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Back seat driving: hindlimb corticospinalneurons assume forelimb control followingischaemic strokeMichelle Louise Starkey,1,* Christiane Bleul,1 Bjorn Zorner,1,† Nicolas Thomas Lindau,1

Thomas Mueggler,2,z Markus Rudin2 and Martin Ernst Schwab1

1 Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland

2 Animal Imaging Centre, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

*Present address: Balgrist University Hospital, Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland

†Present address: Neurology Clinic, University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 26, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland

zPresent address: Neuroscience Department, Pharmaceutical Division, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, 4070 Basel, Switzerland

Correspondence to: Michelle L. Starkey, PhD,

Balgrist University Hospital,

Forchstrasse 340,

CH-8008 Zurich,


E-mail: [emailprotected]

Whereas large injuries to the brain lead to considerable irreversible functional impairments, smaller strokes or traumatic lesions

are often associated with good recovery. This recovery occurs spontaneously, and there is ample evidence from preclinical

studies to suggest that adjacent undamaged areas (also known as peri-infarct regions) of the cortex ‘take over’ control of the

disrupted functions. In rodents, sprouting of axons and dendrites has been observed in this region following stroke, while

reduced inhibition from horizontal or callosal connections, or plastic changes in subcortical connections, could also occur. The

exact mechanisms underlying functional recovery after small- to medium-sized strokes remain undetermined but are of utmost

importance for understanding the human situation and for designing effective treatments and rehabilitation strategies. In the

present study, we selectively destroyed large parts of the forelimb motor and premotor cortex of adult rats with an ischaemic

injury. A behavioural test requiring highly skilled, cortically controlled forelimb movements showed that some animals recovered

well from this lesion whereas others did not. To investigate the reasons behind these differences, we used anterograde and

retrograde tracing techniques and intracortical microstimulation. Retrograde tracing from the cervical spinal cord showed a

correlation between the number of cervically projecting corticospinal neurons present in the hindlimb sensory–motor cortex

and good behavioural recovery. Anterograde tracing from the hindlimb sensory–motor cortex also showed a positive correlation

between the degree of functional recovery and the sprouting of neurons from this region into the cervical spinal cord. Finally,

intracortical microstimulation confirmed the positive correlation between rewiring of the hindlimb sensory–motor cortex and the

degree of forelimb motor recovery. In conclusion, these experiments suggest that following stroke to the forelimb motor cortex,

cells in the hindlimb sensory–motor area reorganize and become functionally connected to the cervical spinal cord. These new

connections, probably in collaboration with surviving forelimb neurons and more complex indirect connections via the brain-

stem, play an important role for the recovery of cortically controlled behaviours like skilled forelimb reaching.

Keywords: stroke; functional recovery; plasticity; sprouting; movement control

Abbreviations: CST = corticospinal tract; ICMS = intracortical microstimulation

doi:10.1093/brain/aws270 Brain 2012: 135; 3265–3281 | 3265

Received March 2, 2012. Revised July 17, 2012. Accepted August 12, 2012

� The Author (2012). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved.

For Permissions, please email: [emailprotected]

3265 BRAIN - UZH - [PDF Document] (2)

IntroductionSmall cortical stroke lesions are often followed by good recovery

of function both experimentally and clinically. Under specific cir-

c*mstances, the adult cortex is considerably plastic after a lesion,

and there is clinical and preclinical evidence that following small,

subtotal lesions to the cortex, adjacent undamaged areas ‘take

over’ control of lost or disrupted functions (Feydy et al., 2002;

Werhahn et al., 2003; Murphy and Corbett, 2009; Dancause and

Nudo, 2011). However, the exact mechanisms behind this phe-

nomenon are unknown. Following small subtotal strokes, the cor-

tical area surrounding the stroke lesion, the peri-infarct region, has

many properties that could aid growth and functional recovery,

such as changes in gene expression, e.g. of cytoskeletal proteins,

the growth-associated protein GAP-43 and neurotrophic factors

(Stroemer et al., 1993; Keyvani et al., 2002; Lu et al., 2003; Li

and Carmichael, 2006; Li et al., 2010). Additionally, under these

circ*mstances, regions directly surrounding the peri-infarct area

have been shown to remain relatively damage free and functional

(Enright et al., 2007; Zhang and Murphy, 2007; Winship and

Murphy, 2008; Brown et al., 2009) and thus are potentially avail-

able for processes of recovery. Sprouting of neurites and changes

in dendritic spine densities in this area have been shown preclini-

cally (Zhang et al., 2005; Brown et al., 2007, 2010; Li et al.,

2010). The situation is different following large cortical lesions,

for example, those that involve the entire motor cortex (unilat-

erally). In animal models, cortical map shifts following such lesions

are often permanent, i.e. activation shifts to the non-impaired

cortex (Emerick et al., 2003; Markus et al., 2005), whereas in

humans, such map shifts tend to be transitory and activations

shift back to the damaged cortex as functional recovery progresses

(Liepert et al., 2000; Marshall et al., 2000).

Functionally, the ipsilesional cortex has been shown to be highly

active post-lesion such that representations of the damaged body

parts relocate to surrounding undamaged (peri-infarct) tissue both

clinically and preclinically. For example, following lesion to the

forelimb motor cortex in adult rats, it was shown that partial re-

covery of forelimb function was associated with a reduction of

contralesional functional MRI responses in favour of significant

responses in the infarct periphery on the ipsilesional side

(Dijkhuizen et al., 2001, 2003). In humans, it was shown that

after stroke, an enlargement of the hand region of the ipsilesional

cortex was correlated with improved arm/hand movement control

and clinical scores (Cicinelli et al., 1997; Traversa et al., 1997;

Ward et al., 2006, 2007). Also, following rehabilitative training

in chronic stroke patients, a shift in the motor output maps to

an area adjacent to the lesion was observed (Liepert et al.,

1998; Marshall et al., 2000). In most of these functional studies,

however, the exact mechanisms behind these changes remain elu-

sive. Activity changes in specific cortical areas may result from a

reduction in inhibition from horizontal or callosal connections

(Adesnik and Scanziani, 2010). Alternatively, new connections

may form due to lesion-induced sprouting at the cortical or sub-

cortical level (Kaas et al., 2008; Li et al., 2010). Here we show

that following an ischaemic subtotal lesion of the rat forelimb

motor cortex, spontaneous recovery of forelimb function was

correlated with hindlimb corticospinal neurons changing their

target, anatomically and functionally, to the cervical, forelimb-

related, spinal cord. These results in rodents have potential impli-

cations for understanding the anatomical basis of recovery from

small subtotal strokes in humans.

Materials and methods

AnimalsAdult female Long-Evans rats (200–250 g, n = 170) were obtained

from a specific pathogen-free breeding colony (Charles River).

Animals were kept in groups of four in standardized cages (Type 4

Macrolon) on a standard regimen of 12-h light/dark cycle with food

and water ad libitum. All experiments were performed in accordance

with the guidelines of the Veterinary Office of the Canton Zurich,


Behavioural training and testingThe single pellet grasping test (Whishaw and Pellis, 1990; Whishaw

et al., 1993; Starkey et al., 2011) assesses fine motor control of the

forelimb. Animals were placed in a Plexiglas box (34 � 14 cm) with

two openings on opposite ends. During a training session, rats had to

grasp 25 sugar pellets (45-mg dustless precision pellets, TSE Systems

Intl. Group) presented at alternating ends. Animals were given five

practice pellets followed by 20 test pellets. A maximum time of

10 min was given to grasp all pellets. Grasping performance was

scored by the experimenter blinded to the group as follows: a trial,

defined as the animal putting its paw through the grasping window to

grasp a new pellet presented to the preferred side into a shallow well,

was scored as 1 (successful grasp) if the animal retrieved the pellet

with its impaired paw and brought it directly to its mouth. A score of 1

was given either if the animal succeeded on first attempt or if it used

several attempts to grasp the pellet, without retracting the paw

through the window and into the box, which was defined as the

end of the attempt. If the animal succeeded in grasping the pellet

but dropped it inside the box before bringing it to its mouth, the

trial was scored as 0.5. If the animal knocked the pellet off the

small shallow well on the shelf without retrieving it, the trial was

scored as 0. The success rate was calculated as the sum of the

retrieved pellets divided by the number of trials. Owing to variations

in the abilities of animals to learn this complicated behavioural task, all

of our success rates are expressed as a percentage of the baseline

score, thus all animals achieved 100% at baseline. Animals were

trained for �3 weeks before baseline recordings and were food

deprived the night before training and testing sessions. Only animals

with a 60% or higher success rate (prior to normalization) at baseline

were selected for the study.

Post-lesion animals were tested on Days 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and

42 by an experimenter blinded to the treatment and recovery group.

All animals that scored a success rate 560% of baseline on Day 2

were excluded from the study, as it was assumed that they had not

sustained an adequate lesion (59 of 170 lesioned animals were

excluded for this reason). In addition, each testing session was

filmed (Panasonic NVGS500, 25 frames/s), and single grasps were

evaluated using frame-by-frame video analysis (Virtualdub; www.vir-

tualdub.org) as described in detail previously (Starkey et al., 2011).

