Daisy's Dance/Transcript (2024)


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This is the transcript for season 1 episode 11 of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daisy's Dance.


  • 1 Daniel's Preview of the Episode
  • 2 Title Card
  • 3 Daisy shows her dance for the talent show
  • 4 Getting some Mouseketools/Fixing Daisy's shoe/Practing Daisy's dance
    • 4.1 Mouseketool moment #1
  • 5 Unlocking the Shoe Garage
  • 6 Clapping to the dancing animals
  • 7 Marching up Great Big Hill
  • 8 Sliding through the hedge maze
  • 9 Heading to Mickey Theater/Pete's bow toll
    • 9.1 Mouseketool moment #2
  • 10 Daisy's confidence boost/Broken radio
    • 10.1 Mouseketool moment #3
  • 11 Daisy does her special dance

Daniel's Preview of the Episode[]

  • Daniel: Hi, Neighbor! (holds up a picture book and shows some pictures of today's episode) There's a talent show today at Mickey Theater, and Daisy's gonna perform a special dance. Did you know everyone has a special talent? (points to the audience) Even you! (walks away) I'll be right back!

Title Card[]

  • Mickey: (V.O.) It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Ha ha!

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (1)

  • Mickey: (V.O.) "Daisy's Dance"!

Daisy shows her dance for the talent show[]

  • (The camera pans down to Mickey and Daniel.)
  • Daniel: Hi, Neighbor!
  • Mickey: Welcome to our Clubhouse!
  • (Doorbell rings.)
  • Mickey: Sounds like we've got a visitor!
  • Y/n: Come in!
  • (The Handy Helper opened the door revealing Daisy, in a sparkly outfit, and Katerina.)
  • Katerina: Hi, guys, meow meow!
  • Daniel: Hi, Katerina! Hi, Daisy!

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (2)

  • Y/n: Nice outfit, Daisy!
  • Daisy: Thanks! It's my dance costume. I've been practicing a special dance for today's talent show.
  • Daniel: Grr-ific! A talent show!
  • Katerina: What kind of dance will you do, meow meow?
  • Daisy: Do you wanna see my dance?
  • Mickey: You betcha!
  • (Daisy turned on the radio.)

{Insert Dance Music Here}

  • Daisy: OK! My dance goes like this... (jumps forward) Jump forward, (jumps backwards) jump backward. (claps) Clap, clap, clap. (marches) March, march, march. (slides to the left) Slide to one side, (slides to the right) slide to the other side. Ta-da!
  • Katerina: That's amazing, meow meow!
  • Daisy: Gee, thanks! I'll do it again! Jump forward, jump back--
  • O: (walks up) Hoo hoo!
  • Donald: (runs up to Daisy) Daisy! Daisy! Yikes!
  • (Donald accidentally bumps into Daisy, making them both roll towards the wall.)
  • Daniel: You two okay?

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (3)

  • Daisy: Donald Duck, what's the big idea?
  • Donald: Uh, I'm sorry, Daisy.

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (4)

  • O: Uh-oh! Daisy's shoe broke, hoo hoo! (holds up a heel) The heel must've fell off.
  • Daisy: Now I'll never be able to dance at the talent show.
  • O: Well, the talent show starts in 15 minutes, hoo hoo.
  • Y/n: 15 minutes?!
  • Katerina: Oh no! We have to fix Daisy's shoe, help Daisy practice her dance, and get to the talent show, meow meow.
  • Daisy: (sighs) Oh, tiddlywinks.
  • Daniel: Don't worry, Daisy! We help you dance at the talent show!
  • Daisy: You will?
  • Miss Elaina: (walks up) You got that right, toots!
  • Minnie: 'Cause that's what friends are for!
  • Daisy: Gee, thanks, everybody!
  • All: You're welcome!
  • Mickey: I have an idea! (to the audience) Will you help Daisy do her special dance at the talent show? (pause)
  • Y/n: You bet I will!
  • Miss Elaina: Boomerific!
  • Mickey: Come on! Let's go get our Mouseketools from the Mousekedoer.

