Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1926, p. 1 (2025)

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1926, p. 1 (1)

flfrlt 4t fiftyfirst year no 45 thursday morning may 6 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning may 6 1920 single copies five centi the acton united church op canada mlniiter rev r eziinmorman b a parsonage willow street mothers day 60 r vices 11 od am and 700 v m appro priate mother day addresses by the pastor special muic by the choir all welcome 230 p m sabbath school session young peoples league on monday a i s oclock annual congregational rally thursday nt 8 00 i m presbyterian knox church acton miniitor rv a c stewart m manae willow street 1o00 am sabbath school and bible classes 1100 a m mothers xay service with mothers choir subject our mothers 700 pm the minister subject the challenge of elijah strangers leaving address with tho ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w bovd pastor noo a m tho pastor subject queens of tho earth 3 do p m sunday school mother9 day session open meeting for all tho piistiir will kvbjj3flj2mii3ql quartette wlilalnffj 7 oo p m the pastor subject the stdry of ruth and noaml monday 800 p m young peoples meeting- short bright helpful thursday 730 p m prayer and pralsameetln ali wblcom33 special notices advertisements in this column a cents per ntinlmtun charge 30c per insertion word for sale flvepasaenirer touring car in good shape excellent tires snap for quick sale apply box 15 free press opbice wanted youpirlady to take charge of office afternoons only no special training or experience required apply box 12 free pltess office fob 8ace chevrolet touring cax 1926 license new tattery- no reasonable offer re fused r h bzjary dr bettttya farm r e no 4 acton house for sale good comfortablo house all mod ern conveniences fine situation ap ply at cmco to mrs robert scott 41tf bower avenue acton dres8makinq ladles and chlldren dresaes and jnnnenta mode at bomb or byday prices reasonable b thetoiir jj5 4 main street acton olearinq auction sale j o hendorson will hold a clearing auction sale of household furniture at the old feed store on willow st acton on saturday may 8th at 1 ocloclr roy hindust auctioneer house for sale comfortable fiveroom brick house on bowexavenue forsule in good repair and centrally located apply to hr8 aijce mfllopbterson bower avenue acton fob sale 1 purebred white rick hatching egrs esvy laying strain 100 per ie eras apply robert wajrne it r to 2 acton phone erin 25 r 413 483 fob 8ale brlelc house on bower avenue being property of estate of the late mrs mary storey in good repair electric light and water connection for fur ther particulars apply to jerb rkx 44j executor notice having- purchased the ff wordlaw farm main sueet acton i am in a position to supply tho peoplo of acton with pure milk and cream from a tested lierd of cows at 12 quarts for one dollar for mirk cream 25 cents pint cash and carry q smth notice if toe persona who artole an eaton parcel and pair of goves out of a wagon in the presbyterian church shed acton on friday afternoon afrll sothi wishes to savo trouble they will have it returned to tho ad dress found on parcel not later tban may 8tn as they wore seen taking it nlture for sale furniture for sale including 1 cblntorobe 1 dlvaneue bedroom suite dining room suite three small ruga 1 arm chair 2 rockers 1 mirror 1 large xnosraslne table 1 coal range 1 kitchen table 1 small lamp and other kitchen utensils apply hswetsons shoe fastory wonderland friday may 7 the man on the box from the celebrated novel and stand play by harold macqrath starring 8yd clinplln tho etar of charloys aunt comedy mnlfl in morocco hodge podge neptunes domain 8aturday may 8 fifth avenpe rtodew starring mary pttln and norman kerry comedy cheap skates fox newa tuesday may 11 itiwrtmety blurring vera renolda and dorothy phillips chanter s of 0llojinb hoofs comedy clroub fever comino tittle annie rony vlth mary plostford t l gregory son v all the smart coat fashions for womens and misses choices sharply repriced rain cold weather backwardness in the arrival of spring all unfavorable to the expected rush of spring coat selling as a result there arcmore coats on tile racks now than would have been the case if weather conditions had been normal that of course means all the more to choose from at these drastic markdowns for price reduction is now the measure adopted to provide the stimulus in coat selling that warm weather would ordinarily have brought all the lateseason style tendencies represented conservatively priced to begin with every coat a won derful value now with its original price revised tweed coats in womens and misses sizes from 16 to 40 15 to 1975 with a few capo coats in the smaller sizes among tho 13 75 models for junior misses char- meen and polrot twill coats- at lo s167i andhb with tniirhe rf figure in womens sizes from 3g to 40 charmeen and polret coats at 2750 and 2975 a remarkable group