Briefly, five successful grasps were analysed under the following cri-

teria: body position, targeting, number of attempts, pellet position,

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supination, pellet sensing and pellet release (Starkey et al., 2011). Each

subcategory contained scores to categorize the movement compo-

nents. For the purpose of the present data, we found that first attempt

success and body position in relation to the pellet was important. If the

animal grasped the pellet at the first attempt it scored 1, if subsequent

attempts were required (without the animal retracting its paw back

through the grasping window), regardless of number, the animal

scored 2. Several attempts meant that the animal grasped several

times when its paw was already through the grasping window. If

the animal brought its paw back into the box without having grasped

the pellet and then started grasping again and was successful then this

would be scored as a failed attempt followed by a successful attempt.

For body position, the most perfect body position, meaning the animal

was standing directly in front of the pellet, was scored 1. For a full

description of the analysis see Starkey et al. (2011).

Endothelin-1 lesion to the forelimbmotor areaEndothelin-1 lesions were performed similarly to those described pre-

viously (Gilmour et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005; Hewlett and Corbett,

2006; Zorner et al., 2010). Trained animals (n = 170) from the retro-

grade acute/chronic, anterograde acute/chronic and intracortical

microstimulation (ICMS) chronic groups were anaesthetized with a

subcutaneous injection of a mixture of hypnorm/dormicum (hypnorm:

120ml/200 g body weight, Janssen Pharmaceutics; dormicum:

0.75 mg/200 g body weight, Roche Pharmaceuticals). The animal

was fixed into a stereotaxic frame, the scalp was opened and the

skull cleaned. The lesion area (forelimb motor cortex area of the pre-

ferred paw as determined with the single pellet reaching test) was

marked based on stereotaxic coordinates defined by retrograde tracing

(Supplementary Fig. 1A–F and H). The skull in this area was drilled

(Foredom Electric Co.) at the slowest drill speed and intermittently

cooled with Ringer’s solution (Fresenius Kabi) until only a thin

veneer of bone remained. This veneer of bone was then carefully

removed. Stereotaxic injections of endothelin-1 (0.3 mg/ml, American

Peptide Company) using a 10 ml syringe (World Precision Instruments)

driven by an electric pump (World Precision Instruments) with a

flow rate of 3 nl/s were made through an intact dura. Injections

were 1 � 300 nl in the rostral forelimb area and 7 � 150 nl in all

caudal forelimb area sites. Site 1 (rostral forelimb area): anterior/pos-

terior = + 3.5 mm, mediolateral = 2.0 mm, dorsoventral = �1.5 mm;

Site 2 (caudal forelimb area): anterior/posterior = + 0.5 mm, mediola-

teral = 2.0 mm, dorsoventral = �1.0 mm; Site 3 (caudal forelimb area):

anterior/posterior = + 1.5 mm, mediolateral = 2.0 mm, dorsoventral =

�1.0 mm; Site 4 (caudal forelimb area): anterior/posterior = + 1.5 mm,

mediolateral = 3.0 mm, dorsoventral = �1.0 mm; Site 5 (caudal fore-

limb area): anterior/posterior = + 0.5 mm, mediolateral = 3.0 mm,

dorsoventral = �1.0 mm; Site 6 (caudal forelimb area): anterior/

posterior = + 1.0 mm, mediolateral = 2.5 mm, dorsoventral =

�1.0 mm; Site 7 (caudal forelimb area): anterior/posterior = + 0.5 mm,

mediolateral = 3.5 mm, dorsoventral = �1.0 mm; Site 8 (caudal fore-

limb area): anterior/posterior = + 1.5 mm, mediolateral = 3.5 mm,

dorsoventral = �1.0 mm. Thus, a total of 1.35 ml endothelin-1 was

injected into the forelimb area. There was a 3-min waiting time

after each injection and 10 min after the last injection. The waiting

time was required to limit the backflow of the endothelin-1 out of

the brain. Previous publications (Adkins et al., 2004) have reported

that the animal should remain unmoved for at least 5 min after the

injections, which is why there was a longer waiting time given after

the final injection. Sham animals (n = 8) received the entire surgery

including the needle penetration but excluding the injection of

endothelin-1. At the end of the surgery, the animal was removed

from the frame and sutured. The animals were warmed on a heating

pad for 24 h before being returned to their home room. Immediately

after surgery and for up to 3 days post-lesion, rats received subcuta-

neous injections of an analgesic (Rimadyl�, 2.5 mg per kg body

weight, Pfizer), an antibiotic (Baytril�, 5 mg per kg body weight,

Bayer) and saline (Ringer’s solution, 5 ml, glucose 5%, NaCl 0.9%

2:1, Fresenius Kabi). The health of the animals was checked daily

for the duration of the experiment.

Assessment of lesion by magneticresonance imagingIn vivo MRI examinations of the brain were performed on a 4.7-T

Pharmascan magnetic resonance system 47/16 (Bruker BioSpin)

equipped with a birdcage resonator of 24-mm diameter 24 h post-lesion

on a subset of lesioned and sham-operated animals (n = 24,

Supplementary Fig. 1G) to check that the lesions were reproducible.

Animals were anaesthetized with isoflurane supplied in an air/oxygen

mixture (3/1) at 4% for induction and 1.8% for maintenance. T2-

weighted images were acquired using a 3D fast spin echo rapid acqui-

sition with relaxation enhancement (Hennig et al., 1986) sequence with

a repetition time of 1500 ms, an inter-echo time of 6.5 ms and a train of

16 echoes (no averaging) leading to an echo time of 54.6 ms, field of

view of 40 � 35 � 16.8 mm3 and a matrix of 256 � 225 � 56 and a

voxel dimension of 0.156 � 0.156 � 0.3 mm3. For image acquisition,

rats were placed on a support where body temperature was maintained

at 37�C using warm air. The total MRI scanning time was 30 min per

rat. To export the data into the analysis software (ImageJ, Version

1.37 c, National Institutes of Health), sagittal and coronal images were

re-sliced using the ParaVision� (Bruker, BioSpin) software tool Jive.

Intracortical microstimulationSix weeks post-lesion a subset of trained, lesioned (n = 8) and trained,

normal control (n = 8, Supplementary Fig. 1G) rats were anaesthetized

with an intramuscular injection of a mixture of ketamine (50 mg/ml,

70 mg/kg body weight, Streuli Pharma) and xylazine (20 mg/ml,

5 mg/kg body weight, Streuli Pharma). It took a short time (53 h)

to map the entire hindlimb sensory–motor area with ICMS in these

animals; therefore, supplementary doses of anaesthetic were rarely

required. On the few occasions where additional anaesthetic was

required, supplementary intramuscular doses of ketamine (50 mg/ml,

20 mg/kg body weight) were given to maintain the animal at an

anaesthetic level that was unresponsive to paw pinch, as described

previously (Neafsey et al., 1986; Z’Graggen et al., 2000; Emerick

et al., 2003). Following the supplementary dose of ketamine, ICMS

did not restart until the same response (visually and with EMG) was

seen in the same location with the identical current as was observed in

the final two points before the injection. The fore- and hindlimbs were

shaved (to better visualize muscle movements), and the animal was

secured in a stereotaxtic frame. Mannitol (20%, 17 ml/kg, B. Braun

Medical) was delivered subcutaneously to reduce swelling of the

cortex. The ipsilesional motor cortex was marked (based on stereotaxic

coordinates defined by retrograde tracing). A craniotomy was per-

formed as described earlier for the lesion but instead over the ipsile-

sional hindlimb sensorimotor cortex. The dura was kept intact, and

warm saline or mineral oil was used to keep the brain moist. Using

Bregma as a landmark, electrode penetrations perpendicular to the pial

surface were made on a grid in random sequence. This grid covered

Hindlimb cortex controls forelimb after stroke Brain 2012: 135; 3265–3281 | 3267

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the entire hindlimb sensory–motor area and the caudal parts of the

forelimb area up to the lesion site (anterior/posterior = + 0.8 mm to

�2.4 mm, mediolateral = 1 mm to 3.2 mm, depths from 1.3–1.9 mm).

Stimulation points were a minimum of 400 mm apart. A glass-insulated

platinum/tungsten stimulation electrode with an impedance of 1–2

M� (Thomas Recording) was used to map the cortex. Stimulation

was performed with 45 ms trains of 0.2 ms biphasic pulses at

333 Hz. For the readout, visually detectable movements and EMG of

the fore- and hindlimb were used. EMG recordings were performed for

muscle groups (forelimb: trapezius for shoulder movement, biceps and

triceps for elbow, extensor digitorum for wrist and finger; hindlimb:

soleus and tibialis for general hindlimb movements). The signals were

amplified, filtered, digitized and visualized with PowerLab

(ADInstruments). One investigator (blinded to the treatment groups

and the location of the electrode) applied the stimulation current and

assessed the EMG output, while the other experimenter (also blinded

to the treatment and recovery groups, as well as the current applied)

assessed the limb movements. Stimulation was considered successful if

a visible movement and/or an EMG response could be observed at a

stimulation current 490 mA. The current threshold for every point on

the cortex was determined as the lowest current necessary to elicit a

consistent response, either forelimb, hindlimb or for the forelimb and

then hindlimb when both responded at a particular point. When no

response was seen at the maximal current (90mA) at any depth, ‘no

response’ was recorded. In the case of both fore- and hindlimbs

responding, the threshold current was defined for the forelimb first

and then the hindlimb. Thus, a forelimb/hindlimb response meant

that responses for the fore- and hindlimb were found at the same

map point but not necessarily at the same depth or current. The max-

imal current (90 mA) was chosen based on previous publications

(Neafsey and Sievert, 1982; Gharbawie et al., 2005; Brus-Ramer

et al., 2007) where a maximal current of 100mA was used. EMG

data were high and low pass filtered (10–500 Hz), and a notch filter

(45–55 Hz) was applied. At the end of the ICMS session the animal

was removed from the frame, sutured and warmed on a heating pad

for 24 h before being returned to their home room.

