavy with Portia. Which may explain why it’s suddenly become so hard to get an appointment with her!</p> <p>Don’t mind if the tag team that brings to life Shawn and TJ does just that. If only life in Port Charles gave their <em>characters</em> as many reasons to crack a smile and laugh.</p> <p>Thankfully, Molly (Haley Pullos here) has inherited Alexis’ strong-mindedness, not her attraction to mobsters. Not yet, anyway.</p> <p>Does TJ and Molly’s relationship have what it takes to stand the test of time? Only you-know-what will tell.</p> <p>Eh, gorgeous, yes. But happy? That was never really in the cards for these two.</p> <p>Cameron and Josslyn were bonded by the fact that they’d mourned loved ones together, survived terrifying misadventures and were both just really, really cute. On the other hand, that Dex guy was hella hot.</p> <p>Joss traded up. <em>Way</em> up. (Sorry, Cam.) Enough said.</p> <p>The apple of Finn’s eye never fails to put a little extra twinkle in ours. No wonder she made our list of soaps’ cutest kids of all time. (<a href="" target="_blank">Check it out here</a>.)</p> <p>OK, maybe not <em>all</em> of the gang, but more than half a dozen of the ABC soap’s finest.</p> <p>Nevertheless, Dante’s photo op with Sam was crashed by <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Ryan from <em>All My Children</em></span> her ex. #awkward</p> <p>A whole year after that last shot was snapped, and “Sante” are still together. Not only that, but they’re looking…</p> <p>If Dante turned away from Sam for even a second, we suspect we’d see stars in his eyes.</p> <p>Somehow we doubt that Valentin would like the sound of that. Victor, on the other hand…</p> <p>You’d think that by now Nina would have learned not to so much as <em>gaze</em> at fellas who are involved with other women. And yet…</p> <p>Family matters to Curtis and Stella. Enough said.</p> <p>Ha. It’d be a cold day in hell, we suspect, before Esme and Josslyn could even exchange smiles that weren’t fake.</p> <p>Finn and Elizabeth hoped that in one another they’d found a chance at a new beginning. Well, a <em>new</em> new beginning. They’ve gone through quite a few, haven’t they?</p> <p>No doubt, Carly inherited not only her beauty but her fearlessness and knack for making trouble from her mom, reformed hell-raiser Bobbie.</p> <p>Never mind how bitterly Sonny and Carly can argue. It’s called passion, people! Passion! And they have it to spare.</p> <p>Luke who? Kevin is the better half who’s on Laura’s arm now. And always? Erm, well, <em>General Hospital is</em> a soap opera, so 50/50 chance?</p> <p>Life in Port Charles can be a lot more fun than these expressions might suggest. Deadly, yes… but fun, too.</p> <p>… tense. At least it did at first when Marshall reentered the lives of Jordan and TJ.</p> <p>… Jordan is TJ’s mother. Not his sister or love interest… his <em>mother</em>. Clearly, the watercoolers at the PCPD are filled from the Fountain of Youth.</p> <p>And just like that, your day got a whole lot more cheerful, didn’t it?</p> <p>Nikolas and Ava can be just as light and carefree as any couple, dang it. Just not, you know, for too long at a stretch.</p> <p>“Do as I say, not as I’ve done” might as well have been Nikolas’ motto when it came to parenting Spencer.</p> <p>Erm, Dante, maybe you should save <em>that</em> kind of a glance for your significant other, not your mother.</p> <p>It hasn’t always been easy for the PCPD detective to have a career criminal for a father. If only he could get Dad outta that shady “coffee-importing” business…</p> <p>On second thought, if this is the way these two bruisers are coming at you… <em>run</em>!</p> <p>If there’s one person you want on your side in a bar fight more than Sonny, it’s Brando’s take-no-prisoners mama!</p> <p>Here’s Harmony and Finn together. OK, then.</p> <p>Turning the girl power up to 10, 11… <em>overloooad</em>!</p> <p>Something — as in this photo — tells us there’s unfinished business between Sam and Drew.</p> <p>Olivia and Anna manage to be Superwomen without the capes or the flying. Although the flying <em>would</em> be cool. And come to think of it, either or both of them would really rock a cape.</p> <p>… Felicia and Anna. What, did you think Trina and Esme were gonna get it?</p> <p>At least it is when you’re making a sandwich of cutie-patootie Violet.</p> <p>Here, Terry and Liz experiment to find out whether laughter really <em>is</em> the best medicine.</p> <p>… what can’t they get through?</p> <p>Valentin and Anna took just about the bumpiest route imaginable to one another’s arms.</p> <p>Well, four, in this case: I’ve got your back. We’ll save the other 996 for a different occasion.</p> <p>No matter what trouble comes their way — and there’s always <em>some</em>! — these two make it, ahem, Valentin’s Day.</p> <p>Rule-breakers Michael and Willow got the whole “First comes love, then comes marriage” thing all wrong. Yet it still worked out all right.</p> <p>Thanks to her romance with Michael, Willow has wound up raising Wiley, the little boy she originally thought was her biological son.</p> <p>Though Nina missed out on all of Willow’s teenage years, the mother/daughter duo has certainly made up for lost time in the squabbling department.</p> <p>And this was <em>after</em> things began to thaw between Willow and Nina!</p> <p>We have a feeling that, in the long run, these two will manage to bond. If Carly and Bobbie could do so back in the day, anything can happen!</p> <p>Harmony might not have been the best mom, but she was the only one Willow had. Or so the young woman thought…</p> <p>If anyone in Port Charles is as formidable and fiery as Carly, it’s her Mini Me.</p> <p>Mess with one of the Corinthoses, you mess with them all. And you do <em>not</em> want to mess with them all.</p> <p>… is more or less <em>any</em> offer made by a member of Port Charles’ First Family, the Teflon don and his (currently estranged) nearest and dearest.</p> <p>What happened in Nixon Falls didn’t stay in Nixon Falls for “Mike” and Nina.</p> <p>When Sonny recovered from amnesia, he couldn’t forget the feelings that “Mike” had developed for Nina. A certain sensation crept into Carly, too. What was it again? Ah, yes…</p> <p>Or, considering that Sonny cheated on Carly with Nina, would that be… <em>adulterated</em> loathing?</p> <p>Off screen, Carly and Nina’s portrayers go back all the way to their days as co-stars on <em>Guiding Light. </em>Come to think of it, their characters didn’t get along so well on <em>that</em> show, either.</p> <p>If they’re smiling, we’re suspicious. The mortal enemies have been known to insist that one another “talk to the hand.”</p> <p>Spencer and Trina had more obstacles thrown at them than a Major League catcher does baseballs. And as quickly as they came together, they were torn apart again!</p> <p>It took two Trinas, a prison stint (Spencer’s), an exorcism (of sorts, of Esme) and a dead boyfriend (RIP, Rory) to clear the path for “Sprina.”</p> <p>If only Britt hadn’t been dying and all, <em>and</em> so determined to leave Port Charles, she and Cody might have made a cute couple. Heck, they did, at least long enough to snap this pic.</p> <p>It wasn’t Carly’s ex-husband who broke up her and Drew but Jason. All he had to do was show up alive, and his brother considered his relationship dead.</p> <p>Maybe Carly and Drew could superimpose their subsequent lovers’ pictures in each other’s place in this photo. It’s too good to waste!</p> <p>… are Chase and Brook Lynn. Yes, even after he quit playing the 2020s version of Frisco the Pop-Singing Cop.</p> <p>Rather than hit any more of those, we recommend the newlyweds fast-forward past any future rough patches in their relationship.</p> <p>Ned knows by now that slim and none are the chances that Brook Lynn will heed his good advice.</p> <p>A Martin, that is. He’s a bit of a handful, but even Laura would have to admit that he’s still a lot less lethal than Cyrus.</p> <p>And if Trina doesn’t like <em>her</em> advice, she can always ask for…</p> <p>When things get rocky with Portia, Trina can always turn to Ava, with whom she’s carved out a close relationship.</p> <p>Selina has taken a keen interest in nephew Brad. And Brad? He’s taken a keen interest in wishing that her interest in him was a lot <em>less</em> keen.</p> <p>Sonny’s running the show… for now. But Selina is about as likely to play by his rules as she is to crack a smile when told to say cheese.</p> <p>… because as soon as new images drop, we’ll add them to this very (and now very big!) gallery.</p> FAQs
General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (1)