ok charmeen coats in the seasons fascinating new shad es as woll as navy blue and black with becoming fur trim mings at 3475 bixack satin coats and coats of black silk bcngallne gord inell able group a 3297swlth otlrer new ugurcsranglng up to 45- high grade soats in a group with various new price3 ranging from 3975 to 7500 sizes 16 is and 20 years all the trim anxwetrsdlts pricelowered too navy blue suits 3975 45 4750 many with the chic llttlo blousette3 tailored in flat crepes tweed suits at 15 misses and young womens sizes greya powder blues and sand shades hundreds of hats at keen savings reduced to 269 395 and 450 just about every thing your fancy could ask forin the way of color choice and style variation wallpaper and house furnishings departments in splendid readiness to help along plans for spring house- cleaning and renovating gdelpbre leaping and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily cfoilng 530 pm excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday art 930 p m news of local import the new train service the summer schedule of tho can adian nut ion til railways gives acton tho following servlco going east no 26 at 7 05 a to ma 30 ut 1148 am no 34 at 3 35 pm no 3c at 6 17 pm no 38 at 813 pm no 24 sunday only ut 7 0s p m doing- went no 31 ut 74g am no 33 ut 225 p m no 35 at 500 pm no 25 tiunduy only ut 1041 um louth- woods waddings a pretty wedding was quietly sol emnized saturday evening at tho homo of mr and mrs george t wood of acton when their daughter mabel deris wns married to mr geo louth of norval misa lillian h woods was hicr sisters bridesmaid rev j w li4 ut acton performed the ceremony farewell to mr and mrs i en y cm last thursday evening tti neigh bors of mr and mrs is v kcnyon wullace avente who axe about to re move to kitchener met at thehonie of mr and mrs j a smuh to bnejpq a sccial evening some beauiifijl cut- glass was presented and kindly words expressive of good will were spoken kefreahments were served by the ladles and a very pleasant evening wae spent no clemency fof phil forbts applloa cl a poultry thieves to be dealt with nassagaweya council offefs 100 reward for their appreheiv sion and conviction at tho niectliib of nassagaweya council lust week two i mportunfr mat ters were dealt with a general re ward will bo paid for conviction of poiitiy thieves and 70g0 will bo spent on roads arid bridges accounts were parsed as follows jas service shovelling snow lfi 25 geo amos shovelling snow vvn lester shovelling snow k cooper shovelling snow hr mclsaac shovelling snow c ramshaw shovelling snow al taylor shovelling snow e agnew phone and express h mcleod repairs to hall ignot iron co grader repairs hius roberts wood forcharity globe indemnity co insurance w- mcphail balance of salary toronto hospital for con- sumptivea care of k j x3ne john howard grading jcc mitchell gradlng jas lamb repairing culverts g w harrds rowid supt mcphail postage etc a bylaw was passed providing for an exnejidlturo of 7000 on ronds and bridges for the current year a resolution was passed offorlng whmiflnikal red and white chain store j w jones froprielor specials for the week may7th to may 13th shredded wheat each monarch flour 24s lie 115 mild cheese friday oc and saturday only tb awc 2 iiv 1 shoe polish 9c bulk chocolates 9q per lb spc bordeaushelled wal nuts per it 49c extra special chocolate mallow cakes per lb 29c symons hardware bicycles new english bicycles 3975 4950 i steel rims new typp coaster brake ve would like to show ypu these bicycles they must be s to be appreciated at these prices full llrle of bicycles accessories fob all makes garden tools garden rakes garden hoes spades digging forks corrugated garden hose plain garden hose 60c 75c 100 and 135 69c and js l25 m50 17 per fot 12c per foot jones round mouth spade 89c 8ea80haijle articles at reasonable prices wj3 carry a complete line of cultivator points guards ajnd sections for all wakes of farm machinery mill street symons hardware we pliver phone 49 jtlpnctt tyrnr of i wag made on behalf of pbll forbes the bootlegrfier who was sentenced on the 22nd of march to a lone term at bur- wahh reformatory for operatlnff moonshine stills and having liquor in bii possession illegally police magis trate 2klooro has been advised from the attorney generals department diatribe ilpplicalian f or clemenoywill not be granted a fine new factory and office hr k h wungbrough manager of the sterling casket co toronto ib quite proud of the nerw building of tho company just completed on mcdonnell squure toronto the new offices and warcrooms are said to bo anions the finest in the country the factory has now double the capacity production and tho latest manufacturing devices have been installed tho showroom la or nate und richly finished to adequately setoff the line of caskets and funeral goods produced by this firm inspection of county roada the good roads committee of the county council of which reeve x foster of burlington is chairman