For the ICMS group, the area of the brain eliciting forelimb move-

ments was measured following the construction of the ICMS maps.

For this the full maps were loaded into Image J (Version 1.42, National

Institutes of Health). The area where both fore- and hindlimb re-

sponses were elicited was measured, i.e. the area containing red

dots (Fig. 5A and D) as a percentage of double responses in the

hindlimb area, which was measured in the same way by outlining, in

this case, the yellow and red dots (Fig. 5A and D).

Retrograde tracing: cervical spinalcord (forelimb)Following the completion of behavioural testing, the sham group

(n = 8, Supplementary Fig. 1G), the retrograde tracing (acute and

chronic) groups (n = 20, Supplementary Fig. 1G) and double-labelling

(control and chronic) groups (n = 8, Supplementary Fig. 1G) received

retrograde tracer injections into the cervical spinal cord (Supplementary

Fig. 1A–F). Animals were anaesthetized as mentioned previously for

the lesion surgery, and a laminectomy was performed at vertebral level

C5–C6 (spinal level C6–C7). The animal was then attached to a

stereotaxic frame at vertebral levels C2 and T2. Fast blue retrograde

tracer (2% suspension in 0.1 M phosphate buffer with 2% dimethyl

sulphoxide, EMS-Chemie) was injected stereotaxically using a 28

gauge, 10 ml syringe (Hamilton, BGB Analytik) driven by an electric

pump (World Precision Instruments) with a flow rate of 170 nl/s

(Supplementary Fig. 1A and B). Six injections of 120 nl each were

made unilaterally into the cervical spinal cord ventral horn, contralat-

eral to the lesioned cortex. The injection coordinates were as follows:

0.8 mm lateral to the midline and 1.2 mm below the spinal cord sur-

face. The first injection was made at the C6 level. When this was

complete, the injection needle was retracted, moved rostrally by

0.8 mm, and the second injection was then made. This method was

repeated, moving 0.8 mm rostral for each subsequent injection until all

six injections had been made. The application needle was kept in place

for 3 min after each injection. After the last injection, the animals

(sham and acute and chronic retrograde groups) either received post-

operational care (see later in the article) or had their hindlimb sensory–

motor connections traced in addition (double retrograde groups, see

later in the article). At the end of the surgery, the animal was removed

from the frame and sutured. The animals were warmed on a heating

pad for 24 h before being returned to their home room. Immediately

after surgery and for up to 3 days post-lesion, rats received subcuta-

neous injections of an analgesic (Rimadyl�, 2.5 mg per kg body

weight, Pfizer), an antibiotic (Baytril�, 5 mg per kg body weight,

Bayer) and saline (Ringer’s solution, 5 ml, glucose 5%, NaCl 0.9%

2:1, Fresenius Kabi). The health of the animals was checked daily

for the entire experiment.

Retrograde tracing: lumbar spinalcord (hindlimb)Under the same anaesthesia as mentioned earlier, animals from the

double-labelling group (control and chronic) (n = 8, Supplementary

Fig. 1G) received retrograde tracing of their hindlimb-projecting corti-

cospinal tract (CST). A second laminectomy was performed at lumbar

levels T12–T13 (spinal level L1–L3), and the animal was attached to

the stereotaxic frame at vertebral level T13. The lumbar spinal cord

segments L1–L3 were injected with tetramethylrhodamine (10% in

injectable water, Invitrogen) using a 28 gauge, 10ml syringe driven

by an electric pump with a flow rate of 170 nl/s (Supplementary Fig.

1A and C). Six injections of 120 nl each were made of the tracer

unilaterally into the lumbar spinal cord ventral horn with the injection

coordinates 0.7 mm lateral to the midline and 1 mm below the spinal

cord surface. After the last injection, the animal was sutured and kept

on a heating pad for 24 h to recover before being returned to their

home room. As mentioned earlier, they were given postoperational

care for up to 3 days post-lesion and then were checked daily. This

constituted: subcutaneous injections of an analgesic (Rimadyl�, 2.5 mg

per kg body weight, Pfizer), an antibiotic (Baytril�, 5 mg per kg body

weight, Bayer) and saline (Ringer’s solution, 5 ml, glucose 5%, NaCl

0.9% 2:1, Fresenius Kabi).

Additionally, before the start of the experiment in order to establish

lesion coordinates, the motor cortex was mapped with lumbar and

cervical retrograde tracing in normal control, trained animals (mapping

group, n = 10, Supplementary Fig. 1G). For these animals, following a

subcutaneous injection of hypnorm/dormicum (as mentioned earlier),

the two laminectomies were performed as described earlier. The cer-

vical spinal cord was traced with Fast blue (as mentioned earlier) and

the lumbar spinal cord with diamidino yellow dihydrochloride, 2%

suspension in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and 2% dimethyl sulphoxide

(Sigma-Aldrich), using the same protocol as described earlier for tetra-

methylrhodamine. It was not possible to use diamidino yellow dihy-

drochloride for the entire experiment because it went out of

production before the double-labelling experiments were performed.

However, we carried out pilot experiments in the laboratory which

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showed that tetramethylrhodamine had a comparable efficiency to

diamidino yellow dihydrochloride (data not shown).

For all these surgeries, the tracers were always injected unilaterally

on the side to label the cortex of the preferred paw as determined

behaviourally (Supplementary Fig. 1B and C). Post-mortem all tracer

injection sites were examined in detail. Animals where any of the in-

jections hit either the main portion of the CST in the dorsal funiculus

or where spill over to the opposite side of the spinal cord had occurred

were excluded from the study (22 of the total 170 animals were

excluded because of this problem). Fast blue tracing of the cervical

spinal cord labelled layer V pyramidal cells in both the rostral

(Supplementary Fig. 1D) and caudal (Supplementary Fig. 1E) forelimb

areas. Tetramethylrhodamine tracing of the lumbar spinal cord labelled

layer V pyramidal cells in the hindlimb sensory–motor area exclusively

(Supplementary Fig. 1F). We chose Fast blue because it is known to be

a highly efficient tracer, which was confirmed before the start of the

experiment. This tracer labels neurons even when at low local concen-

tration or low levels of sprouting. This was confirmed by the low

variation between the numbers of cells labelled in normal control ani-

mals 10 670 � 1190 (SEM) cells.

The locations of the labelled cells were reconstructed in 3D (see later

in the article) to map the fore- and hindlimb sensory–motor cortices.

Fixation of the brain before 3D reconstruction was done by perfusion

(described later in the article). Shrinkage of the brains during this pro-

cess, which could have affected the coordinates chosen for the lesion,

was very minor. This minor shrinkage was compensated for by freez-

ing the brains rapidly, simultaneously and identically between all

groups. Finally, all animals were tested for lesion deficit and excluded

if the lesion was not considerable. Along with the positions of each

cell, we also labelled Bregma on each of the 2D representations of the

3D reconstructions. Therefore, following reconstruction of the map-

ping animals, we were able to accurately overlay all of the reconstruc-

tions using Bregma as the landmark (Supplementary Fig. 1H). This

gave an ‘average’ hindlimb area, i.e. the region where hindlimb-pro-

jecting cells were found in all animals, i.e. the darkest yellow region

(Supplementary Fig. 1H). For analysis, we selected this as our hindlimb

area (appears as shaded yellow area on other reconstructions). Thus, it

is highly likely that for each animal we underestimate the actual

number of cells in this region.

Anterograde tracing of hindlimbcorticospinal tractIn another group of animals, following the completion of behavioural

testing, trained and lesioned animals (acute and chronic anterograde

groups, n = 27, Supplementary Fig. 1G) were anaesthetized as

described earlier. The animal was fixed into a stereotaxic frame, the

scalp was opened and the skull cleaned. The hindlimb sensory–motor

area was marked according to stereotaxic coordinates defined in the

mapping experiments detailed earlier. A craniotomy was performed

(as mentioned earlier) over the ipsilesional hindlimb sensory–motor

area. Stereotaxic injections of the anterograde tracer biotinylated dex-

tran amine (10 000 molecular weight, 10% solution in 0.01 M PBS,

Invitrogen) were made through an intact dura using a 35 gauge, 10 ml

syringe (World Precision Instruments) driven by an electric pump

(World Precision Instruments) with a flow rate of 6 nl/s. A total

volume of 400 nl was injected at two injection sites (200 nl per site).

The injection coordinates were Site 1: anterior/posterior = �1.5 mm,

mediolateral = 2.5 mm; Site 2: anterior/posterior = �2.5 mm, mediola-

teral = 2.5 mm. All injections were at 1 mm depth, and the syringe

remained in place for 2 min after completion of each injection. After

the second injection, the rat was carefully removed from the frame

and sutured and given postoperational care (see above). The animals

were warmed on a heating pad for 24 h before being returned to their

home room, and their health was checked daily for the remainder of

the experiment.

Tissue preparation and stainingOne week after retrograde tracing (Fast blue, tetramethylrhodamine,

diamidino yellow dihydrochloride) and 3 weeks after anterograde tra-

cing (biotinylated dextran amine), animals were deeply anaesthetized

with pentobarbital (450 mg/kg body weight i.p.; Abbott Laboratories),

and perfused transcardially with 100 ml Ringer’s solution (containing

100 000 IU/l heparin, Liquemin, Roche, and 0.25% NaNO2) followed

by 300 ml of 4% phosphate-buffered paraformaldehyde (pH 7.4).