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<p>Prepare to feast your eyes on the official ABC portraits of the cast of <em>General Hospital</em>: solo shots, couple pics and, as you can see, some pretty amazing group photos, too. First, though, let’s suss out just who’s who…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (2)

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<p>… plays Sonny Corinthos, the dimpled don who can impregnate a woman by doing no more than flash a smoldering gaze like… Ack! Like <em>this</em> one! Look away before it’s too late! Look away!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (3)

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<p>… cranking up the heat on Sonny’s smoldering gaze.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (4)

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<p>… now with more pepper in Sonny’s hair than salt.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (5)

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<p>… serving up a reminder that Sonny is always “one to watch.” Get it?</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (6)

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<p>Because that was not the last picture — surprise! Here’s Benard with a marginally different T-shirt!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (7)

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<p>As if we’re ever done with Benard or Sonny — or his intensity! No wonder he/they has/have been top dog in Port Charles for decades!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (8)

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<p>… is Carly, Sonny’s mercurial ex-moll, who can go from “till death do us part” to “if looks could kill” faster than you can read this caption. And that’s even if you’re a <em>mega</em> fast reader.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (9)

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<p>… doing Carly’s best “Who, <em>me</em>?” expression.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (10)

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<p>… flashing a warm smile that says, “Eh, who needs the Metro Court, anyway?”</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (11)

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<p>… never fails to turn heads. In this case, her own. But you know what we mean.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (12)

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<p>… competing with the sun to determine which of them is more radiant.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (13)

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<p>She’s in black, yes, but don’t you <em>dare</em> call Carly basic.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (14)

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<p>This year, Wright’s playing it a bit cooler and we’re just sitting back and enjoying the breeze!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (15)

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<p>… has stepped back into Jason Morgan’s black T-shirt and leather jacket, and he hasn’t missed a beat!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (16)

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<p>… surprised us all when he turned out to be Jagger Cates, but the real shock came when his character decided to go by his real name, John!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (17)

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<p>… brings to life Dante Falconeri, the PCPD detective who is… Oh, awkward. He’s the firstborn of the city’s most notorious mobster. Let’s focus on Mom instead, shall we? Next picture…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (18)

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<p>But we really <em>are</em> heading toward the mother lode. Honest, we are.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (19)

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<p>… has a lot to deal with as Rocco Falconeri, who’s had to grow up far too long without his mom. But while Lulu may be in a coma, dad Dante is determined to be there for his son.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (20)

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<p>… taught us long ago that Tracy Quartermaine was a force to be reckoned with, and no matter how many times she’s stepped back from the show and returned, it’s a lesson we’ll <em>always</em>remember!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (21)

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<p>… portrays Olivia Quartermaine, the Bensonhurst babe who married so far up, she now lives in <span style="text-decoration: line-through">her Richie Rich husband Ned’s</span> Monica’s mansion.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (22)

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<p>Now <em>that</em> is the look of a woman who’s taken to playing a Quartermaine!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (23)

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<p>… is money, as the kids would say, as Ned Quartermaine, the heir apparent to grandfather Edward’s fortune — <em>and</em> his testiness. Good luck with that, buddy!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (24)

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<p>… striking a pose that lets the world know that Ned is an ELQ MVP.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (25)

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<p>At least, that’s the impression we’re getting from how happy he’s looking!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (26)

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<p>… is Leo Quartermaine, Olivia’s son with late mobster Julian Jerome and Ned’s adopted son.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (27)

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<p>… builds a bridge to Brook Lynn Quartermaine, the feistiest firebrand this side of her mama, the much-missed Lois Cerullo.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (28)

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<p>… issuing a reminder that Brook Lynn doesn’t have to wear bright hues to be a colorful character.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (29)

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<p>… serving glam to the nth. Maybe even whatever comes after the nth.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (30)

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<p>… and “it” is glam to the oth. Not the nth but the oth. Thank you for your and Brook Lynn’s help in clearing up this matter.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (31)