again this year made a tour of in spection on tuesday and wednesday covering about 125 miles of county rcuds tho committee reports the roads to be in fairly good shape ex cepting where tho snow and ice has been slow in getting away in fact the snow is still present in several pirccs they will submit their report at the next meeting of the county council u oak villa fair discontinued oakvillo fall fair will not he held tjiis year and arrangements ore belne made to dispose of the grounds and buildings this was decided at meeting of the directors and members of the trafalgar agricultural society last week although the fair has been held for 67 years past for some years it had been for from a financial suc cess the 1925 financial report valued tho land at 912000 with buildings valued at 2227875 included in the nubilities were notes outstanding 1825 and debentures of 1762157 baptist churchs bst yaar the canadian baptist says respect ing acton baptist church during the past year acton church annual reports were tho best iq the churchs hlii lory twentyflve new members were udded during the year seven teen by baptism the sunday school has grown and is in a real healthy condition the bypu is doing a splendid work all departments raised enough money to carry on the work with a small balance to start the new year splendid feeling among all the members and toward thbna by the rest orhbofflhitmity eighten elders in milton united church a larico number of members and adherents attended the first annual meeting or st pauls united church mlton the pastor rev n argyle hurlbut presided it was decided to increase the number lof elders and flttwnrds to eighteen those in each case who had been previously ejected foi one year were reelected and messrs a stark geo dolby and geo lush were newly elected elders while messrs a buck o a hemstreet and r b galbralth were the newlyelected stewards the minister was asked to remain for a second year with an in crease of 300 in salary the ltagua behind the oat a comparatively small audience was present on monday evening to hear one of the most instructive program- mes that have graced the united church xieaguo schedule this season the citizenship committee had charge and mr zimmerman presided the scripture lesson was read by roy johnstone the subject of the evening wo a the paramount question before tho peoilo offtoday the ontario temperance ac on this subject three pnrpers were given by elvln gamble oreauculo mosaics and morley riinwhaw these papers gave a short review of the act the reasons ad vanced against h by its opponents and a discussion on the conditions in british columbia under government control tho way the people mani fested their appreciation of these facts undoubtedly shows that the leaguers arj stronatly behind tho o t a 2 50 8 00 2 00 2 25 17 87 20 75 8 65 5 50 1 30 3 50 1o0 10 60 00 7 50 13 25 16 50 5 50 18 90 8 00 obituary a 0 t beardmore aotorr und toronto first vicepresident industrial acci dent prevention assooiation reward of 100 ud for the arrest and cortvfc itdn council adjouincd to meet on slay 25th nt 1 oclock johinr marshall clerk jnjifiday social and personal hinp may xy dawned warm and de lightfully flprlngllke with a southerly breese these conditions were quite ideal for the opening of the trout- flshjng season and many people hied themselves to the streams where the speckled beauties abldo but when thb broeksldo wna reached the fishermen found two elements avtrse to success in landing trout first the water was extremely high and it was difficult to get near the bed of the stt earn nd secondly the sun yas very bright und this militated ugajnst success in luring the finny beauties aa a result very few succecisfql catchci a reported mr and mrs l b shorey met with very gratifying suc cess however and came home in time for brealcfasl from a nearby stream with a well filled creel on their part however it wns tho case of the early wcrm catches the trout and they left their downy couch on lake avo to hurry over to the fourth to fifth mr noel toronto is in town agala mr d robertson of toronto is holidaying in town mr b f caldwell of richmond hlh was in town on sunday mr william miller visited relatives in waterloo over the weekend miss aimeo speight of toronto spent the weekend at moorecrofu miss margaret brown of toronto visited acton friends over sunday mrs conover of erin dale visited at mrs robert bennetts this woek miss jean barber of toronto was a weekend visitor at her home here mr e j tmoore of toronto was in his home town one saturday and sun day mr david k folster of niagara falls visited at his home here last week mrs john c nelson main street is now making good progress toward mr beardmore has taken a keen interest in tho workmens compensa tion act from tho outset ho will be one of the active members of the safe ty convention and annual ereneral meet rip of the industrial accident provontion association to pa held at the king edward hotel toronto on the 11th and 