Getting some Mouseketools/Fixing Daisy's shoe/Practing Daisy's dance[]

  • Mickey: ♪ Mouseke hey, Mouseke hi, Mouseke ho! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke ready, Mouseke set, Here we go! ♪
  • ♪ You're a thinkin' and a solvin' work-it-througher! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke me, Mouseke you, Mousekedoer! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseke me, Mouseke you, Mousekedoer! ♪
  • ♪ Meeska! Mooska! Mousekedoer! ♪
  • ♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools, Mouseketools! ♪
  • Chorus: ♪ Here are your Mouseketools! ♪

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (5)

  • Mickey: Ha ha! A battery.
  • Daniel: We'll get a charge out of that.
  • Mickey: Ooh! A glue stick.
  • Katerina: That's always useful, meow meow.
  • Mickey: And of course, the Mystery Mouseketool. (to the audience) That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
  • (The Mouseketools were downloaded to Toodles.)
  • Mickey: Look! It's Toodles! Hiya, Toodles! (laughs) Gosh, hey there!
  • O: Hi, Toodles, hoo hoo!
  • Miss Elaina: Hiya, Toodles!
  • Mickey: Toodles is gonna bring us our Mouseketools when we need 'em!
  • (Toodles flew off somewhere.)
  • Y/n: Wow! Three Mouseketools again.
  • Miss Elaina: Boomerific! We've got our Mouseketools!
  • Daisy: Oh, goody!
  • Donald: Talent show, here we come!
  • Daniel: Well, first order of business, let's get that shoe fixed.
  • Miss Elaina: Time to check our Mouseketools!
  • Mickey: Toodles?

Mouseketool moment #1[]

  • Katerina: So, what Mouseketool can we use to stick the heel back on Daisy's shoe? (pause)
  • Y/n: The glue stick! Glue's very sticky.
  • Mickey: We got ears, say "cheers!"
  • (Mickey glued the heel on the shoe.)
  • O: Nifty galifty! The shoe's all fixed, hoo hoo!
  • Mickey: (as he puts the fixed shoe back on Daisy) As good as new, too!
  • Miss Elaina: So, what's this special dance, Daisy?
  • Minnie: I wanna see.
  • Daisy: (gulps) Uh, I think I forgot my dance.
  • Minnie: Oh, Daisy, you just need a little more practice, that's all.
  • Daniel: Yep!
  • (Daniel turned on the radio.)

{Insert Dance Music Here}

  • Y/n: Okay, so it goes... (jumps forward) Jump forward!
  • (Mickey and Co jumped forward, with Donald landing on his bottom.)
  • Y/n: (jumps backward) Jump backwards!
  • (Mickey and Co jumped backwards, with Donald again landing on his bottom.)
  • Y/n: (claps) Clap, clap, clap.
  • (Mickey and Co clapped 3 times, with Donald accidentally clapping his face.)
  • Y/n: (marches) Now, march, march, march!
  • (Mickey and Co marched, with Donald marching away.)
  • Y/n: (slides to the right) Slide to one slide.
  • (Mickey and Co slid to the right, with Donald running back to the others and being bumped away.)
  • Y/n: (slides to the left) Slide to the other side.
  • (Mickey and Co slid to the left.)
  • Daisy: Yay! We did it!
  • (Donald slid too much to the left.)
  • Minnie: Oh my goodness! We'd better hurry!
  • Katerina: That's right, meow meow! We can't be late for the show!
  • O: Well, let's go!
  • Mickey: Minnie, Daisy, Donald, to the Toon Car!
  • Daniel: The rest of us will take Trolley!
  • (Mickey and Co head outside.)
  • Donald: (follows them) Hey! Wait for me!