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<p>And why not, considering Brook Lynn is a newlywed who’s mom is now closer than a phone call away. Speaking of whom…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (32)

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<p>And we couldn’t be happier to have her bring Lois Cerullo, her nails and her accent to Port Charles once again.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (33)

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<p>… walks mile after mile in the shoes of Michael Corinthos, the corporate-minded offspring of Carly and <span style="text-decoration: line-through">A.J. Quartermaine</span> Sonny. Never mind that scratch-out; those in the family or its “business” know better than to discuss it.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (34)

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<p>… defying Michael’s reputation as a buttoned-up type by altogether skipping that top button. That’ll show <em>us</em>!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (35)

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<p>Sure, the shirt’s still not buttoned, but adding a jacket suddenly changes Duell’s whole look!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (36)

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<p>… is Michael’s wife Willow, a sweet-hearted former schoolteacher who learns every day that in a town like Port Charles, it’s easy to get it wrong when you’re trying to do right.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (37)

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<p>… offering us the sweet smile that’s going to make Willow such a great nurse.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (38)

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<p>… looking for all the world like the calm before the storm.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (39)

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<p>… demonstrating how Willow takes news that’s best received sitting down. There’s a <em>lot</em> of that kind in Port Charles!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (40)

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<p>… giving us a hint of what <em>All My Children</em>’s Jenny Gardner might have been like, had she survived that awful jet-ski incident.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (41)

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<p>… and so is her dress! Shorter hair and a shimmer to her gown leave MacMullen’s looking amazing!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (42)

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<p>… plays Wiley Corinthos, Michael’s son with the late Nelle Benson and, for a time, the kid most likely to be the potato in a game of parental hot potato.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (43)

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<p>… played Harmony Miller, Willow’s late mother who, even after leaving the cult in which she raised her daughter, was still keeping plenty of secrets… like that she wasn’t actually Willow’s mom.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (44)

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<p>… rocks as Carly’s chip off the ol’ block, Josslyn Jacks, a Ms. Popularity with enough fire in her to reduce to cinders anyone crazy enough to hurt her nearest and dearest. While maintaining a 4.0 GPA, we might add.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (45)

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<p>… serving the side-eye that has reduced most of Joss’ detractors to rubble. (We love Joss, and we’re even feeling sorta rubble-ized!)</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (46)

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<p>We’ve watched her and Josslyn grow up before our eyes. And speaking of which, she’s clearly graduated from side-eye to full-on stare-down!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (47)

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<p>… is Dex Heller, the ab-fabulous mystery man whose first step in Port Charles was onto a minefield that is as unlikely to leave him unscathed as he himself is to wear a shirt. (Translation: not very.)</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (48)

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<p>Clearly, he’s gotten the shirt thing down, though, as he’s graduated from a polo to a full-on button-down!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (49)

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<p>… here demonstrates the <em>Home Alone</em> OMG expression that the audience so often wears as they watch Nina Reeves make one questionable choice after another.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (50)

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<p>… keeping Nina chill even as her storyline gets hotter, hotter, hottest.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (51)

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<p>… missing the scarlet letter “A” that Carly would like to affix to Nina’s blouse for sleeping with Sonny.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (52)

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<p>… back to show off the “Whatevs” expression that Nina reserves for her face-offs with Carly.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (53)

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<p>… and she’s traded her “Whatevs” expression for the look of contempt she uses with Carly now!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (54)

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<p>… is the real-life alter ego of Alexis Davis, a former attorney and occasional hot mess who knows the law inside and out. As in, she hasn’t just represented criminals, she’s served time herself.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (55)

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<p>… turning out the ultra-serious look that lets us know that Alexis means business. And not the funny kind, dang it!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (56)

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<p>and so is Alexis’ legal license! No wonder Grahn’s looking ready for a day in court.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (57)

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<p>… plays Alexis’ oldest daughter, Sam McCall, P.I., mother and all-around action figure. She’s kinda like Nancy Drew with a better right hook and edgier wardrobe.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (58)

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<p>… this time, with an expression that asks whether we are really questioning the last caption. Um, no. No, ma’am. Never.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (59)

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<p>… serving up more than her share of side-eye, this time — which of course isn’t something Sam would ever know anything about!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (60)

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<p>… plays Danny Morgan who longs to follow in dad Jason’s footsteps — no matter what mom Sam has to say about it!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (61)

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<p>… puts a lot of heart into Kristina Davis, a young woman with as complicated a background as they come. But hey, there are worse things than having a Mob boss like Sonny and a lawyer like Alexis as your parents.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (62)

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<p>… won us over as the uber-talented singer Blaze (aka Alison Rogers) almost as easily as she won Kristina’s heart.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (63)

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<p>… had us worried a bit when Natalia Rogers-Ramirez first found out her daughter was dating Kristina. But since Mom started making amends, we couldn’t be more delighted to see LaRue in the cast photos!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (64)

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<p>… brings <span style="text-decoration: line-through">back</span> to life Drew Cain, the “late” Jason Morgan’s “late” brother. Until an accident and some serious plastic surgery rearranged Drew’s face, he shared not only his twin’s taste in love interests but his handsome mug, too.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (65)

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<p>… reminding us that Drew’s always looking for stubble. Er, <em>trouble</em>.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (66)

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<p>… after what was apparently not a metaphorical close shave.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (67)

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<p>… and so, clearly, does the stubble. And with that T-shirt, it’s definitely working!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (68)

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<p>… <em>has</em> to have seen it all in her years as Monica Quartermaine. The actress is the soap’s longest-serving cast member.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (69)

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<p>… is Elizabeth Webber, the nurse you most want to administer your shots, if only because she can distract you with tales from her bat-[bleep]-crazy life. Pro tip: Ask her about the time she married a serial killer whose homicidal tendencies were contained in a brain tumor.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (70)

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<p>… demonstrating Liz’s preferred method for trying, always trying, to leave her troubled past behind her. Don’t turn around, whatever you do!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (71)

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<p>… working the plucky expression that has seen Liz through the toughest of times.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (72)

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<p>… looking not at all like a Maroon 5 but a Maroon 10.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (73)