Spinal cords and brains were dissected and post-fixed in the same

fixative overnight at 4�C before being cryoprotected in phosphate-

buffered 30% sucrose for an additional 5 days. The cervical spinal

cord (C1–T1), lumbar spinal cord (L1–L5), brain and brainstem were

embedded in Tissue-Tec (OCT) and frozen in isopentane (Sigma) at

�40�C. Brains and spinal cords of retrogradely traced animals were

cut in 40-mm-thick coronal sections on a cryostat and collected on

slides (Superfrost) before being cover-slipped with Mowiol� mounting

medium (Calbiochem). Biotinylated dextran amine-traced spinal cords

were cut in 50-mm thick horizontal sections, and the brainstems

from the same animals (for normalization of tracing) were cut in

50-mm thick coronal sections on a cryostat and collected on slides

(Superfrost) before being stained by on-slide processing using the

nickel-enhanced DAB (3,3’-diaminobenzidine) protocol (Vectastain�

ABC Elite Kit, Vector Laboratories; 1:100 in Tris-buffered saline plus

TritonTM X-100) as described previously (Herzog and Brosamle, 1997).

Quantification of hindlimbcorticospinal tract collaterals in thecervical spinal cordCollaterals branching off the main CST labelled from the hindlimb

sensory–motor cortex in the cervical spinal cord were counted in all

biotinylated dextran amine-traced animals (acute and chronic antero-

grade groups, n = 27, Supplementary Fig. 1G). In horizontal sections of

the spinal cord segments C1–T1 ‘stem’ collaterals were counted at the

white/grey matter interface by an experimenter blinded to the group

at a final magnification of � 200. To correct for variations in biotiny-

lated dextran amine uptake, we normalized the quantitative data by

counting biotinylated dextran amine-labelled axons in the brainstem in

three rectangular areas (200 mm2) per slide on three sections per

animal. Results are expressed as a collateralization index, calculated

as the mean of the total number of ‘stem’ collaterals in the cervical

spinal cord divided by the average of labelled hindlimb CST fibres per

200 mm2 in the brainstem in sections from the main pyramidal tract at

the level of the brainstem (facial nerve).

Three dimensional reconstructionof lesion and fore- and hindlimbcorticospinal tract neuron positionin the cortexRetrogradely labelled cells (Fast blue, tetramethylrhodamine, diamidino

yellow dihydrochloride) of all retrogradely traced animals remaining in

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the study after inspection of the injection sites (sham, retrograde

acute/chronic, ICMS control/chronic, double labelling control/chronic,

and mapping groups, n = 62, Supplementary Fig. 1G) and the lesion

sites of all lesioned animals (retrograde acute/chronic, anterograde

acute/chronic, double-labelling control/chronic, ICMS control/chronic,

n = 71, Supplementary Fig. 1G) were reconstructed in 3D by an

experimenter blinded to the treatment groups using Neurolucida 8.0

(MicroBrightField). Every ninth section and thus cells present at 360 mm

intervals were reconstructed in series to give a 3D image of the brain.

Data shown are dorsal views of full 3D reconstructions (2D represen-

tations), total lesion volume, total Fast blue labelled/forelimb project-

ing cells on the ipsi- and contralesional cortex, total diamidino yellow

dihydrochloride/tetramethylrhodamine labelled/hindlimb projecting

cells on the ipsi- and contralesional cortex, and double-labelled/fore-

and hindlimb projecting cells on the ipsilesional cortex. As only every

ninth section was reconstructed, the final cell counts were multiplied

by nine to give an extrapolated final cell count. However, 2D repre-

sentations of the 3D reconstructions show every ninth section, and

thus under-represent the total number of labelled cells. In order to

reconstruct the lesion site, alternate sections from all lesioned animals

were stained with cresyl violet. These sections were also reconstructed,

and the lesioned area was superimposed (red shaded area) onto the

corresponding 2D representations of the 3D reconstructions of the

retrogradely traced cells. To define the medial and lateral caudal fore-

limb area, a line was drawn rostro-caudally along the lateral edge of

the hindlimb area on every brain. This line transected the caudal fore-

limb area dividing it into a medial and lateral part within which the

Fast blue-labelled cells were counted. In order for comparisons to be

made, all reconstructions are shown with the lesion and ipsilesional

(contralateral) tracing on the right side. As animals received lesions

impairing their preferred paw, 2D representations of the 3D recon-

structions were flipped wherever necessary.

For lesioned, retrogradely traced animals (n = 20, Supplementary

Fig. 1G), the hindlimb sensory–motor areas were defined by overlaying

the reconstructed hindlimb sensory–motor areas of the retrogradely

traced mapping animals (n = 10, Supplementary Fig. 1G) using

Neurolucida 8.0. For this we traced around the hindlimb areas with

ImageJ. The area where all hindlimb areas overlapped (darkest yellow

area in Supplementary Fig. 1H, outlined in yellow) was defined as the

averaged hindlimb sensory–motor area. This averaged hindlimb sen-

sory–motor area was then superimposed on all reconstructions from

lesioned animals using defined landmarks. In the control and chronic

ICMS and control and chronic double-labelling groups, all traced cells,

including the hindlimb sensory–motor cells, were mapped.

Defining recovery groupsThe animals showed a high degree of variability in their recovery pro-

files following injury (Fig. 1E). Owing to this variability, we decided to

show data for single animals instead of group averages. We decided to

average the score that the animals achieved at Days 35 and 42 be-

cause by this time point the animals were no longer improving in

function, but there was variability in their actual scores, as has been

reported previously (Whishaw, 2000). Therefore, we took the average

of these two time points to give a more accurate score due to the

inherent variability in this task, which is never completely stable as it

depends on a number of factors in addition to function such as: mo-

tivation, attention and slight changes in the experimental room. To

define ‘good’ and ‘bad’ recovery groups, the percentage change in

success rate on the single pellet reaching task between Days 2 and

35/42 was calculated. All animals where the percentage change

was450% were put into the good recovery group. The range of

percentage changes in this group was 51.8–93.2%. Whereas, all ani-

mals where the percentage was 550% were put into the bad recov-

ery group. The range of percentage changes in this group was:

�16.7% to 48.5%, plotted in addition to single animals scores

(Fig. 1E) and number of hindlimb collaterals in the cervical spinal

cord (Fig. 3H). In addition to this and for all other results, we carried

out correlations between the measured variable (cell or fibre counts,

volume of forelimb area) with the success rate at Day 35/42 for all the

individual animals.

Statistical analysisGrasping data were analysed using either parametric analysis of vari-

ance (two-/one-way repeated measures ANOVA) of the appropriate

design, followed by Bonferroni post hoc pair-wise comparisons when-

ever a main effect or interaction achieved statistical significance;

non-parametric (Mann–Whitney) tests; and Spearman or Pearson cor-

relations between the behavioural recovery and the lesion volume,

retrogradely labelled cells, anterogradely labelled fibres and ICMS

data. All statistical analyses were conducted using the software

Graph Pad Prism. Data are presented as means � SEM, single data

points represent single animals, and asterisks indicate significances:

*P4 0.05, **P4 0.01, ***P4 0.001.

ResultsWith a total of nine stereotaxic intracortical injections of

endothelin-1, we achieved a considerable ischaemic destruction

of the rostral (Fig. 1C) and caudal (Fig. 1B and D) forelimb

motor cortex. In a subset of animals, T2-weighted MRI scans

24 h post-lesion showed that the damage extended through all

layers of the cortex (Fig. 1B), whereas sham lesioned animals

showed no damage (Fig. 1A). Retrograde tracings from the cer-

vical spinal cord segments C6 and C7 showed that 470% of the

CST neurons innervating the forepaw-related spinal cord were

destroyed (sham: 6233.6 � 798.4 Fast blue-labelled cells in fore-

limb area; chronic lesioned: 1823.6 � 312.2 Fast blue-labelled cells

in forelimb area). However, small numbers of neurons remained,

mostly in the rostral forelimb area and the lateral sensory areas

(Table 1 and Fig. 2A–D).

Skilled reaching for single pellets through a small slit in a

Plexiglas box was used, as it is a well-established test for

CST-dependent forelimb function. Most animals showed a 60–

80% deficit in success rate at Day 2 post-lesion. Lesion positions

were variable between animals (Fig. 2D), but this was not corre-

lated to initial lesion deficit, which was large in all cases. Those

that achieved a superior performance at Day 2 were excluded

from further analysis (59 of the original 170 animals lesioned

were excluded for this reason), as they had not received a suffi-

cient lesion to the forelimb area to assess recovery. Over Days 14

to 35/42, the individual lesioned animals showed large differences

in the recovery of digit and forelimb control as assessed in the

single pellet grasping task (Fig. 1E). However, the majority of the

rats showed good recovery of the original behaviour (change in

the success rate between Day 2 and 35/42 450%; Fig. 1E),

whereas the remainder of the animals showed poor recovery

(change in the success rate between Day 2 and 35/42 550%;

Fig. 1E). Interestingly, there was no significant correlation between

behavioural recovery and the overall lesion volume as determined

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by 3D reconstruction of the lesions in the individual animals (1.86–

5.42 mm3; mean 3.1 � 0.13 mm3; n = 71, P40.05, r = 0.01,

Spearman correlation, Fig. 1F). Additionally, there was no correl-

ation (P4 0.05, r = 0.19, Spearman correlation) between the

pre-lesion and post-lesion success rate when the raw data were

used (as opposed to per cent of baseline).