13th of may mr beaxdmore will preside at tho noahnrf rr tttw convention on wd 21 nf w j mrs john mcgibbon sr j the death occurred at the bonus in uqsnucsing on- thursday night of xmargaret mcnaughton wife of john mcoibbon ex- warden of halton ccunty she was in herfth year a member of boston presbyterian church and is survived by her hus band four sons and two daughters samuel mcglbbon of georgetown pctar 3ticglbbon of enqueuing daniel mcolbhon of peru archibald imcglb- bon at homo mrs shortill of tor onto and miss jennie mccibbos at homo george j3mmett in tho death of george emmett who pasaedaway at his homo in peru on saturday may 1st in his sixtyeighth year the district lost a highlyres pected citizen deceased who was a wollknown tjrover was a lifelong presbyterian and a staunch conser vative he is survived by ms widow and one daughter mrs a h mcgib- bon of esqucslng township the funeral took place from his late resi dence on tuesday interment was made in evergreen cemotery milton in all probability he will be elected president of tho association at the convention the oldetyme fiddlers cojstest an interesting contest and s fine concert by acton citizens band david c russelili after many weary months of patient suffering mr david c russell mer chant pussed away at his residence on mill street on monday morning about ar year ago he was affected with an ailment which ho thought was s his trouble developed how tho loyalty of the citizens of acton and vicinity to acton citizens band 43 always demonstrated when the band puts on any event but the crowd that packed the town hall on wednesday evening for their benefit concert and oltltlmo fiddlers contest broke all previous records in fact it was con sidered the biggest crowd that ever assembled in the hall for a concert tho first and last parts of the pro gramme wore suppltodv by the hand urdcr bandmaster mason their con tributions wero well rendered they included o canada spirit of min- recovery v mr george w beardmoro was up from toronto on a business trip on thursday i messrs ernest and roy- brown and miss bertha of toronto were homo over the weekend mrs john colo and little jack were up from toronto for a weekend visit at mr n p mclams mr thomas rumley parka venauc ls now making satisfactory progress in restoration of health mr john dunn main street who has been in poor health for several months is now improving mrs g h lunts was in elora on tuesday attending the funeral of her aunt mrs james mcdonald mr and mrs j ac oxoore of dun- dafe were guests of mrs james moore and miss clara over the weekend mr and mrs john damper of guelph spent sunday with the form er uncle mr alfred soper main st mr harold sutclltte and mr john calhoun detroit motored over and spent the weekend with friends here mrs margaret glassey and mr and ms arclrto kentner were visitors on saturday nt the home of mr alfred soper mr and mrs moitagu gregg and family of toronto spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs geo r agnew mrs r j kerr was out enjoying a motor drlvo on tuesday after a ions- ooatlnuod411nei suo la- now- con valescing nicely miss lorralno wilson took part in the georgetown minstrels at idme- house and stpworttown last monday and thursday nights mr alfred soper who has been lajd up for tho past year is improving and was able to tjco a drive out last week for tho arst time mrs t watson and mrs h s wilson spent tuesday in georgetown visiting tho laters uncle mr john cunningham who is very 111 mr 12 decue who has been con fined to the house for the pist iivo weeks with nfluenza and nncumonia is able to walk downtown again mrs jennie- irwin of sudbury was a guest this week of mr and mrs j k kennedy she enjoyed a visit back to the old home town of her birth and girlhood days messes charles a gh matthews aria t2rnest black of toronto came home from tho city to try the trout streams of their younger days on tho first of may as of yoro mrs ja cheer of richards land- ins algoma arrived on tuesday afternoon to be with her sister mrs dc russell during the trying days of her sore bereavement mrs spencer husband willow st ha been seriously 111 the iwt wecll her daughter mrs harold ander son of toronto has been hero waiting upon her during the jyeek mr william ulngluun of george town who was so iii several weeks ago enjoyed a motor trip to acton on sunday and made his slhter mrs hubert bennett a short visit mr and mrs o w musales und mr and mrs kenneth aicklnnon wont to toronto on sunday to visit mr mc- kinnon of bracobrldge who was vlsit- inr his daughter mrs j bell there mrs marshall fernley toronto whp visited her aunt mrs nancy somer- vllle two or thieo weeks ago is now seriously ill at her home in the city sho is being wuited upon by he daughter miss elmo a trained nurse practicing in now york mr and mrs fred n beurdniq of montreal und their daughter adelaide sailed on may 6th by the mlnnedosa for england and will remain ftbroud for two yeats mlis adelaide will at- tend school