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<p>… in black! Maybe she’s wearing it in solidarity with Jason, who never sports any other color?</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (74)

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<p>… plays Jake Webber, who’s lost more fathers and father figures than most people could imagine! No wonder Liz and Jason’s son had a hard time celebrating dear old Dad’s return.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (75)

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<p>… makes it a point — see what we did there? — to enliven any scene as Cameron Webber, the teenage dream whose life has been, not to put too fine a point on it, a nightmare.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (76)

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<p>… scrubs in as Dr. Hamilton Finn — Finn to his friends. Also Finn to pretty much everyone else. No one wants to compete with the musical to be called Hamilton anymore.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (77)

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<p>… looking serious as a heart attack. Luckily, that’s something the good doctor Finn can treat!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (78)

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<p>… threatens us daily with cuteness overload as Violet Barnes, Finn’s daughter with… Say, where <em>is</em> Hayden, anyway? By the time you read this, we may already be finding out.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (79)

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<p>… plays Molly Lansing, the future RBG who longs to follow in mom Alexis’ footsteps — including having a kid of her own!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (80)

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<p>… is Molly’s significant other, TJ Ashford, possessor of what is arguably the winningest smile in Port Charles. Possibly even all of New York; we haven’t checked — yet.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (81)

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<p>… that smile still utterly winning again.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (82)

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<p>… demonstrating the joy TJ felt at the prospect of starting a family with Molly.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (83)

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<p>… because here he is again. We may have caught him mid-shirt-change, though. By all means, don’t let us stop you!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (84)

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<p>… nabbed two Daytime Emmys for her portrayal of Curtis’ scene-stealing Aunt Stella Henry. She tells it like it is whether you’re remotely prepared to hear it like it is!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (85)

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<p>… who’s got us seeing red! And you know what? We love it!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (86)

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<p>… slays as Curtis Ashford, not only the coolest cat this side of the freezer section of the grocery but the club owner whose presence is what makes his bar more than a spot, a hot spot.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (87)

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<p>… making us wait to catch a glimpse of that dazzling smile again. Will we get it?</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (88)

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<p>… puts on the kind of happy face that’s so contagious… Wait, what? Are we actually in a better mood now? That’s one potent smile!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (89)

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<p>Here, he gives Curtis an enigmatic look that leaves us asking questions. Questions of the sort that don’t make us care all <em>that</em> much whether we get answers; the questions are enough.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (90)

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<p>… getting back to the shirt-and-jacket look of old. Though that lapel flower is a total game-changer!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (91)

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<p>… makes the rounds as Portia Robinson, a doctor whose romantic entanglements are likely to get her diagnosed with “acute twitterpation.”</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (92)

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<p>… flashing a Portia smile so bright, you’d swear the doc had just come from the radiology department.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (93)

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<p>… adding “-souciant” to the saying “The doctor is in.”</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (94)

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<p>… embodying the seriousness of the next leg of Portia’s journey. Here’s hoping that she packed snacks.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (95)

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<p>… back to breaking out the smile after 2023’s serious turn.</p>

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<p>… held the “honor role” of Trina Robinson, the kinda kid you’d be proud to call your own — and in a town as prone to abductions as Port Charles is, might be tempted to! She was recast with…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (97)

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<p>… who stepped into Trina’s shoes just in time for the heroine to be marched toward the ultimate trial. And also a literal one.</p>

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<p>… in this shot revealing the brilliant smile that poor Trina has had altogether too few excuses to pull out.</p>

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<p>… who we don’t know for <em>sure</em> was attempting to make it appear that Trina was thinking of Spencer. But c’mon, let’s be real! If that isn’t the look of love, what is?</p>

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<p>… but this time, she’s got us feeling just peachy in that dress!</p>

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<p>… was rookie cop Rory Cabrera, an Officer Nice Guy that we could only hope wouldn’t finish last. Spoiler alert: He did. RIP, Rory.</p>

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<p>… is Jordan Ashford, Port Charles’ police commissioner as well as Curtis’ ex. It is, as you’d imagine, complicated.</p>

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<p>… proving that Jordan doesn’t have to whip out the handcuffs to create an arrested development. That gaze!</p>

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<p>… looking so lovely that we are reminded, “Why doesn’t she have her own storyline?”</p>

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<p>… serving up the kinda attitude that has us coming back for seconds!</p>

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<p>… deserves a tip of the hat for his work as Curtis’ long-lost, newly-found father, Marshall Ashford.</p>

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<p>… bringing Marshall into focus. Or maybe in this instance, the camera did that.</p>

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<p>… played Shawn Butler, the ex-con who, like Alexis, was rebuilding a life for himself on the outside. Step No. 1: Score some of that chili at Kelly’s. What? Like you wouldn’t?</p>

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<p>… has run through almost all of the ABCs as Robert Scorpio, going from the WSB to the D.A.’s office while remaining every step of the way an MVP.</p>

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<p>… illuminated Port Charles’ dark prince, Nikolas Cassadine, heir to not just a fortune but enough blood-spattered family baggage to keep him on Kevin Collins’ couch for life.</p>

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<p>… is Nikolas’ ex, Ava Jerome, an art dealer and sometime mafiosa whose warm smile belies the fact that she’s been known to put the “fatal” in “femme fatale.”</p>

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<p>… reminding us with a single image that we’re close, so close to Happy Hour and Ava’s favorite beverage, a martini as cold as her glare.</p>

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<p>… seeing if Ava can convince anyone that she’s not the baddest of bad girls by wearing white. Better luck next time, toots!</p>

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<p>… modeling Ava’s favorite blouse. Mainly because there’s so much room to stash something up its sleeve.</p>

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<p>… flouting convention by wearing white even though Ava is a dyed-in-the-wool black hat. Or at least a gray hat!</p>

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<p>… and we aren’t quite sure what it is about this look, but it’s just about screaming “Mob Queen” at us and we kind of love that for her and Ava.</p>

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<p>… hid behind Victor Cassadine’s cheerful demeanor enough schemes to teach a master class in chicanery. The character was, in short, a classic Cassadine.</p>