Identification of corticospinal tractneurons projecting to the forepaw areaof the spinal cord (C6–C7) in intact ratsand following large forelimb strokesLesioned animals were retrogradely traced with multiple unilateral

injections of Fast blue into the grey matter of cervical spinal cord

segments C6–C7 on the denervated side of the spinal cord

(Supplementary Fig. 1A–C). Each tracer injection site in every

animal was examined in detail and animals where any of the

injections either hit the main portion of the CST in the dorsal

funiculus or where tracer diffused across the midline to the

intact side of the spinal cord were excluded from the study

(22 of 75 traced animals excluded).

Two dimensional representations of 3D reconstructions of the Fast

blue-labelled layer V forepaw CST cells in trained sham-lesioned

animals (n = 8) showed the typical pattern of the forelimb innerv-

ation (Fig. 2A and C). The majority of the neurons were localized in

the caudal (‘ipsilesional’) forelimb area (4957.9 � 619.3 Fast blue-

labelled cells), rostral forelimb area (1275.8 � 194.7 Fast

blue-labelled cells), S2 (806.6 � 83.8 Fast blue-labelled cells), con-

tralesional forelimb area (542.3 � 86.6 Fast blue-labelled cells)

and ipsilesional hindlimb field (1719.0 � 87.5 diamidino yellow

dihydrochloride-labelled cells). There were few Fast blue-labelled

projecting neurons in the hindlimb field (114.9 � 37.1 Fast

blue-labelled cells).

In the acutely lesioned animals, 2 days survival after the stroke

(n = 4, Fig. 2B and C), the bulk of the caudal forelimb neurons

(1192.5 � 117.5 Fast blue-labelled cells remaining) and a majority

of the rostral forelimb area neurons (434.3 � 127.1 Fast blue-

labelled cells remaining) were destroyed (total 1626.8 � 172.8

Fast blue-labelled cells remaining). Comparisons with the data

from sham animals showed that acutely lesioned animals had sig-

nificantly fewer Fast blue-labelled cells in the rostral forelimb area

(P5 0.05, Mann–Whitney test) and in the medial and lateral

caudal forelimb area (P50.01, Mann–Whitney test). However,

the most lateral, sensory area S2 was largely spared (Fig. 2B and

C, 573.8 � 26.6 Fast blue-labelled cells remaining), as were the

cells in the contralesional cortex (265.5 � 35.0 Fast blue-labelled

cells remaining). As with sham animals, there were very few Fast

Figure 1 Multiple stereotaxic intracortical injections of endothelin-1 destroy the forelimb motor cortex leading to functional deficits.

Cross-sections through the caudal forelimb area with T2-weighted MRI scans taken 24 h post-lesion show minimal damage in sham-

operated animals (A) and a hypo-dense region centred on the primary motor cortex in animals receiving a stroke (B, black arrows). Cellular

damage throughout the layers of the cortex was confirmed with cresyl violet staining of the rostral (C, black arrows) and caudal (D, black

arrows) forelimb area of lesioned animals (49 days post-lesion). (E) Endothelin-1-induced stroke lesions lead to a marked deficit on the

single pellet grasping task 2 days after the lesion. Animals showed variable recovery courses, with some animals recovering well (‘Good’:

450% change from Day 2 to Day 35/42 post-lesion, open circles, n = 23) and others badly (‘Bad’: 550% change from Day 2 to Day 35/

42 post-lesion, closed circles, n = 20). Single animals appear in light grey and group averages in black. (F) Despite some variation in lesion

size, there was no correlation between the lesion volume and the success rate on the single pellet grasping task at Day 35/42. Animals

showing good recovery (n = 23) are represented with crosses and those with bad recovery (n = 20) with filled squares. Scale bars: A,

B = 5 mm, C = 2 mm, D = 2.5 mm. Data are presented as means � SEM; asterisks indicate significances: **P4 0.01, ***P40.001.

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blue-labelled i.e. C6-C7 projecting neurons in the hindlimb field

(Fig. 2B and C, 90.0 � 11.6 Fast blue-labelled cells).

In the chronic lesioned animals (n = 16) traced 6 weeks

post-lesion, the organization of the C6–C7-projecting cortical neu-

rons was broadly similar to that of the acute animals; for example,

in the rostral and caudal forelimb area, the number of retrogradely

labelled CST neurons remaining was 462.9 � 84.8 and

1360.7 � 248.8, respectively, which was not significantly different

from those of the acutely lesioned animals (Fig. 2B–D). As in the

acute animals, the lateral S1 and S2 regions were largely spared

(784.7 � 79.3 Fast blue-labelled cells remaining, Fig. 2C and D).

Of particular interest was the contralesional cortex where surpris-

ingly we did not detect a significant difference in the number of

ipsilaterally projecting neurons (330.8 � 45.1 Fast blue-labelled

cells remaining) between all three groups (intact, acute and chron-

ically lesioned, Fig. 2A–D). An important difference between intact

or acute animals and chronic was found in the ipsilesional hindlimb

field: in sham and acute animals a mean of 114.9 � 37.1 (n = 8)

and 90.0 � 11.6 (n = 4) neurons projected to the cervical spinal

cord, respectively, whereas chronically lesioned animals had a sig-

nificantly higher number of forelimb-projecting cells in the hind-

limb field, 285.8 � 35.2 (Fig. 2C, n = 16). This corresponds to an

increase of 149% and 218% in comparison to sham and acute

animals, respectively. These cells were scattered over all regions of

the hindlimb sensory–motor area (Fig. 2D).

Correlation of retrogradely labelledcorticospinal tract neuron patterns withbehavioural recoveryWe correlated the behavioural outcome 5–6 weeks after the

stroke with the numbers of retrogradely labelled C6–C7-projecting

CST neurons in the different parts of the ipsi- and contralesional

cortex for all the individual animals of the chronic lesion group

(Fig. 2E–J and Supplementary Fig. 2). Five cortical regions were

used for the analysis: the lesioned (ipsilesional) medial and lateral

caudal forelimb areas, the rostral forelimb area, S2, the contrale-

sional cortex and the ipsilesional hindlimb sensory–motor area.

There was no correlation found between the behavioural recovery

and the numbers of cells in the contralesional cortex (P40.05,

r = 0.24, Spearmann correlation, Fig. 2E). The same was true for

the total number of cells in the ipsilesional cortex (P4 0.05,

r = 37, Spearmann correlation, Fig. 2F) and also the forelimb

regions in the ipsilesional cortex (P40.05, r = 39, Spearmann cor-

relation, Fig. 2G). However, strong correlations were seen be-

tween the increased numbers of neurons from the ipsilesional

hindlimb field projecting to the cervical spinal cord and the success

rate (P50.05, r = 0.61, Spearmann correlation, Fig. 2H), as well

as the precision of pellet reaching (P50.01, r = 0.71, Spearmann

correlation, Fig. 2I).

Anterograde tracing of the hindlimbsensory–motor cortex revealedincreased projections to the cervicalspinal cord, correlated with highfunctional recoveryThe anterograde axonal tracer biotinylated dextran amine was in-

jected into the ipsilesional hindlimb sensory–motor area in a subset

of acutely (n = 4) and chronically lesioned animals (n = 23), and

the cervical spinal cord was analysed to quantify the labelled CST

fibres and collateral branches. In naıve animals, the vast majority

of the hindlimb sensory–motor cortex CST axons traverse the

Table 1 Grasping success rate (%) and number of Fast blue-labelled cells in different regions of the ipsilesional cortex inchronic lesioned animals





Animal number Success rateDay 35/42 (%)

RFA Medial CFA Lateral CFA S2 HLarea

412 3.2 54 288 396 963 126

414 14.6 90 63 702 360 99

400 22.2 342 18 837 693 36

126 31.7 504 81 1260 621 135

416 43.5 630 162 828 513 207

156 64.3 504 180 477 945 81

388 66.7 1170 216 1224 639 693

146 68.2 1233 576 4140 1152 99

243 86.1 252 126 936 369 297

403 87.5 558 225 1566 1071 288

415 88.9 144 180 954 477 333

411 90.4 333 0 324 1143 144

244 95.8 189 189 936 558 279

393 96.2 423 477 1188 1449 306

160 105.0 612 99 1179 666 405

161 112.5 369 333 1611 936 207

The table shows the total number of Fast blue retrogradely labelled cells 49 days after the stroke. Animals are ranked from the worst (top) to the best (bottom) recovery onthe single pellet reaching task at Day 35/42 (columns 1–2). The number of Fast blue-labelled cells in any of the four forelimb regions (columns 3–6) was not correlated with

good or bad recovery. However, the number of cells in the hindlimb area (column 7) was.RFA = rostral forelimb area; CFA = caudal forelimb area; HL area = hindlimb sensorimotor area.

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Figure 2 Fast blue (FB) retrograde tracing of cells from the cervical C6–C7 spinal cord. (A) Representative 2D representations of the

3D reconstruction of Fast blue-labelled cells in a sham-lesioned animal, viewed from above. Large numbers of Fast blue-labelled cells (blue

dots) are found on the ipsilesional (right) rostral (RFA) and caudal forelimb area (CFA) and in the secondary somatosensory cortex S2. Few

labelled cells are present in the contralesional cortex (left) representing the very minor ipsilateral projection of the CST. Also, very few

labelled cells are present in the hindlimb sensory–motor cortex (HL; yellow oval). (B) Reconstruction of Fast blue-labelled cells in a lesioned

animal acutely after the stroke. The lesion (red, shaded area) has largely destroyed the rostral forelimb area (FL) and medial (motor) caudal

forelimb area neurons, sparing S2 and the hindlimb field. (C) Quantification of the C6–C7-projecting CST neurons in the rostral forelimb

area, medial and lateral caudal forelimb area, S2 and hindlimb of intact (n = 10), acute (n = 4) and chronically lesioned (n = 16) rats.