Unlocking the Shoe Garage[]

  • (Mickey and Co went to the Shoe Garage and find that it's locked.)
  • O: Uh-oh! The Shoe Garage door is locked, hoo hoo!
  • Minnie: Oh, uh, Mickey, don't we need a combination to open the Shoe Garage?
  • Daniel: Combination?
  • Mickey: Well, Daniel, to open the Shoe Garage this time, we have to jump forward to that circle, then jump backwards to this one.
  • Daniel: (realizes) That's just like Daisy's special dance!
  • Daisy: You're right!
  • O: Let's do it, hoo hoo!
  • (Mickey and Co jumped forward to the front circle, opening the door a bit.)

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (7)

  • Katerina: It's opening, meow meow!
  • (Mickey and Co jumped backwards to the bottom circle, fully opening the Shoe Garage.)
  • Mickey: Bingo! Let's go!
  • Miss Elaina: Trolley, take us to the talent show!
  • Trolley: *ding ding*
  • (Mickey and Co rode to the talent show.)
  • Mickey & Co: ♪ We're heading to the talent show so Daisy can do her special dance. ♪
  • ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪
  • Daisy: Ride along!
  • Mickey & Co: ♪ Won't you ride along with me! ♪
  • Daisy: Talent show, here we come!

Clapping to the dancing animals[]

  • Trolley: *ding ding*
  • Y/n: Trolley, what is it?

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (8)

  • Miss Elaina: (spots chickens) Chickens!
  • Minnie: Dancing chickens, to be exact!
  • Daisy: They must be on their way to the talent show, too.
  • Mickey: Try honking the horn, Donald.
{Broken honk.}
  • Donald: It's broken.
  • Daniel: That's terrible! And I'll bet Trolley's ding will be too soft for the chickens to hear.
  • Katerina: (gets an idea) I have an idea, meow moew! Why don't we try clapping to the chickens, like in Daisy's special dance.
  • O: Good idea, hoo hoo!
  • Y/n: Okay, so, I see 3 chickens. So, let's clap 3 times!
  • (Mickey and Co clapped three times.)
  • Chickens: (startled by the clapping) *clucking*
  • (The chickens ran away, and Mickey and Co continued on, until...)
  • Daisy: Don't look now!
  • Minnie: It's a bunch of...

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (9)

  • Daniel: (spots cows) Cows!
  • Daisy: 5 can-canning cows, to be exact!
  • Miss Elaina: We'll need to clap 5 times!
  • (Mickey and Co clapped 5 times.)
  • Cows: (startled by the clapping) Moo!
  • (The cows can-can away, and Mickey and Co continued on.)
  • Donald: Nothing'll stop us now!
  • O: Hoo hoo. Except for a herd of...

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (10)

  • All: Elephants!
  • Daisy: Dancing elephants, that is!
  • Miss Elaina: There's 7 of them doing the mambo. (giggles)
  • Katerina: We're gonna have to clap 7 times, meow meow!
  • (Mickey and Co clapped 7 times.)
  • Elephants: (startled by the clapping) *elephant noise*
  • (The elephants mamboed away.)
  • Katerina: That's all of them, meow meow!
  • (Mickey and Co continued on their way.)
  • Daisy: Talent show, here we come!

Marching up Great Big Hill[]

  • (Mickey and Co went off to the talent show and come across a big hill.)
  • Daniel: Wow! This hill is big!
  • Mickey: You're right about that, Daniel. (to Mickey) What's it called?
  • Mickey: Well, actually, it's called the Great Big Hill.
  • Trolley: (struggling to move up the hill) *ding ding*
  • O: Oh no! Trolley can't make it all the way up there, hoo hoo.
  • (Suddenly, the Toon Car ran out of gas, and it drove down to the bottom of the hill.)

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (11)

  • Donald: And the Toon Car's out of gas. Now we'll never make it.
  • Miss Elaina: (gets an idea) Hey! We can march up the Great Big Hill, just like in Daisy's special dance!
  • Minnie: Well, sounds good to me.
  • Trolley: (drives around to the other side) *ding ding*
  • Y/n: We'll meet you at the other side, Trolley.
  • (Mickey and Co marched up the Great Big Hill.)
  • Y/n: (spots Donald trudging) Donald, are you trudging? (to the audience) I never knew ducks could actually trudge.
  • Daniel: Don't worry, Donald. You can rest on Trolley.