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<p>… played Nikolas’ son Spencer, a teenager every bit as troubled and brooding as Dad was at that age. Maybe a nice girl could set him down the straight and narrow. Oh, Triiina…</p>

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<p>… giving us a hint of what Spencer’s picture would look like on the cover of <em>Tiger Beat.</em></p>

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<p>… missing only the angel that Spencer usually has on one shoulder and the devil that he usually has on the other.</p>

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<p>… asking with Spencer’s eyes, “Would you please believe in me?” Um, sure, kid. You’re literally right there.</p>

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<p>… giving us a smile that implies that better days are ahead for Spencer. Which, we hate to break it to him, we doubt there are.</p>

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<p>… was scheme weaver Esme Prince, a conniver that you could just tell had at all times a thought bubble over her head that read, “Muahaha! I’m fooling them all!”</p>

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<p>… with a thought bubble above Esme’s head that reads, if you really squint, “Crap! I didn’t fool for a second!”</p>

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<p>… seeing if a “Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth” expression might throw us off. Keep trying, Avery!</p>

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<p>… gives heart to Valentin, once described as the most fearsome of all the Cassadines… by characters that we assume were very, very frightened of handsome, charming fellows.</p>

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<p>… this time showing off Valentin’s Casual Friday look.</p>

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<p>… but with how bad Valentin’s been, we’re a little afraid of how long it’ll last!</p>

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<p>… adds just the right amount of smoldering menace to Valentin’s former partner in crime, John Brennan! Or is that Jack Brennan? Eh, we’ll take it, either way!</p>

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<p>… is Port Charles’ Jane Bond, Anna Devane, the born butt-kicker you can always rely on to be the voice of reason. Unless it was during that unfortunate period where she thought that Peter August was her son. Then, er, not so much.</p>

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<p>… in black, yes. But Anna’s still technically a white hat.</p>

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<p>… radiating the level of confidence for which Anna is known. And with which we’d love to be at least vaguely associated.</p>

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<p>… if only to make us wonder where Anna has hung the portrait of Dorian Gray that allows her to remain forever young.</p>

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<p>… and it’s clear she’s got command of the camera, just as Anna’s got command of the PCPD!</p>

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<p>… plays Sasha Gilmore, who, since arriving in Port Charles, has stared down so many disasters, it’s a wonder she hasn’t started walking around with her eyes shut!</p>

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<p>… reminding us with a single intriguing glance why Sasha was the perfect “face of Deception.”</p>

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<p>… not that the first two times weren’t also the charm.</p>

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<p>… and that take-no-prisoners look is just what Sasha needs after all she’s been through.</p>

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<p>… was Brando Corbin, the distant relation of Sonny’s who fit in with the Corinthoses like an offer you couldn’t refuse. If only he hadn’t gotten (cough) The Hook.</p>

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<p>… taking to Brando’s heart ZZ Top’s words of wisdom: “Nothin’ drives the girls crazy like a sharp-dressed man.”</p>

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<p>… was Gladys, not only Brando’s mom and a hoot and a half but our pick for the Best Tough Broad of 2021. No, really — <a href="" target="_blank">there’s an award for that</a>, and she won it, hands down. If she hadn’t, knowing Gladys, she would’ve bribed the judges.</p>

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<p>… kept the batteries recharged in the Energizer Bunny of villains, Peter August, a second-generation antagonist who proved the old adage about only the good dying young… at least until finally, he did.</p>

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<p>… is always in vogue as fashionista Maxie Jones, who hopes to break her pattern of getting mixed up with one jerk (Peter) after another (Levi Dunkleman) after another (Logan Hayes). Where’s her next Nathan West, for Peter’s sake?!?</p>

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<p>… giving us her best-yet Maxie “Yeah, I said that. What’re you gonna do about it?” look.</p>

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<p>… is Maxie’s adorable son, James West, who sadly, never got to meet dad Nathan before he was killed. Still, this kid’s clearly got a lot of joy to bring to the world!</p>

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<p>… played <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Todd Manning</span> <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Franco Baldwin</span> Austin Gatlin Holt, the doctor son of Edward’s bastard heir, Jimmy Lee. At least until he followed Franco to the grave.</p>

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<p>… this time serving Austin sunny side up.</p>

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<p>… portrays sometime PCPD detective Harrison Chase, given the thankless task of being a genuine good guy in a town that’s overrun with not-so-good ones for whom we still root.</p>

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<p>… and still smokin’, as if there was any doubt that he would be.</p>

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<p>… but heading back to green just like in his first look. Don’t worry, we aren’t envious, just impressed!</p>

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<p>… was Gregory Chase, Finn and Chase’s father and obviously from whom they get their good looks.</p>

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<p>… letting Gregory throw sparks all the way back to that picture of Tracy a few dozen images ago.</p>

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<p>… lends his gravitas to Cyrus Renault, the most formidable mobster to hit Port Charles since Frank Smith. Oh, and he also happens to be Laura Collins’ brother, whether she likes it or not… which she most definitely does not.</p>

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<p>… is Cyrus and Laura’s brother, Martin Grey, an attorney who is just a “tad” on the shady side.</p>

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<p>… played doctor as Britt Westbourne, a reformed scheme queen whose twinkling eyes never failed to say, “I can hatch a plot with the best of ’em — try me.” Sorry, our insurance doesn’t cover plot-hatching.</p>

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<p>… executing the seen-it-all expression that only a character like Britt could use without having to exaggerate.</p>

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<p>… this time, ensuring that we see eye to eye with Britt.</p>

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<p>… is Cody Bell, who made one heck of a splash by parachuting into Port Charles — and Britt’s life.</p>

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<p>… turning the “handsome” up to 11.</p>

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<p>… hoping that his animal magnetism will make us stop questioning why Cody would hesitate for a second to establish a family tie with one of Port Charles’ most beloved denizens.</p>

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<p>… looking comfy, cozy and<em>finally</em>ready to tell Mac Scorpio that Cody is his son! Fingers crossed!</p>

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<p>… asks, “To BLT or not to BLT?” as reformed serial killer Heather Webber.</p>

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<p>… is Terry Randolph, a dedicated doctor who just happens to be daytime’s one and only transgender character.</p>