(D) Maps of C6–C7-projecting CST neurons in 16 chronically lesioned rats arranged from top left (Rat 412) to bottom right (Rat 161) in

rows from the worst success rate on the single pellet reaching test at Day 35/42 (Rat 412, 3.2%) to the best (Rat 161, 112.5%).

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cervical spinal cord in a straight manner, sending few, if any, col-

laterals into the grey matter (Fouad et al., 2001). The same situ-

ation was found in animals analysed immediately after the stroke

(acutely lesioned; Fig. 3A and H). However, in the chronic stroke

animals, the number of collaterals leaving the main CST and enter-

ing the grey matter in the C2–C7 region of the spinal cord was

significantly increased in the majority of, but not all, rats (Fig. 3B–

D and H). We correlated the number of cervical spinal cord col-

laterals of fibres originating in the hindlimb field to the behavioural

recovery of each individual animal. A weak, but significant, cor-

relation was found for success rate (P50.05, r = 0.50, Pearson

correlation, Fig. 3E) and for correct body position in front of the

grasping window (P50.01, r = 0.56, Pearson correlation, Fig. 3F).

Retrograde tracing of the fore- andhindlimb sensory–motor cortex revealedthat the majority of reorganizedhindlimb cells are connected purelyto the cervical spinal cordWe were interested in whether the reorganized hindlimb cells re-

tained their original connection to the lumbar spinal cord or

whether this was instead retracted or lost in favour of the new

connection to the cervical spinal cord. To investigate this, we

carried out a double retrograde tracing of the spinal cord with

Fast blue injected into the cervical spinal cord and tetramethylrho-

damine injected into the lumbar spinal cord in intact rats and in a

group of chronically lesioned animals that showed good recovery.

We only reported data from animals that showed good recovery

(460% success rate at Day 35/42), as we had already established

in previous experiments (Figs. 2 and 3) that poorly recovering

animals (440% success rate at Day 35/42) did not show reorgan-

ization of the hindlimb area and so we would not expect to find

double-labelled cells.

Double-labelled cells, which had transported the tracers from

both the lumbar and cervical spinal cord, were very rare in the

intact, normal control rat hindlimb field (13.5 � 5.8 cells, Fig. 4A–

D and G). Their number was increased 6.8-fold 6–8 weeks after

the forelimb stroke (85.5 � 20.9 cells, Fig. 4A–C, E and G), which

was significantly more than normal control animals (P50.05,

Mann–Whitney test, Fig. 4G). The double-labelled cells were

spread throughout the hindlimb area (Fig. 4E). Interestingly, of

the total number of hindlimb field neurons projecting to the cer-

vical spinal cord in the chronic stroke animals (390.4 � 69.7 cells,

Fig. 4F), only 21.9% were double labelled, suggesting that in the

majority of cases, reorganized hindlimb cells retracted/lost their

original connection to the lumbar spinal cord and instead

became solely connected to the cervical spinal cord. In normal

control animals, 13.3% of hindlimb neurons projecting to the cer-

vical spinal cord were double labelled (Fig. 4F).

Stimulation of hindlimb sensory–motorcortex elicits forelimb movements inrats with good recovery of functionWe mapped the hindlimb and the most caudal region of the

caudal forelimb representation with ICMS and recorded fore- as

well as hindlimb movements. We carried out ICMS experiments in

a subset of lesioned (6 weeks post-lesion; different levels of re-

covery of skilled pellet reaching) and normal control animals; all

animals were randomly number coded and the experimenter was

blinded to the code. ICMS maps are shown in Fig. 5A and D. Each

circle in the map plots the inverse threshold for evoking a forelimb

(blue), hindlimb (yellow) or fore- as well as hindlimb (red) re-

sponse at each site. The larger the circle the lower the current

required to evoke a motor response. Grey dots indicate sites

where no movements were evoked at the highest current

(90 mA). Despite choosing 90 mA as the maximal current this was

rarely the lowest threshold for a movement, particularly at sites

where fore- and hindlimb responses were reported. Instead the

average maximal movement threshold currents were as follows:

forelimb (at a forelimb only site): 52.4 � 3.8 mA; hindlimb (at a

hindlimb only site): 58.9 � 2.1mA; forelimb (at a forelimb/hind-

limb site): 56.9 � 4.0 mA; hindlimb (at a forelimb/hindlimb site):

52.9 � 3.2mA. Normal control animals (n = 8) showed the typical

pattern of well separated fore- and hindlimb motor areas (Fig. 5A)

with minimal overlap along the border between the two fields and

relatively consistent maps between individuals. The average

number of sites producing combined forelimb/hindlimb move-

ments in these animals was 4.4 � 1.0. In the chronic stroke ani-

mals (n = 8), there was considerable variation between individuals.

Figure 2 ContinuedSuccess rates at Day 35/42 appear in a box on the right side of each reconstruction. With increasing success rate, animals show increased

numbers of Fast blue-labelled cells in their hindlimb areas (yellow shaded areas). Red shaded areas represent the lesions. (E–J) Correlations

between behavioural performance in the skilled reaching test and C6–C7-projecting neurons in different cortical areas. There was no

significant correlation between the number of Fast blue-labelled cells on the contralesional (left in image) cortex of chronic lesioned

animals (n = 16) and the success rate at Day 35/42 (E, P4 0.05, r = 0.24, Spearmann correlation); neither was there a correlation between

the total number of Fast blue-labelled cells on the ipsilesional (right) cortex of chronic lesioned animals (n = 16) and the success rate at Day

35/42 (F, P40.05, r = 0.37, Spearmann correlation) nor was there a correlation between the number of Fast blue-labelled cells in the

ipsilesional forelimb area and grasping success (G, P40.05, r = 0.39, Spearmann correlation). However, there was a positive correlation

(P50.05, r = 0.61, Spearmann correlation) between the number of Fast blue-labelled cells in the ipsilesional hindlimb area (yellow shaded

area) of chronic lesioned animals (n = 16) and the success rate at Day 35/42 (H) and with the first attempt success rate at Day 35/42

(P50.01, r = 0.71, Spearmann correlation) (I) but no correlation between the number of Fast blue-labelled cells in the ipsilesional

hindlimb area of chronic lesioned animals (n = 16) and body position 1 (J, P4 0.05, r = 0.13, Spearmann correlation). Small red circles

represent Bregma. Scale bars: A, B and D = 2 mm. Data are presented as means � SEM; asterisks indicate significances: *P40.05,


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Interestingly, animals showing many forelimb responses elicited in

the original hindlimb sensory–motor area were mostly those with

good recovery of forelimb function at Day 35/42 (Fig. 5D). The

correlation of the number of combined forelimb and hindlimb re-

sponses in the hindlimb field with the behavioural outcome is

shown in Fig. 5C (P50.01, r = 0.85, Spearman correlation).

There was no correlation between baseline success rate on the

single pellet grasping task and the post-lesion ICMS maps, i.e. it

is not the case that animals that performed best before the lesion

recovered better afterwards. These results suggest that many of

the hindlimb cells that rewired to the cervical spinal cord as a

consequence of the forelimb stroke made functional connections.

DiscussionThe outcome following stroke in humans is highly variable, ran-

ging from lifelong hemiplegia to almost complete recovery (Brown

and Schultz, 2010; Stinear, 2010; Langhorne et al., 2011), but the

reasons for this variation and the exact mechanisms underlying it

remain unknown. Both clinical and preclinical data suggest that

the size and location of the lesion are key determinants of deficit

and recovery potential. Following small (subtotal) lesions to the

motor cortex, takeover of functions by other intact areas plays a

crucial compensatory role in recovery. Compensatory takeover can

occur (i) by remaining spared parts with corresponding functions,

Figure 3 Biotinylated dextran amine anterograde tracing of collaterals from the hindlimb (HL) sensory–motor cortex in the cervical spinal

cord. (A) Horizontal section shows biotinylated dextran amine-labelled hindlimb fibres travelling through the cervical spinal cord of acutely

lesioned (n = 4) animals in a compact bundle sending only few collaterals into the grey matter of the cervical spinal cord (black arrow-

heads). (B and C) Collaterals from hindlimb-originating fibres can be seen frequently in chronic stroke animals with good recovery of

function. Fibres arborize in the grey matter (black arrowheads). (D) Low magnification image of the cervical spinal cord of an animal

showing good recovery of function (dashed box indicates region of panel C). The collaterals of biotinylated dextran amine-labelled

hindlimb fibres can be seen throughout the length of the spinal cord (black arrowheads). In horizontal sections of the spinal cord segments

C1–T1 ‘stem’ collaterals were counted at the white/grey matter interface and normalized to biotinylated dextran amine-labelled axons in

the brainstem. Results are expressed as a collateralization index, i.e. the mean of the total number of stem collaterals in the cervical spinal

cord. (E–G) There was a positive correlation between the numbers of biotinylated dextran amine-labelled hindlimb collaterals in the

cervical spinal cord and the success rate for skilled reaching at Day 35/42 (P50.05, r = 0.50, Spearmann correlation, E) as well as with the

most perfect body position for grasping (P50.01, r = 0.56, Spearmann correlation, F), but not with the first attempt success (G, P40.01,

r = 0.14, Spearmann correlation). (H) Group averages show that animals showing good recovery of function (n = 12, grey bar) on the

single pellet grasping test at Day 35/42 had significantly more biotinylated dextran amine-labelled hindlimb collaterals in the cervical spinal

cord than those animals that recovered badly (n = 11, black bar). Scale bars: A–D = 200mm. Data are presented as means � SEM; asterisks

indicate significances: **P40.01.