Sliding through the hedge maze[]

  • (Mickey and Co rode on Trolley to Mickey Park.)
  • Daniel: Thanks, Trolley!
  • Trolley: (drives away) *ding ding*

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (12)

  • O: (spots a hedge maze) Look, hoo hoo! A hedge maze!
  • Katerina: (to the audience) Which path leads all the way through the maze, meow meow? (pause)
  • Y/n: (points to the 2nd path) Let's take the 2nd one.
  • Donald: Come on, everybody! Follow me!
  • (Mickey and Co took the 2nd path of the hedge maze, but soon got stuck in it.)
  • Minnie: The path is getting narrower!
  • Miss Elaina: And narrower!
  • Donald: (struggles to move) I'm stuck!
  • Daniel: (ponders) Unless... (gets an idea) I got it! Maybe we can slide from one side to the other, like in Daisy's special dance, to get through the maze.
  • Mickey: Let's do it!
  • (Mickey and Co slid from one side to the other, making it through the hedge maze.)
  • Katerina: We made it, meow meow!

Heading to Mickey Theater/Pete's bow toll[]

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (13)

  • Mickey: (spots Mickey Theater) Hooray! We reached Mickey Theater!
  • (Pete suddenly ran up with a stand.)
  • All: Pete!
  • Pete: That's my name! Now, if you wanna go inside for the talent show, it's gonna cost ya.
  • Miss Elaina: How much?
  • Pete: Well, let's see. Um... (ponders) Oh, yeah! That'll be one yellow bow from each of you. (points to Daniel and his friends) You kids can get in free, since you're under the age of 12.
  • O: Yellow bows? We're gonna need yellow ribbons to make those, hoo hoo.
  • Minnie: Oh, I know! Why don't we check the Mouseketools?
  • Mickey: Good idea, Minnie! Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"
  • All: Oh, Toodles!
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he rolled in on a wheel.)

Mouseketool moment #2[]

  • Daniel: We still have the battery and the Mystery Mouseketool.
  • O: Well, batteries can't give us bows, hoo hoo.
  • Daniel: That's for sure.
  • Katerina: And we already used the glue stick, meow meow.
  • Miss Elaina: Yay! That means it's time for the Mystery Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"
  • All: Mystery Mouseketool!
  • Katerina: What is it, meow meow?
  • (The Mystery Mouseketool was revealed to be a spool of ribbon.)

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (14)

  • Y/n: A spool of ribbon!
  • Donald: We can't use that!

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (15)

  • Y/n: Sure we can! We can use the ribbon on it to tie them into bows.
  • Miss Elaina: That's a great idea, toots!
  • Mickey: We got ears, say "cheers!"

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (16)

  • Y/n: That's 4 bows for 4 people! (to Pete) Here you go, Pete!
  • Pete: Well, color me impressed. (bows) I BOW to your bows. Heh heh.
  • Daniel: Let's go!
  • (Mickey and Co went to the Mickey Theater.)

Daisy's confidence boost/Broken radio[]

  • (Mickey and Co head to the Mickey Theater stage.)
  • Prince Wednesday: Oh! Hey, guys, you made it!
  • Prince Tuesday: And just in time, too! So, what's Daisy going to do for the talent show?
  • Y/n: A special dance.