in parlt and mr und mm becrdmore will travel on tho contin ents loed irish melodies waves of the danube waltz the new corn palace march and god save tho king another interesting section of the programme was provided by four local artists who always willingly and ably assist tho band when called upon charles wilson in blackface recita tions and songs pleased tho audience with his numbers miss jessie gal brulth with her rich contralto voice gave a cample of excellent numbers misses lottie and hazel mason gave a piano duett that called for a vociferous encore and this request was supplied with a number by tho mlusea mason and messrs ray agnowand lludolph siehvuger trie other local artist was evei and was eventually discovered to ocdhnnevrirowt tnj he entered wclteslcy hospital toronto fo treatment an operation was per formed and he returned homo the last o september for soma tlnio he ap peared to improve and in october took a walk uptown unattended shortly after this he took a turn for thejvorao and was confined to his bed whcrotio remained until ho tvas called home on monday dyrlng his pro longed illness mrs russell was his constant companion and attendant in fact she performed ujl the dutted of a nurse day and night and adced to theso offices all the care and solicitude which u loving helpmeet could devise tnroughout his illness mr russell was a great industrial struggle in england several millions of miners and sympathizing trades are on strike the greatest industrial strike in thp history of grcut britain commenced on may 1st about 15000000 mtlners went orrstrlke that day and workmen of other trades to an cquui number wtnt out in symjmuiy so fur tho strike is quietly conducted but many uctivltles of tho klnydom are seriously disturbed tho luck of railway trans poitutlon is perhaps the most serious london the great centre of the strike 13 facing the strike with calm resolution all train c in stopped ex cept motor vehicles pirate buses ai o running and taxis but many peoplo walked four or ftvo miles to cortre london and made os good time tiafllc jams wero so prolonged rail way oftlces are all closed and post of fices hours are curtailed notices urge- tho public to sparo the telephone and postal services a steady stream ot vehicles moves to tho centre of lon don old forgotten bicycles have been brought out also dilapidated motor cars and motor bikes- lorries and taxis carry full loads many pri vate car owners aro taking passen- j gera free of charge big stores like hurrods or the army and navy send delivery vans for employees brokcn- down cars are visible everywhere weakness and was considerate of all who wero with him david c russell was the son of the lato robert russell ami was born at cumnock garufraxa in 1867 thirty- five years ago in august he married miss elisabeth young of fergus whoso aged father has for years been atrelay juarch a selection of llt ixed irhrfa me ndles wave of tfe swlmmrttrtftanrslchutas csnthng line strewn at oxactly four thirty am pae- my irish ron tlila threact comedy will be pre qontcd by st anmnn dramatic club tliihthurbday pvtilna in the town hall thelilay will be glvn under tlie auaplcea of tbe womena auxll idry an enjoyable ovenlnaf is nntlci master johji mcgochlc and his danco rii j number were one or the del tjtzto she boardt mat uters ht was a llbcraf in politics and a niembti of walker lodge a f a- m his death is the first to occur in tho home mrs russell and their three children survive mrs c hartley harrison acton stanley s of oak vllle and jessie at home nino broth er and sisters also survive alexand er in hegina sask william in brampton george and robert in philadelphia walter in jersey city mrs tweed le owen sound mrs w j russell erin township miss mar goro t and mrs murdock in erin a brier private memorial service was held at tho residence at eleven oclock the funeral yesterduy- afternoon waa largely attended a memorial service was conducted in knox church by rev a c stewart m a assisted by rev it e zimmerman b a inter ment was made in falrvlow cemetery the pallbearers were malcolm mc lean a t brown h p moore d n mctavish j chester matthews j rrkontfbdyw mrco6per wrkt graham tho ovenine the fiddlers contest had six en tries hut owing to the bad roads tin ee from hillsburg wore unable to attend butt the small list of entries wa no detcrent to the vim and en thusiasm with which this event went off tho three entries were mr john nickel of lunehouse mr william mason acton and mr henry shortill balltnafad mr nickel drew first place to play in the contest mr shortill second and mr mason third bach contestant played a couple of jigs or hornpipes and a couple of waltz numbers each had their own accom panist at the finish of this the three fiddlers played two or three numbers of oldtlmo tunes together aud master john mcqechle did ca step dance and then tho crowd howled for the judges messrs j c hill d tan well and allan lelshman for a number they very graciously responded with