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e.g. the face motor cortex compensating for the hand motor

cortex (Donoghue and Sanes, 1988; Castro-Alamancos et al.,

1992; Castro-Alamancos and Borrel, 1995; Wu and Kaas, 1999);

or (ii) by contralateral intact cortical areas with the same function

(Barth et al., 1990; Xerri et al., 1998; Whishaw, 2000; Feydy

et al., 2002; Werhahn et al., 2003).

Using multiple injections of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1, we

destroyed 470% of the caudal and rostral motor forelimb area of

Figure 4 Retrograde double labelling of corticospinal neurons from the cervical (Fast blue, FB) and lumbar (tetramethylrhodamine, TMR)

spinal cord. (A) A high-power photomicrograph of a Fast blue-labelled pyramidal cell in the hindlimb–sensorimotor cortex.

(B) Tetramethylrhodamine labelling of the same cell in A, and surrounding cells. (C) Merge of the Fast blue and tetramethylrhodamine

images to show double labelling of the cell. (D) 2D representations of the 3D reconstructions of Fast blue-labelled (blue dots) and

tetramethylrhodamine-labelled (yellow dots) cells in normal control (n = 4) animals. Double-labelled Fast blue and tetramethylrhodamine

cells in the hindlimb–sensorimotor cortex appear in red and very few can be seen. (E) 2D representations of the 3D reconstructions of Fast

blue-labelled (blue dots) and tetramethylrhodamine-labelled (yellow regions) cells in chronic lesioned (n = 4) animals showing good

recovery of function on the single pellet grasping test at Day 35/42. Success rate appears in a box under each image. Double-labelled Fast

blue and tetramethylrhodamine cells in the hindlimb–sensorimotor cortex appear in red. A small number can be seen in each of the

animals. (F) Quantification of Fast blue labelling in the hindlimb sensorimotor area confirmed that animals showing good recovery of

function (black bar) have significantly more Fast blue-labelled cells projecting to the cervical spinal cord than normal control (white bar)

animals. (G) Quantification of the number of double-labelled cells shows that chronic lesioned, good recovering animals (black bar) have a

significantly higher percentage than normal control animals (white bars). Yellow shaded areas on right side of brains indicate the hindlimb

sensory–motor area. Small red circles represent Bregma. Scale bars: A–C = 150 mm, D and E = 2 mm. Data are presented as means � SEM;

asterisks indicate significances: *P40.05.

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adult rats. Skilled forepaw reaching behaviour recovered, with large

variations among animals, over 2–6 weeks post-stroke. Injections of

a highly efficient retrograde tracer into the spinal cord identified

new and spared forelimb-connected corticospinal neurons. Surpris-

ingly, a significant number of neurons in the hindlimb sensory–

motor cortex established connections to the cervical spinal cord as

a consequence of the lesion; in individual animals their number was

correlated with the degree of recovery of forelimb function. Intra-

cortical microstimulations suggested that the new connections from

the hindlimb were functional, and double retrograde tracing

suggested that the original connection of these cells to the lumbar

spinal cord was lost. These results show that map shifts in the motor

cortex can be as drastic (from hindlimb to forelimb) and can involve

sprouting, branch formation and new circuits of cortical output

axons in the spinal cord.

In the present study, the lesions largely, but not completely,

destroyed the main (caudal) as well as the premotor (rostral) fore-

limb cortex by the endothelin-1-induced ischaemia. The behav-

ioural outcome for skilled forelimb reaching at 6 weeks after the

stroke was highly variable, from very good to greatly impaired.

Figure 5 ICMS maps of the hindlimb sensorimotor area of normal control (n = 8) (A) and chronically lesioned (n = 8) (C) animals. x-axis:

distance lateral to Bregma; y-axis: distance caudal of Bregma; forelimb response (blue circles), hindlimb response (yellow circles) and both

fore-/hindlimb response (red circles); circle size is inversely related to the threshold for evoked forelimb response; circle opacity represents

percentage of electrode penetrations evoking a response at that site; grey dots are sites where no response was evoked using currents up

to 90 mA. All electrode penetration sites are separated from adjacent penetrations by 400 mm distance in rostrocaudal and mediolateral

directions. For chronic lesioned animals (C), the success rate on the single pellet grasping task at Day 35/42 appears in the bottom right

corner of the ICMS map. (A) Average bubble plot of all normal control animals (n = 8). (B) ICMS maps of all chronic lesioned animals

(n = 8). Bubble plots are arranged from left to right in rows from the worst success rate on the single pellet reaching test at Day 35/42

(Rat 966, 30.4% success rate) to the best (Rat 886, 104.8% success rate). With increasing success rate, animals show increased numbers

of forelimb responses (red circles) at sites that also elicited hindlimb responses (yellow circles). (C) There was a strong positive correlation in

the chronic stroke group between the number of combined forelimb/hindlimb responses and the success rate on the single pellet reaching

test at Day 35/42 (P50.01, r = 0.85, Spearman correlation). (D) Example EMG data showing a hindlimb response: a response can be

seen in the hindlimb (m. sol) with no responses in the forelimb (m. ext. carp.rad. and m. tric.brach.). (E) Example EMG data showing a

forelimb response, no response can be seen in the hindlimb (m. sol) whereas a clear response is seen in the forelimb (m. ext. carp.rad. and

m. tric.brach.). Calibration bars: D and E = 0.1 mV. FL = forelimb response; HL = hindlimb response, FL/HL = combined forelimb and

hindlimb response.

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The lesion left a variable number of CST neurons with an intact

connection to the cervical spinal cord as shown by retrograde

tracing. Interestingly, no correlation was found between the num-

bers of these spared CST neurons in the caudal or rostral forelimb

areas and the behavioural recovery of the individual animals. The

same was true for the small number of ipsilaterally projecting CST

neurons in the contralesional hemisphere; the number of these

neurons did not change as a consequence of the lesion, and

there was no correlation between their number and behavioural

recovery. However, a very different situation occurred in the

ipsilesional spared hindlimb sensory–motor cortex where few

cells project to the cervical spinal cord/forelimb in intact rats.

On average this number was more than doubled in the chronic

stroke rats, and there was a strong correlation between the

number of hindlimb CST neurons projecting to the cervical spinal

cord and the functional recovery of individual animals.

Increased numbers of Fast blue-labelled cells in the hindlimb

sensory–motor area might also have resulted from terminal sprout-

ing of fibres from forelimb-projecting cells in the hindlimb sensory–

motor area, which had only a small axonal arbour not sufficient

for dye uptake prior to the lesion. However, this explanation is

unlikely because stem collaterals were rare in naive animals, in our

controls and in those animals that recovered badly. Therefore,

even if arborization in the grey matter would have been insuffi-

cient to pick up detectable amounts of Fast blue, the stem collat-

eral giving rise to the sprouting would still have been detected by

the anterograde tracing. Additionally, we had a high number of

animals in each group, we did not see many Fast blue-labelled

cells in the hindlimb sensory–motor area in the control/acute

groups and we report strong correlations between grasping suc-

cess and the number of these cells. Thus, this threshold of sprout-

ing explanation seems unlikely.

It is known that cortical motor areas exhibit considerable

interindividual spatial variability (Kline and Reid, 1984) and that

they are influenced by behavioural experience and training (Kleim

et al., 1998, 2004; Adkins et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2011), which

could have influenced our lesion coordinates. However, these two

concerns were dealt with by using high animal numbers for each

part of the study and by all animals that were used being trained

on the single pellet reaching task. This led to low interindividual

variability, e.g. cell counts were similar, and ICMS map locations

were similar. Consideration was also given to other cortical map-

ping techniques, but all available techniques had negative aspects,

e.g. with functional MRI only the location of the sensory cortex is

known, and the technique has a low spatial resolution,

voltage-sensitive dye imaging is a terminal procedure, ICMS map-

ping before the lesion may have caused small amounts of damage

to the cortex and intrinsic optical imaging also gives only the sen-

sory cortex. This is an issue because although there is an almost

complete overlap of hindlimb sensory responses with the hindlimb

motor cortex, this is not the case for the forelimb cortex where the

medial aspects are purely motor and it is only in the lateral aspects

that there is overlap with the forelimb sensory areas (Donoghue

and Wise, 1982). Thus, accurately locating the area of the fore-

limb sensory region does not accurately locate the forelimb motor

region. As it was not possible to use the ICMS mapping technique

on an individual basis, owing to potential damage to the cortex by

electrode penetrations, we chose tracing because this was the

method we used for analysis.