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (17)

  • O: (spots Chip & Dale playing a banjo) There's Chip and Dale playing the banjo, hoo hoo!
  • Goofy: (speaking from a microphone) Let's give a big round of applause for Chip and Dale!
  • Miss Elaina: (claps) Chip and Dale are such Boomerific banjo players.
  • Goofy: Our final performer is Daisy Duck! Is she out there?
  • Prince Wednesday: It's your turn, Daisy!
  • Mickey: Daisy, are you ready to do your special dance?
  • Daisy: (nervous) Uh-uh.
  • Prince Tuesday: But, this is your big chance to shine!
  • Y/n: We'll all here for you!
  • Daisy: You're right!
  • Goofy: Well, uh, I guess Daisy didn't make it to the talent show tonight, so, uh...
  • Prince Wednesday: Hold that thought, Goof! (points to Daisy) She's right here!
  • Mickey: Go get 'em!
  • Goofy: Well, whaddya know! Presenting Daisy Duck!
  • Y/n: (chants) Daisy's Dance! Daisy's Dance!
  • All: (chanting) Daisy's Dance! Daisy's Dance!
  • Daniel: We all wanna see you dance, Daisy!
  • Daisy: Wow! You really do! (hops onstage) DJ Donald, music, please.
  • (Donald turned on the radio, but it suddenly shut down.)
  • Miss Elaina: Where's the music?
  • Donald: It's not working!
  • Y/n: (opens a battery compartment) Well, no wonder the radio shut down. The battery is completely depleted.
  • O: Is that a D battery, hoo hoo?
  • Y/n: Yeah. We'll need to replace it with another one.
  • Daisy: You're right! I can't do my special dance without the music.
  • Price Wednesday: Why don't we check our Mouseketools?
  • Mickey: Who do we call?
  • All: Oh, Toodles!
  • Prince Tuesday: Give a r-r-royally special hand for Toodles!
  • (After calling out for Toodles, he flew in.)

Mouseketool moment #3[]

  • Daniel: Well, lookie here! We DO have a spare battery! And it's the last Mouseketool!
  • Mickey: That means we've used all our Mouseketools! Say, "super cheers!"

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (18)

  • Y/n: It's a Triple AAA, too!
  • (Mickey put in the Triple AAA battery in the radio.)
  • O: Go for it, Daisy, hoo hoo!
  • Daisy: Okay! And you guys can join in!

Daisy does her special dance[]

  • (Donald turned on the radio.)
{Insert Dance Music Here}
  • Daniel: (jumps forward and backward) Let's jump forward and backward like we did to open the Shoe Garage.
  • Miss Elaina: (claps) Clap, clap, clap similar to how we got the animals out of the way.
  • O: (marches) March, march, march like we did to get up the Great Big Hill, hoo hoo.
  • Katerina: (slides to one side and the other) And slide to one side and the other like we did to get through the hedge maze, meow meow.
  • Mickey: Come on, everybody! Let's dance with Daisy!
  • (Mickey and Co did Daisy's special dance.)
  • Daisy: Now dance any way you like!
  • (Mickey and Co did their own dances.)
  • Prince Wednesday: (dances) This is fun! (giggles)
  • Y/n: It sure is! After all, anyone can dance, anywhere! All you really need is your body! But, if one can't dance with their feet, (waves their hands) they can dance with their hands, (wiggles their eyebrows) or just your eyebrows! (chuckles)
  • Daniel: (to the audience) Thanks for helping us dance with Daisy at the talent show. We used all the moves to get to Mickey Theater. Dancing is really fun! (hugs the camera) Ugga Mugga!

Season 1

Daisy Bo-Peep | A Surprise for Minnie | Goofy's Bird | Donald's Big Balloon Race | Mickey Goes Fishing | Donald and the Beanstalk | Donald the Frog Prince | Minnie's Birthday | Goofy on Mars | Mickey Go Seek | Daisy's Dance | Pluto's Ball | Mickey's Treasure Hunt | Daisy in the Sky | Pluto's Puppy-Sitting Adventure | Pluto's Best | Mickey's Treat | Minnie Red Riding Hood | Sleeping Minnie | Mickey Saves Santa | Goofy the Great | Mickey's Color Adventure | Goofy's Petting Zoo | Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt | Doctor Daisy, M.D. | Donald's Lost Lion | Donald's Hiccups

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Daisy's Dance/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.