the re quest bandmaster mason explained tnat mr h p moore had donated the flrstprlke cupwlth jthoxwufistfoat mr j c hill would ploy money musk as a number on the profraume and although cmr hill explained that he was bashful and did not like play ing alone he acceded to the request and played money musk with all the nimhlencss and accuracy with which ho has contributed all hie numbers bfc david tplrrweoi who won the second prise in the guelph contest also contributed a couple of the -old- time tunes that called for heazty on- cores in the contest playing mr h shor till was awarded the first prise cup mr wm masonthe second prlzo cup an mr nickel i received a box of cigars the evening was certainly a most enjoyable one and was appreciated by both young and old the interest this event has created has almost made lmperltivo tlie arranging of another contest ajordajber date possibly in the raylas numbers of oldtime fiddlers have expressed their willlngnxbs to enter and regret that they neajocted to tako part in this contest tho pro- coeds wore hlitily satisfactory and will enable tho band to djsomo real tjood with tho charltablaohjects to which they aro devoting them tho prominent part that the family of mr and mrs wm mason have ptayed in the musical activities of acton was shown at the concert re- yrosonuitiveotthroo gancrattott3ruf this family took part in the pro gramme mr wm mason carried off tho second jprlzo in the fiddlers con test his eon bandmaster mason was in chnrgo of the band while his daughters misses hazel and lottie contributed instrumental numbers and his grandsons mr ray agnew nnd mr george mason are both mem bers of tlo band und mr ray agnow assisted in tho string quartette- n tim ber f the annual meeting of the wo mens institute will he held on krlt day may 7 th at li oclock shurp at the homo of mrs cameron lelshman a good progrumhio and unnuit re port everybody welcome optional routes between toronto and guelph fclor the uccomlmodaton of natrons 0o purchase canadian nation it1 rail ways steam line roundtrip tickets locally between toronto and norval georgetown ljimchouoe arton or guelph tho canadian national islec- trii hallways will honor within limit such tickets one way when the steam uies truin service does not meet the convenience or the passenger this will aermit patrols from outside points to spend the evening in tor- orto or quelphr andt return on later cars stop over at intermediate points is not permitted algoma district the now family first resided in fergus thon they moved ro erin where for thirteen years mi russell did a successful mercantile business hedisposed of hlj intercscts there and spont a year or so in toronto twelve years ago he came to acton and the russell store waafora the thtervonlng years a popular place for customers mr rus sell was u born merchant always ready to oblige and careful to supply hla im irons with the best the market would aford when his illness be came critical the business was dls posed of to mr j w jones who is operating one of the red and white ch in stores mr russell was an active member i time llnnar memory no order papers were avab- ablo for the members when the house of commons assembled today tho printers had joined the other workers in the general strike and the members of the house were forced to put their questions verbauy when tho ques tions wero disposed of the labor and liberal leaders announcedthat thoy would not oppose by prolonged de bate the budget resolutions today oh they wanted to leave as much time a possible for the more urgent busi ness relating to the strike terrllqa tralhc jams tlod up nearly all business in the british metropolis and from the largo industrial cities of thu province reports received in lon- most patient ynder his suffering afffirfdon were to the effect that business la at a standstill economists recall that the mone tary iobs to the country in 1921 dur ing tho partial hold up was 000- 000 to 35000000 per day and on this basis they assume enormous daily losses during tho present supenslon of business tho outside limit of the strike putte60jypiffctairrox theyvtarofflcftjs two weeks the government sends oflldul bulletins by wireless every s hours the paper mills have closed dewn owing to lack of a demand for news print dr peter stuarts will four codicils addsd in five months without legal direction christian character and final triumph the lsst discourse on the statement of doctrine and belief of the j united church 1 tho very interesting and helpful series of sermons on the statement of doctrine and belief of the united church of canada by itov it e zimmerman ba concluded lost sunday morning with a vory fitting discourse on article xx of the doc trinal standards which soys we bcllevo that it is our duty as disciples and servants of christ to further the extension of his kingdom to do good unto all men to maintain the public and private worship of god to hal low the xonls day to preserve the inviolability of marriage- and