Anterograde tracing confirmed previous results (Fouad et al.,

2001) that collaterals branching off the hindlimb-projecting CST

in the cervical spinal cord are normally rare in intact animals. In

contrast, a much higher number of collaterals establishing highly

branched terminal networks in the cervical grey matter were

observed in chronic stroke rats. Again, there was a high variation

among individuals but a significant correlation between the

number of stem collaterals, which gave rise to branched terminals,

and forelimb performance. These anatomical observations there-

fore suggest that a significant contributor to functional recovery of

skilled reaching after selective forelimb strokes comes from the

hindlimb sensory–motor cortex. Although these cells are small in

number, they branch extensively in the cervical grey matter and

their contribution to functional recovery seems more important

than the role of remaining, possibly functionally impaired, caudal

and rostral forelimb area neurons or the intact ipsilateral (contrale-

sional) cortex.

In accordance with many studies in animals and humans, the

contralesional cortex plays a minor role in cases of smaller partial

strokes (Xerri et al., 1998; Marshall et al., 2000; Whishaw, 2000;

Dijkhuizen et al., 2001, 2003; Feydy et al., 2002; Werhahn et al.,

2003; Mostany and Portera-Cailliau, 2011). It appears that the

overall size of the lesion, and thus the degree of cellular damage,

is the reason for this, as following small cortical lesions in rats (Barth

et al., 1990) and primates (Xerri et al., 1998), reorganization was

seen within the lesioned cortex with no change in the undamaged

contralesional cortex. Thus, it is likely that in our case, where the

lesions were subtotal for the motor cortex, the intact contralesional

cortex played a minor role in recovery, as evidenced by no change in

Fast blue-labelled cells on this side of the cortex, compared with the

ipsilesional cortex, where a rise in the number of Fast blue-labelled

cells in the hindlimb sensory–motor area was observed. Additionally,

reorganization to more distant regions ipsilaterally, for example the

rostral forelimb area, could also have occurred as has been shown

previously (Dancause et al., 2005), but in our case, this is unlikely, as

in the majority of the rats the lesions destroyed a large proportion of

this region.

ICMS was used to investigate the functionality of the new con-

nections from the hindlimb to the cervical spinal cord. The typical

sharp distinction between forelimb and hindlimb motor cortex was

found in the intact animals. In the chronic stroke animals, how-

ever, forelimb responses were frequently elicited at low current

amplitude from the hindlimb field. Again, a correlation existed

between these electrophysiological results and behavioural recov-

ery in individual animals. Forelimb as well as hindlimb responses

were often obtained from the same stimulation site (albeit at a

different depth and/or current), probably due to the fact that a

number of CST neurons were excited simultaneously. A maximal

current of 90 mA was chosen based on previous publications

(Neafsey and Sievert, 1982; Gharbawie et al., 2005; Brus-Ramer

et al., 2007); however, this was rarely the lowest movement

threshold. Previous studies estimate that a 90mA stimulus could

spread radially from the electrode tip to 300mm (Asanuma, 1967),

thus potentially co-activating both forelimb and hindlimb simultan-

eously. However, as our stimulation sites were 400 mm apart,

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forelimb and hindlimb responses were often at different depths

and currents at the particular mapping point and because 90 mA

was well above the average current threshold for movement, we

think this is not a significant concern for our data. In addition, our

results are also in line with previous studies, e.g. it was shown that

following a stroke to the forelimb area, forelimb movements could

be evoked from the original hindlimb area in well recovered ani-

mals (Castro-Alamancos and Borrel, 1995). Using in vivo calcium

imaging following selective strokes, it was shown that individual

somatosensory neurons altered their input selectivity, either from

fore- to hindlimb or from a single to multiple limbs (Winship and

Murphy, 2008). In primates and rats following deafferentation by

arm amputation, the forelimb area of M1 became fully filled in

with adjacent body representations (Donoghue and Sanes, 1988;

Wu and Kaas, 1999). Similar results are also observed in humans

following limb immobilization (Langer et al., 2012), bimanual

upper limb training (Hoffman and Field-Fote, 2007) and spinal

cord injury (Green et al., 1999).

Double retrograde tracing from the cervical and lumbar spinal

cord was used to determine whether hindlimb neurons innervating

the cervical spinal cord also connected to the lumbar cord.

Interestingly, there were very few double-labelled cells, the ma-

jority of neurons in this region, many of which appeared as a

consequence of the stroke, were labelled exclusively from the cer-

vical cord. Although it is not possible to make conclusions about

presumably activity-dependent axon growth dynamics without an

extensive time course study, these results suggest that the original

axon to the hindlimb cord was retracted or degraded. Indeed,

degeneration of axons has been seen by electron microscopy in

the lumbar spinal cord in the similar paradigm (Weishaupt et al.,

2010), but further investigation would be required to confirm this

for the present results.

As the rat was used as the experimental model in this study the

question arises of whether topographical mapping in this species is

sufficiently precise to be generally applicable. We believe that it is

for several reasons. Firstly, retrogradely labelled cell counts were

highly consistent between separate animals, suggesting that sen-

sorimotor cortex anatomy is relatively stable between individual

rats. Secondly, the border region between the forelimb and hind-

limb sensorimotor cortex was not particularly significant for re-

organization, as our results show that reorganized cells were

seen throughout the hindlimb area, and their number was highly

correlated with grasping success. Thirdly, ICMS experiments were

performed in the hindlimb area and there were few forelimb

responses in this region in sham/control animals or those that re-

covered badly. Although it is known that connections through the

corpus callosum are present in humans and that they play an im-

portant role in inhibition and excitation, this is not known for

rodents. We believe, however, that such connections did not

play a large role in our experiments because following anterograde

tracing we counted the number of ‘stem collaterals’ (the fibres

crossing the white–grey matter boundary) originating from hind-

limb cortex fibres and entering the cervical spinal cord. Their

increased number in animals with good recovery was not due to

branching of arbours in the grey matter but rather due to in-

creases in the number of fibres crossing the white–grey matter


If forelimb-projecting neurons in the hindlimb sensory motor

field are to become fully functional, they have to receive sensory

input from the forelimb. Extension of the forelimb sensory map

into the hindlimb sensory–motor field after stroke has been

described using voltage-sensitive dyes in mouse models (Xerri

et al., 1998; Dijkhuizen et al., 2001; Winship and Murphy,

2008; Brown et al., 2009), and recently increased responses in

the sensorimotor cortex post-stroke have been linked to motor

recovery in humans (Schaechter et al., 2011). Whether

pre-existing connections or growth of new horizontal connections

are responsible for these map shifts (Li and Carmichael, 2006), and

how the specificity of these connections is established, is currently

unknown. In a model of thoracic spinal cord injury, a similar map

shift of hindlimb to forelimb functions and anatomy has been

described. Specifically, hindlimb neurons connected to the cervical

spinal cord after transection of their axons in the thoracic cord,

and sensory stimulation of the forepaw elicited rapid activation of

the hindlimb (as well as forelimb) sensory–motor field (Ghosh

et al., 2010).

The molecular mechanisms underlying these impressive anatom-

ical changes are currently unknown. Perilesional regions of the

cortex are known to express elevated levels of neurotrophic factors

as well as growth-related messenger RNAs and proteins (Stroemer

et al., 1993; Keyvani et al., 2002; Lu et al., 2003; Zhao et al., 2006;

Li et al., 2010). Additionally, sprouting over significant distances

horizontally has been shown (Adesnik and Scanziani, 2010; Brown

et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010). Thus, an elevated level of plasticity and

growth is probably present in the hindlimb cortex adjacent to the

stroke lesions in our model. In the spinal cord, selective lesions of

the CST were shown to lead to changes of messenger RNA expres-

sion to include growth-related genes (Bareyre and Schwab, 2003;

Maier et al., 2008). Finally, activity was shown to regulate CST

growth and branching in developing as well as adult injured rats

(Martin et al., 1999, 2004; Brus-Ramer et al., 2007; Maier et al.,

2008; Carmel et al., 2010). Denervation or the change in functional

status of spinal cord neurons after the stroke could induce factors

that increase local plasticity and induce/attract sprouting fibres from

neighbouring pathways including the hindlimb CST. All these mech-

anisms, which will require future detailed investigation, probably

contribute and collaborate to produce the anatomical and functional

changes that lead to behavioural recovery shown in the present

experimental paradigm and potentially also the functional recovery

observed clinically.

In conclusion, the present results show that large map shifts,

e.g. between hindlimb and forelimb, can occur as a consequence

of ischaemic destruction of large parts of the sensory–motor cortex

in adult rats. Major anatomical changes including rewiring of hind-

limb neurons to the forelimb spinal cord occur and probably con-

tribute to functional recovery. These results add to our

understanding of structural and functional plasticity after lesions

in the adult CNS.

AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Marc Bolliger for his help with and loan of the

EMG set-up, Eric Rouiller for his expertise in establishing ICMS,

Hindlimb cortex controls forelimb after stroke Brain 2012: 135; 3265–3281 | 3279

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Wendy Kartje and Arko Ghosh for helpful advice and discussion

and Mirjam Gullo, Hansjorg Kasper and Stefan Giger for technical


FundingSwiss National Science Foundation (Grant number 3100AO-

122527/1); the National Centre for Competence in Research

‘Neural Plasticity and Repair’ of the Swiss National Science Foun-

dation; The European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme

FP7/2007-2013 (Grant numbers 201024 and 202213) (European

Stroke Network, www.europeanstrokenetwork.info/); The Euro-

pean Commission under the 7th Framework Programme—

HEALTH—Collaborative Project Plasticise (www.plasticise.eu)

(Grant number 223524) and The Spinal Cord Consortium of the

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

Supplementary materialSupplementary material is available at Brain online.

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Hindlimb cortex controls forelimb after stroke Brain 2012: 135; 3265–3281 | 3281

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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