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<p>… before her unexpected passing in 2022, was Epiphany Johnson, the R.N. you most wanted to show up at your hospital-room doorway if what you really needed was a kick in the pants. She is, and always will be, sorely missed.</p>

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<p>… is enjoying the Get Out of Jail Finally card that was given to Brad-Not-Bradley Cooper only days before he had to decide what color after orange would be the new black.</p>

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<p>… because he’s not drawn that way, he’s Brad.</p>

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<p>… is Selina Wu, Brad’s aunt and the mobster most willing to cut off a branch of the Five Families’ tree.</p>

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<p>… unleashing Selina’s “Don’t tempt me” glare. We won’t, ma’am. We won’t.</p>

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<p>… was the beloved vet who played Bobbie Spencer, the unlucky-in-love nurse who was never been able to come up with a cure for heartache.</p>

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<p>… started 2022 back on contract as Felicia Scorpio, the enduring heroine whose 1980s adventures with ex-husband Frisco Jones made her a daytime legend.</p>

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<p>… in an outfit that leaves no doubt about the color that Felicia intends to paint the town.</p>

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<p>… hinting that Felicia’s favorite band is the Psychedelic Furs by looking so very pretty in pink.</p>

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<p>… challenging the springtime to so much as <em>try</em> to look brighter.</p>

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<p>At least this is the last but not least of this series of images of the <em>General Hospital</em> vet.</p>

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<p>If you’re noticing a theme with this gallery, it’s that we can never get enough of legends like Wagner!</p>

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<p>… has taken Mac Scorpio from top cop to beer slinger and back without discarding one iota of his charm along the way.</p>

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<p>… making Mac look like the handsomest Lens Crafters model of all time.</p>

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<p>… never fails to make a scene an actual <em>scene</em> as Liesl Obrecht, the doctor about whom we’ve always been mad. Yes, even back when Lex Luthor was looking at her misdeeds and going, “Gracious! Take it down a notch, missy.”</p>

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<p>… taught us long ago that if we’re ever stuck up the river without a paddle (legally speaking), the only person we can really count on to get us off is cutthroat lawyer Diane Miller. And if that look Hennesy is giving us isn’t selling it, nothing will!</p>

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<p>… is so beloved as Scotty Baldwin that fans flipped their collective lids when a Twitter post made it sound like he might have left Port Charles for good. (Spoiler alert: <a href="" target="_blank">He hadn’t and hasn’t</a>, thank heavens!)</p>

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<p>… and we certainly aren’t complaining. We’ll take Scotty any way, any day!</p>

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<p>… is Lucy Coe, who isn’t just the boss at Deception, she’s also a master of deception. What? Would we lie to you?</p>

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<p>… plays mild-mannered shrink Kevin Collins. Not to be confused with…</p>

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<p>… as Kevin’s homicidally maniacal twin brother, Ryan Chamberlain, who wasn’t nearly so easy to tell from his sibling when he wasn’t rocking a straitjacket.</p>

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<p>… but without the straitjacket, is it Kevin… or Ryan?</p>

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<p>… who is most definitely back to being Kevin, seeing as how Ryan is dead and buried. Again!</p>

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<p>… keeps alive the legend that is Laura Spencer, the rare heroine who can fill in <em>all</em> the boxes on her If It Could Happen On a Soap, Did It Happen to You? bingo card.</p>

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<p>… suggesting that OK, perhaps she has a favorite pose. Who could blame her? It’s a good one.</p>

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<p>… turning the other cheek.</p>

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<p>… who until the end of time will be who we call to mind when we “think of Laura.”</p>

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<p>… her smile belying what, beneath the surface, is clearly a blue mood of Laura’s</p>

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<p>… who leaves us with an expression that layers mischief under its obvious somberness. Well played, Laura!</p>

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<p>… because we can never leave well enough alone. And we can never get enough of Francis or her smile!</p>

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<p>… to put on a soap opera. And a whole lotta talented people both in front of <em>and</em> behind the camera. (One of them even took this group shot.)</p>

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<p>The Emmy-winning triumvirate that plays Ava, Carly and Nina is close in real life. <em>Literally</em>, as you can see. All three got their starts on New York-based soaps in the 1990s.</p>

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<p>Uh-oh. Based on Dante’s expression, he knows that what comes next in the saying is “Boy loses girl.” We’re not gonna be the ones to break it to Sam!</p>

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<p>Jordan who? Curtis is now hot ’n’ heavy with Portia. Which may explain why it’s suddenly become so hard to get an appointment with her!</p>

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<p>Don’t mind if the tag team that brings to life Shawn and TJ does just that. If only life in Port Charles gave their <em>characters</em> as many reasons to crack a smile and laugh.</p>

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<p>Thankfully, Molly (Haley Pullos here) has inherited Alexis’ strong-mindedness, not her attraction to mobsters. Not yet, anyway.</p>

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<p>Does TJ and Molly’s relationship have what it takes to stand the test of time? Only you-know-what will tell.</p>

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<p>Eh, gorgeous, yes. But happy? That was never really in the cards for these two.</p>

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<p>Cameron and Josslyn were bonded by the fact that they’d mourned loved ones together, survived terrifying misadventures and were both just really, really cute. On the other hand, that Dex guy was hella hot.</p>

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<p>Joss traded up. <em>Way</em> up. (Sorry, Cam.) Enough said.</p>

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<p>The apple of Finn’s eye never fails to put a little extra twinkle in ours. No wonder she made our list of soaps’ cutest kids of all time. (<a href="" target="_blank">Check it out here</a>.)</p>

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<p>OK, maybe not <em>all</em> of the gang, but more than half a dozen of the ABC soap’s finest.</p>

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<p>Nevertheless, Dante’s photo op with Sam was crashed by <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Ryan from <em>All My Children</em></span> her ex. #awkward</p>

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<p>A whole year after that last shot was snapped, and “Sante” are still together. Not only that, but they’re looking…</p>

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<p>If Dante turned away from Sam for even a second, we suspect we’d see stars in his eyes.</p>

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<p>Somehow we doubt that Valentin would like the sound of that. Victor, on the other hand…</p>