the sanctity of the jtornlly to uphold tho jusf authority of the state and so to live in all honesty purity and charity that our lives shall testify oc christ we joyfully receive the word of god bidding hlu people go into ull the world and make disciples of all na tions declaring unto them the god in christ reconciling tho world unto himself and that he will have all krowledge of tho truth we conn dently believe that by his power and grace nil his enemies shall finally be overcome and the kingdoms of thin world be made the kingdom of our lord and of his christ the text of the discourse was the parable of jesus as recorder in the 4th chapter of mark tho comnff of the kingdom of christ hus to bo by slow and doveloplng process so gradual as not to be always realized thero are in our day tho speaker said many folks who have failed to grasp or havo entirely ignored the plun of jesus for bringing in tho king dom us exemplified by thanurablca men havo ever been impatient to see thu kingdom come by some more rapid means rut god cannot bo hurried in th consummation of his purposes and tho carrying out cd this plan tjio purpose of the church ol chriht am the reason for the churchs ex istence la that 1t might glvo expression to thewlllof christ in the salvation of the world und tho bringing of the kingdom we have pur individual contribution to make in accomplish ing goofs purposes at last thero shall be the bringing forth of his kingdom ills power going out of us to touch other lives and show tho power of gods love to save mon thahk god tho missionary activities of the united church go out to all nations and that the sun povet ats on the mission fulds of our now church i dr peter stuart of guelph a na tive of hulton county and for many years jn practice in milton dledybn argust 25 1925 aged 70 years he left on estate of 224804 64 and was survived by a widow whom he married threo years ago and a oneyearold daughter he had drawn zip his will on march 28th and in the five months before his death had added four co dicils the last being made on august 6th dr stuart hud been suffering from a disease which might result in death a any time without warning and this is advanced as a reason for the co dicils not having been drawn up by lawyers the documents come before mr justice grant for lntcrp rotation he holds the codicils ore valtd the net result la that 100000 is set aside for the maintenance of the widow and daughter this sum to go to the daugh ter when sho reaches her twentyfirst year the widow is to havo a resi dence j2rovidcd for her dining her life time 10000 being ollerwed for the purchase of a suitable place she is also allowed 150 a month lor herself and 100 a month for the care of her daughter dr stuarts brother and sister ate given 10000 each and his adopted daughter margaret murray is- to r the residue of the estate is to bo divided among four institutions one- quarter to each the guelph general hosplta1 the gravenhurat free sani tarium tho peter stuart scholarship 1a surgfery and tho presbyterian tlhurch- by the presbyterian church says tho will i do not mean the presby terian church which has entered or will hereafter enter the united church of canada but tho church that will be formed by tho body of presbyterians who havo refused to enter union and at tho present time are known as non- corcurronts our mothers written for mothers day oh miracle of wondrous love that gave us life and breath to bring us each into the world you risked the pongb of death you watched our stop along tho path of child hoodu errlngvwuy and guarded us from every sin that would our lives betray t you held us closo when wo were 111 as anxious moments sped you prayed to god to spare us then anduike yourself instead you gave your boys in freedoms cause in wars terrific holl men to bu huvedrtrndcomo to the nrmstitfci who in r the conflict fell the human family owes to thee all that we hold most dear- without thy glorious motherhood our race would disappear the greatest love mankind has known tho best for human good t tbo neatest lovo to dm no is found in motherhood h j pettyploco forest may 1925 haton county i sueine trafalgar township a writ has been served on trafalgar townshlji council by the county of hulton demanding payment of about jio00claimed to the due th6 county by the township this is the asscsi- mont for 1925 on tho cost of construc tor of pavements on tho seventh and second lines in trafalgar tho county auditors report the auditors report for tho county or halton for 1925 has now been com peted by r e young and company chartered accountants toronto and hiigwb receipts for thp past ycar uneountinff to 60640792 with dis bursements estimated at 760377910 leaving a halanco in tho bank of 2- 62882 assets of tho county aro es timated at 97618083 and liabilities as 196316003 orl 2302081 leaving a surplus of j- y


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1926, p. 1 (2025)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.