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<p>You’d think that by now Nina would have learned not to so much as <em>gaze</em> at fellas who are involved with other women. And yet…</p>

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<p>Family matters to Curtis and Stella. Enough said.</p>

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<p>Ha. It’d be a cold day in hell, we suspect, before Esme and Josslyn could even exchange smiles that weren’t fake.</p>

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<p>Finn and Elizabeth hoped that in one another they’d found a chance at a new beginning. Well, a <em>new</em> new beginning. They’ve gone through quite a few, haven’t they?</p>

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<p>No doubt, Carly inherited not only her beauty but her fearlessness and knack for making trouble from her mom, reformed hell-raiser Bobbie.</p>

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<p>Never mind how bitterly Sonny and Carly can argue. It’s called passion, people! Passion! And they have it to spare.</p>

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<p>Luke who? Kevin is the better half who’s on Laura’s arm now. And always? Erm, well, <em>General Hospital is</em> a soap opera, so 50/50 chance?</p>

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<p>Life in Port Charles can be a lot more fun than these expressions might suggest. Deadly, yes… but fun, too.</p>

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<p>… tense. At least it did at first when Marshall reentered the lives of Jordan and TJ.</p>

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<p>… Jordan is TJ’s mother. Not his sister or love interest… his <em>mother</em>. Clearly, the watercoolers at the PCPD are filled from the Fountain of Youth.</p>

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<p>And just like that, your day got a whole lot more cheerful, didn’t it?</p>

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<p>Nikolas and Ava can be just as light and carefree as any couple, dang it. Just not, you know, for too long at a stretch.</p>

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<p>“Do as I say, not as I’ve done” might as well have been Nikolas’ motto when it came to parenting Spencer.</p>

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<p>Erm, Dante, maybe you should save <em>that</em> kind of a glance for your significant other, not your mother.</p>

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<p>It hasn’t always been easy for the PCPD detective to have a career criminal for a father. If only he could get Dad outta that shady “coffee-importing” business…</p>

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<p>On second thought, if this is the way these two bruisers are coming at you… <em>run</em>!</p>

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<p>If there’s one person you want on your side in a bar fight more than Sonny, it’s Brando’s take-no-prisoners mama!</p>

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<p>Here’s Harmony and Finn together. OK, then.</p>

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<p>Turning the girl power up to 10, 11… <em>overloooad</em>!</p>

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<p>Something — as in this photo — tells us there’s unfinished business between Sam and Drew.</p>

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<p>Olivia and Anna manage to be Superwomen without the capes or the flying. Although the flying <em>would</em> be cool. And come to think of it, either or both of them would really rock a cape.</p>

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<p>… Felicia and Anna. What, did you think Trina and Esme were gonna get it?</p>

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<p>At least it is when you’re making a sandwich of cutie-patootie Violet.</p>

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<p>Here, Terry and Liz experiment to find out whether laughter really <em>is</em> the best medicine.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (234)

Image: ABC


<p>… what can’t they get through?</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (235)

Image: ABC


<p>Valentin and Anna took just about the bumpiest route imaginable to one another’s arms.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (236)

Image: ABC


<p>Well, four, in this case: I’ve got your back. We’ll save the other 996 for a different occasion.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (237)

Image: ABC


<p>No matter what trouble comes their way — and there’s always <em>some</em>! — these two make it, ahem, Valentin’s Day.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (238)

Image: ABC


<p>Rule-breakers Michael and Willow got the whole “First comes love, then comes marriage” thing all wrong. Yet it still worked out all right.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (239)

Image: ABC


<p>Thanks to her romance with Michael, Willow has wound up raising Wiley, the little boy she originally thought was her biological son.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (240)

Image: ABC


<p>Though Nina missed out on all of Willow’s teenage years, the mother/daughter duo has certainly made up for lost time in the squabbling department.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (241)

Image: ABC


<p>And this was <em>after</em> things began to thaw between Willow and Nina!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (242)

Image: ABC


<p>We have a feeling that, in the long run, these two will manage to bond. If Carly and Bobbie could do so back in the day, anything can happen!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (243)

Image: ABC


<p>Harmony might not have been the best mom, but she was the only one Willow had. Or so the young woman thought…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (244)

Image: ABC


<p>If anyone in Port Charles is as formidable and fiery as Carly, it’s her Mini Me.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (245)

Image: ABC


<p>Mess with one of the Corinthoses, you mess with them all. And you do <em>not</em> want to mess with them all.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (246)

Image: ABC


<p>… is more or less <em>any</em> offer made by a member of Port Charles’ First Family, the Teflon don and his (currently estranged) nearest and dearest.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (247)

Image: ABC


<p>What happened in Nixon Falls didn’t stay in Nixon Falls for “Mike” and Nina.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (248)

Image: ABC


<p>When Sonny recovered from amnesia, he couldn’t forget the feelings that “Mike” had developed for Nina. A certain sensation crept into Carly, too. What was it again? Ah, yes…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (249)

Image: ABC


<p>Or, considering that Sonny cheated on Carly with Nina, would that be… <em>adulterated</em> loathing?</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (250)

Image: ABC


<p>Off screen, Carly and Nina’s portrayers go back all the way to their days as co-stars on <em>Guiding Light. </em>Come to think of it, their characters didn’t get along so well on <em>that</em> show, either.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (251)

Image: ABC


<p>If they’re smiling, we’re suspicious. The mortal enemies have been known to insist that one another “talk to the hand.”</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (252)

Image: ABC


<p>Spencer and Trina had more obstacles thrown at them than a Major League catcher does baseballs. And as quickly as they came together, they were torn apart again!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (253)

Image: ABC


<p>It took two Trinas, a prison stint (Spencer’s), an exorcism (of sorts, of Esme) and a dead boyfriend (RIP, Rory) to clear the path for “Sprina.”</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (254)

Image: ABC


<p>If only Britt hadn’t been dying and all, <em>and</em> so determined to leave Port Charles, she and Cody might have made a cute couple. Heck, they did, at least long enough to snap this pic.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (255)

Image: ABC


<p>It wasn’t Carly’s ex-husband who broke up her and Drew but Jason. All he had to do was show up alive, and his brother considered his relationship dead.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (256)

Image: ABC


<p>Maybe Carly and Drew could superimpose their subsequent lovers’ pictures in each other’s place in this photo. It’s too good to waste!</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (257)

Image: ABC


<p>… are Chase and Brook Lynn. Yes, even after he quit playing the 2020s version of Frisco the Pop-Singing Cop.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (258)

Image: ABC


<p>Rather than hit any more of those, we recommend the newlyweds fast-forward past any future rough patches in their relationship.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (259)

Image: ABC


<p>Ned knows by now that slim and none are the chances that Brook Lynn will heed his good advice.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (260)

Image: ABC


<p>A Martin, that is. He’s a bit of a handful, but even Laura would have to admit that he’s still a lot less lethal than Cyrus.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (261)

Image: ABC


<p>And if Trina doesn’t like <em>her</em> advice, she can always ask for…</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (262)

Image: ABC


<p>When things get rocky with Portia, Trina can always turn to Ava, with whom she’s carved out a close relationship.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (263)

Image: ABC


<p>Selina has taken a keen interest in nephew Brad. And Brad? He’s taken a keen interest in wishing that her interest in him was a lot <em>less</em> keen.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (264)

Image: ABC


<p>Sonny’s running the show… for now. But Selina is about as likely to play by his rules as she is to crack a smile when told to say cheese.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (265)

Image: Disney


<p>… because as soon as new images drop, we’ll add them to this very (and now very big!) gallery.</p>

General Hospital Spoilers May 20 – 24 (2024)


Is Gregory leaving GH in May 2024? ›

Port Charles is saying goodbye to a beloved member. Gregory Harrison, who joined General Hospital in 2020, has left the soap opera. The character he portrayed, Gregory Chase, passed away in his sleep on May 20 after battling Als.

Who is leaving General Hospital in May? ›

Port Charles is losing a favored denizen. Gregory Harrison, who first joined General Hospital in 2020, has left the sudser. His last episode aired May 21. Harrison, best known to boomers for his long-running role on Trapper John, M.D., played Gregory Chase, the father of Finn (Michael Easton) and Chase (Josh Swickard).

Who is leaving GH in 2024 spoilers? ›

Avery Kristen Pohl exited when Esme Prince fell overboard and was presumed dead. Spencer Cassadine (Alexander Chavez) fell overboard as well and there is news about him too. William Lipton returned as Cameron Webber for a short time but is gone again as well. Lipton is now in Amazon's The Runarounds.

Is Gregory leaving GH? ›

leaving the page. , who first joined General Hospital in 2020, has left the sudser.

Why is Gregory off of GH? ›

Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) on GH was diagnosed with ALS in April 2023, and just over a year later, the character tragically passed away peacefully in his sleep from heart failure on the May 21 episode.

Is Spencer from GH leaving? ›

"Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much." In late April, TVLine reported that the actor, who took on the role of Spencer Cassadine in 2021, would be departing the series.

What actors are leaving GH? ›

Chavez's departure from the soap is the latest in a long line of cast shake-ups that started in November 2023, with Roger Howarth departing the show as Dr. Austin Gatlin-Holt. The following month, Eden McCoy took a step back from her role as Josslyn Jacks following the death of her mother.

Is Nicholas coming back to General Hospital in 2024? ›

Nicholas Alexander Chavez won't be returning to General Hospital after role in Ryan Murphy series. Chavez plays Lyle Menéndez in the next season of Murphy's "Monster" anthology series.

Is Ava leaving GH? ›

As of now, there is no confirmation about Ava Jerome leaving General Hospital after Season 61. The rumors of Ava Jerome's exit were started by The Chat podcast host Casey who is also a known soap opera insider.

Is Dante leaving General Hospital in 2024? ›

Dominic Zamprogna, who joined the cast of General Hospital nine years ago as Dante Falconeri, has left the show. The actor tweeted that he taped his final scenes last month. Zamprogna posted, “So you've been asking. I feel I owe it to you awesome fans to tell you that I've taped my final scenes.

Why is Kelly Monaco leaving General Hospital? ›

(Soap vet Hartley previously — and briefly — stepped in for Monaco in 2020 and 2022.) A Gh rep declined to comment on the reason for Monaco's absence, but sources confirm to TVLine that the actress was simply under the weather.

Why is Dante leaving General Hospital? ›

Is Dante leaving General Hospital? All signs point to Dante not leaving General Hospital. Although Dominic has left the ABC soap twice before in the past, the actor seems perfectly happy where he is right now.

Is Sonny on GH leaving? ›

As of early July 2024, there is no confirmed report on Benard's departure from General Hospital after Season 61.

Will Jax be back on GH? ›

On February 14, 2019, Soap Opera Digest broke the news that Rademacher would return to General Hospital. Rademacher returned on May 7, 2019. It was also revealed that he is back on contract.

Who is replacing Alexis on GH? ›

Actress Stephanie Erb will be filling in during her medical leave so that Alexis' story can continue uninterrupted. GH will not be Erb's daytime debut as she played Camille Owens on PORT CHARLES back in 2000, Mona in an episode of DAYS OF OUR LIVES in 2001, and Dr.

Did Gregory Harrison pass away? ›

After these happy events, he had a special talk with Finn and his granddaughter, deciding to let go of past problems and support each other. That night, while a slideshow of his life played with gentle piano music, Gregory passed away in his sleep, marking the end of his journey on the show.

What happened to Gregory Chase? ›

So, viewers likely thought Gregory would have more time. Also, many were hoping for a misdiagnosis so the Gregory could get a cure and stick around. Sadly, that wasn't the case and he passed away in his sleep due to heart failure the night of his son Harrison Chase's wedding.

Who will be returning to General Hospital? ›

Jonathan Jackson is checking back into “General Hospital.” The Emmy-winning actor will reprise his role as Lucky Spencer on the long-running ABC soap opera in what is said to be a long stint.

Is Gregory Harrison still married to Randi Oakes? ›

Personal life. Harrison has been married since December 21, 1980 to actress Randi Oakes, whom he met while competing on a 1979 edition of Battle of the Network Stars, with Harrison on the CBS team and Oakes on the NBC team. Their marriage was kept secret from the public for several years.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.